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The Zombies Gallery. These are my most graphic models. I was hoping to submit one or more of them to GW's Gross-Out contest, but I didn't get my pictures up on time. Oh, well.
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The Hanging Man

This is the most hideous model from my first regiment, which is not to say that the others weren't disgusting in their own right. This is the main one I would have submitted to that contest. I hope you can see why...

The Headhunter

I call this one the Headhunter, for reasons that I think are apparent. This is the best from my current Zombie regiment so far. (I haven't finished the regiment yet, but I'm hoping that they'll be just as good, if not better.)

The Headhunter

Here's a close-up of the head that the Headhunter carries in his left hand. I just thought it had to be seen.