Card Game for 2-4+ players.
The Thirty Years War took place in Germany from 1618-1648.
The main adversaries were the Catholics and the Protestants.
Each player takes the role of a Military Contractor of the age.
The goal is to use your skill as a general and an entrepreneur to amass wealth and fame. 

6 & 10-Sided dice are needed.
Paper & Pens are also needed to keep track of gold, reputation, and traits.

Players share a common deck.

Shuffle the Deck.
Each player is dealt 5 cards.
The player with the longest last name goes first.
Leaders start with a reputation score = 0 and 2D6 gold.

When the deck runs out, the player with the most Gold wins.
If two players are tied, the player with the highest Reputation score wins.

Each player controls a Leader.
Make–up a name, nationality, and history for your Leader.
Roll 3 times on the Leader trait table to see what Traits the leader starts with.

1D10	Trait:		Notes:
1	Strategy  	+1 to Campaign Rolls
2	Inheritance	Gain 2D6 Gold
3	Estates		Add 1 to Revenue rolls
4	Negotiations	+1 to Contract Rolls
5	Leadership	+1 to Hand Size
6	Recruitment	+1 to Recruitment Rolls 
7	Discipline	+1 to Upkeep Rolls
8	Title		Reputation +1
9	Etiquette	+1 to Employment Rolls
10	Entrepreneur	+1 to Draw Rolls

Every Leader has a reputation score.
A Leader starts the game with a Reputation Score = 0.
The score changes through play.
The score may be positive or negative.
The maximum reputation is +3.
The minimum is –3.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 6 phases:
1. Fate Phase
2. Negotiations Phase
3. Revenue Phase
4. Recruit Phase
5. Campaign Phase
6. Upkeep Phase

Draw 1D6 cards. This is the ‘Draw Roll’
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile and draw from it.
If the deck runs out twice the game ends.

Your Leader may try to find gainful employment.
Play an “Employer” card and roll 1D10. This is the ‘Employment Roll’
On a roll of 6-10+ you are hired.
Add your Reputation score to the roll.
If you are just hired roll 2D6. This is the ‘Contract Roll’
Add your Reputation score to the roll.
The result is your ‘Contract Score’
If you were hired previously you must renew your employment. 
Roll 1D10. This is the ‘Renewal Roll’
On a roll of 6+ you remain employed.
Add your Reputation score to the roll.
If you just renewed your employment, you may renegotiate your contract.
Make a new ‘Contract Roll’

Gain 1D3-1 free gold from savings, investments, contributions, estate 
incomes, financial backers, looting, etc.
This is the ‘Revenue Roll’
Gain Gold equal to your Contract Score.
Some cards will cause you to gain or loose Gold in this Phase.

You may recruit Military units.
Play units from your hand to the table face up.
For each card roll 1D10. This is the ‘Recruit Roll’
Add your reputation Score to the roll.
On a roll of 7-10+ the unit joins you and stays in play.
On a roll of 6 or less you must pay 1 gold to hire the unit (if not discard it).

You or an Opponent may play a Campaign Card only if you are currently employed.
Roll once on the Campaign Outcome Table.

This is called the 'Campaign Roll' 
1D10	Outcome:	        Reputation 	Casualties:
1-2	Terrible Defeat		-2 	 	Lose 1D6 +2 Units
3-4	Strategic Loss       	-1 	 	Lose 1D6 +1 Units
5-6	Hard Fought       	-- 	 	Lose 1D6 Units
7-8	Well Fought 		+1 	 	Lose 1D3 Units
9+	Great Victory		+2 	 	Lose 1D3 -1 Units
Before rolling, an opponent may play one ‘Adversary Card’ to decrease the result.
Before rolling, you may play ‘Strategy Cards’ to increase the result.
Subtract one from the roll if any of your troops are undisciplined.
Add one to your roll if you have at least one Infantry, one Cavalry, and 
one Artillery unit in your army.
If you lose all of your units in the Campaign suffer a -1 to your Reputation. 

Discard cards in your hand in excess of 7.
You must pay your units 1 gold each or they must individually roll on 
the Live Off the Land Table.
These are called ‘Upkeep Rolls'.

