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Possessed Chaos Space Marines

Here are the Possessed Chaos Space Marines, my favorite conversions.
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This is my best conversion so far. A Chaos Space Marine with an eyestalk for a head. I know what you're thinking, "How does he eat?" Well, who cares!? It's a model, not a person!


OK, for this one, I took whatever blades I might have: swords, scythes, etc., and glued them all over the fugure. Next, after I painted it, I just went all-out blood with the Red Ink.

Carnivorous Plant

This one has got a Venus Flytrap for a body. I put a head inside the mouth to give a sort of look that makes you think it could be a person in costume. I'm thinking Halloween here...

Possessed Marine with Tentacles on a Rock

This model was a featured model that I am very pleased with. It was a more recent attempt at making my own model, this one is made totally from spare parts.