Hiya Welcome to Randerzoid Cafe, where we bring the service home. Whether you want coffee. or just a snack...I will make sure me and the other sexy maids will serve you just right. The only thing that I can give you is actually fun fun fun. Randerzoid has a bunch of drawings that will hopefully make you smile. *Takes out camera* he also has pictures of himeself, and his best friend pictures. He said he was going to take a picture with me too once I am done explaining this to ya! ^_^

This googaly schmoogaly site is your new home for wacky entertainment. So if you are extrememly bored, and got nothing else to do...then you came to the right place. Go ahead and explore all the surprises that this site has in store. Other things will be added to the site as Randerzoid has time. I can't believe that he has finally changed the layout. Make sure to sign the Menu once your out of here so I can check if you liked the new design that Randerzoid has done. Time to explore no?

News and Updates
November 13, 2002 : Well I am still working on the website as you can see....I haven't had time to do much but I am trying to do a bit a day! I need suggestions...should I put or make more sim celebrity skins? Please Email me at WackoishKiddo@aol.com to give me a thumbs up or thumbs down on that one! I need input from the visitors so please don't hesitate to sign the guestbook or email me! I am gonna try to finish this soon so you can enjoy the site completely! Sayonara!