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Here you will find many FF7 pictures. I did not copy any of them from any webpage. I made them myself from my psx FF7 game, a program, and the computer. Here you should be be able to find almost any picture from the game once I get more pictures up. If there is a picture you want, just email me and I'll see what I can do for you. Please give me credit on your page if you use these pictures. This webpage isn't going to be fancy so it will load up faster than most graphic filled webpages. Some people can't seem to find the pictures, click on the menu that has default for a value and click on the arrows and select the character you're interested in. Note that not all have pictures for them yet. So just sit back and enjoy!!!


FF7 Pictures  : I don't have too many right now.


Final Fantasy Midi Files: click on them and windows media player should appear


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FF7 pictures, midis, and logo are (c) by Squaresoft.  Everything else is (c) by me.