INTRODUCTION Rules variants for the Avalon Hill Game: Axis & Allies Miniatures. EVENT DECK Include an Event Deck. Players share a common deck. Players draw 1 card at the beginning of their turn. Cards are played whenever appropriate. Max hand is 5 cards. Discard excess cards at the end of your turn. Card effects last for 1 turn unless otherwise stated. EVENT DECK CARD LIST Card Name Notes: Reinforcements Gain 2D6 points of units: They enter at your end of the board. Mine Target moving unit suffers a 15 dice attack. Air Superiority Opponent cannot play an Air Event cards for rest of game. Artillery Barrage All units in 3 adjacent hexes suffer a 10 dice attack each. Howitzers All units in 2 adjacent hexes suffer a 10 dice attack each. Field Artillery All units in 2 adjacent hexes suffer a 8 dice attack each. Fighter Strafe 2 adjacent units suffer a 12 dice attack each. Ground Support 2 adjacent units suffer a 12 dice attack each. Dive Bomber Target unit suffers a 14 dice attack. Bombing Run All units in target hex suffer a 12 dice attack each. Saturation Bombing All units in target hex suffer a 12 dice attack each. Fighter Cover Negate target Air Event card. Overcast Negate all Air Event cards for rest of game. Mud Negate Move by target Unit. Throw Track Target Vehicle cannot move for 3 turns. Break Transmission Target Vehicle cannot move for rest of game. Lay Down Smoke Negate target Attack. Mechanical Breakdown Target Vehicle cannot move for 4 turns. Dud Round Negate target attack vs vehicle by vehicle. Charge Non-Artillery Unit gets to make an extra Move. Rout Target Disrupted unit moves 2 Hexes away and cannot attack. Panic Target Disrupted unit moves 2 Hexes away and cannot attack. Pinned Target Unit cannot move. Fog of War Negate target Attack. Mobilize All Units adjacent to Target Leader get Speed +1. Rally All Units adjacent to Target Leader remove a Disrupted Counter. Direct Fire All Units adjacent to Target Leader get to make an extra attack. Momentum Vehicle gets to make an extra Move. Opportunity Fire Unit gets to make an extra Attack. Radio Communications Unit gets to make an extra Attack or Move. Out of Gas Target Vehicle cannot move for 2 turns. Out of Ammo Target Unit cannot attack for 2 turns. Resupply Target Unit cannot attack or move this turn. Hull Down Target Vehicle gets Defense +2. Swarm Tank Target Unit gets Close Assault +3. Camouflage Target Unit gets Defense +2. Entrenched Target Unit cannot move and gets Defense +2. Suppression Fire Put Disrupted Counter on target unit in Range. Lost Orders Negate target Move. Concealment Target Unit gets Defense +2. Shell Shock Do not remove Disrupted counter from target unit. Grenades Infantry get Attack +2 at Short Range. Infiltrate Infantry unit gets an extra move to enter a hex with enemy units. Forward Observer Target Unit gets Attack +2 at Medium or Long Range. Ariel Reconnaissance Look at Opponents Hand. Military Intelligence Look at next 6 cards in deck. Surprise Target Unit gets Attack +2 Ambush Target Unit gets Attack +4 for Defensive Fire LINKS Wikki Page Axis & Allies Homepage Axis & boardgamegeek NOTES I just got the Starter Box and 2 Boosters. (9 Vehicles: Only 1 is German and 2 are jeeps) My 7 year old son really likes it- it's a good teaching tool.

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