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Rating Info and Tourney/Tournament Info


Don't read the info about the ratings before you've read everything else because knowing how to play in a tourney, etc is much more important. How the rating system works is only for the curious. The rating system is somewhat like DCI except slightly different and fairer for all people. All people start with 1,000 points. If you win a match in a tourney, you gain 10 points if they have a lower or equal rating and gain 20 points if they have a higer rating. If you lose a match in a tourney and the opponent's rating was higher, you lose 5 points. If you lose a match and your opponent's rating was lower, you lose 10 points. There are exceptions. If you have are playing in a tournament, points will vary. Unless you lose more than 75% of the time, your rating should be normally higher. If you were the winner of a tourney, you will gain 25 extra points. If you are the winner of a tournament, you will gain a whopping amount of points(to be declared before tournament if declared) E-mail me if you have any questions.

***Tourney/Tournament Rules&Info***

Tourneys can be held anytime in PWL chat by an authorized judge. Tournaments will be run by me unless I will be gone at the time and then the highest level judge that was the best qualifications will be left in charge of running it. There are no prizes for tourneys, they're just for fun and ratings. For some tournaments, there will be prizez. For the weekly tournaments on Saturday, there will be no prizes. For the Seasonal Tournament(every 3 months), there will be a decent prize that is equal or worth more than a current T2 card like Skizzik or Misdirection. For the Yearly Tournament(the big one~! once a year), there will be a larger prize worth as much or more than a card like Masticore, Mox Diamond, or a dual.

Specifically, the yearly tournaments will be on 10/7 every year(birth of the league). The seasonals will be approximatly 12/10, 3/10, 6/10, and 9/10. There is a big chance the timing will be changed. All tournaments will be announced at the PWL League Message Board and on the League front page where the annoucements are made. The Seasonal Tournaments will always rotate in format from t1, t1.x, and to t2. The Yearly Tournament's format will be determined by taking a poll to see what the favorite format is.
