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Zombies-Page 2

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The Pitchfork

This is another favorite of mine in the Zombie Regiments. I know what you're thinking: How can this figure possibly be of any use when you consider that it's pinned to the ground? Well, this figure usually sits in the center of the unit, and suits the overall feel of the unit. Outside of the unit, it exists as a curious monstrosity, and an example of what my twisted little mind can come up with if properly encouraged.

Dell and Mr. Jingles

I call this model 'Dell and Mr. Jingles', after characters in Stephen Kings' "The Green Mile". Now, I know if it were really the Dell from the story, he's be charred beyond recognition, but I only named him that because of his rodent-friend.

The Legless Wonder

Someone once told me that I have a knack for building creatures that have no combat viability whatsoever. I guess this was the example. You know, just because a Zombie can't walk, doesn't mean he can't be a bloodthirsty killer...