1D10	Result:
1-5	Loot & Disband (Discard unit)
6-10+	Remain but become Undisciplined
Subtract one from the roll if any of your troops are already undisciplined.
Place a token on any unit cards that are undisciplined.
You may pay 2 gold (Back-pay) to remove a token.
You or an opponent may play ‘Upkeep” cards to modify these rolls.

# = Number of that card in the Deck
E = Employer
I = Infantry
C = Cavalry
A = Artillery
U = Upkeep
X = Experience
V = Adversary
S = Strategy
R = Revenue
N = Negotiations
P = Campaign

Name of Card:			Type:	#	Notes:
Spanish Ruler of Netherlands	E	1
Spanish Hapsburgs       	E	1
Catholic Princes  		E	1
Duke of Bavaria			E	1
Count Palatine			E	1
King of France			E	1
French Duke			E	1
Dutch Hapsburgs			E	1
Holy Roman Emperor		E	1
King of Denmark			E	1
Protracted Campaign		N	1	Add 1 to Renewal Roll
Retainer	          	N	1	Add 2 to Renewal Roll
Loyal Service			N	1	Add 3 to Renewal Roll
Pikemen				I	3
Arquebusiers			I	4
Lancers				C	3
Reiter Cavalry			C	4
Field Cannons			A	4
Siege Guns			A	3
Area Depopulated	        U	1	Subtract 1 from Upkeep Rolls
Angry Peasant Attacks		U	1	Subtract 1 from Upkeep Rolls
Stragglers			U	1	Subtract 2 from Upkeep Rolls
Deserters			U	1	Subtract 2 from Upkeep Rolls
Plague				U	1	Subtract 3 from Upkeep Rolls
Pillage				U	1	Add 1 to Upkeep Rolls
Logistics Base			U	1	Add 2 to Upkeep Rolls
Occupation of Towns		U	1	Add 3 to Upkeep Rolls
Experience			X	5	Roll on Trait Table. Play in Upkeep phase
Bankruptcy 			N	1	Subtract 2 from Renewal or Contract Roll
Change Sides			N	1	Add 2 to Employment Roll
Negotiations			N	1	Add 2 to Contract Roll
Scandal				N	1	Subtract 1 from Renewal or Employment Roll
Ransom Payments			R	1	Add 1D6 to Revenue Roll
Contributions			R	1	Add 1D6 to Revenue Roll
Taxes				R	1	Add 1D6 to Revenue Roll
Tilly				V	1	Subtract 1 from Campaign Roll
Spinola				V	1	Subtract 1 from Campaign Roll
Bucquoi				V	1	Subtract 2 from Campaign Roll
Dampiere	          	V	1	Subtract 2 from Campaign Roll
Mansfield			V	1	Subtract 2 from Campaign Roll
Gallas				V	1	Subtract 3 from Campaign Roll
Wallenstein			V	1	Subtract 3 from Campaign Roll
Break Siege			S	1	Add 1 to Campaign Roll
Raiding Strategy	        S	1	Add 1 to Campaign Roll
Capture Garrison  		S	1	Add 1 to Campaign Roll
Blockade	          	S	1	Add 2 to Campaign Roll
Distraction			S	1	Add 2 to Campaign Roll
Concentrate against Weakness	S	1	Add 2 to Campaign Roll
Expand Base Area	        S	1	Add 3 to Campaign Roll
Persisting Strategy		S	1 	Add 3 to Campaign Roll
Spanish Tactics			S	1	Add 1 to Campaign Roll
Surprise	          	S	1	Add 3 to Campaign Roll
Art of Maneuver			S	1	Add 3 to Campaign Roll
Veteran Soldiers  		S	1	Add 1 to Campaign Roll or Upkeep Roll
Military Campaign       	P	8	-
Note: All cards that Modify Rolls must be played before the roll is made.

For 4+ players:  when the deck runs out the first time 
reshuffle the cards and add a new card: "1648 -End of War".
The game is over when this card is drawn (is immediately played).

In campaign phase you are not actually ever fighting another player or his units!
You fight an unnamed opposing force of unstated quantity or quality.
another player may play 1 Adversary card to make this opposing force more powerful.

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