Card game for 2-7 players.
Based on the computer game Alpha Centauri by Sid Meier.
Alpha Centauri is a licensed, copyrighted product.
This is merely a fansite.
Players share a common deck.
Card types include:
Events, Technologies, Structures, Special Projects,
Landmarks, Proposals, and Social Engineering
Use Tokens to keep track of:
Bases (Cities)
Units (Military forces)
Credits (Income)
Each player also gets a set of markers of a unique color
There are 6 Social Factors (SF):
Population, Economics, Research, Military, Ecology, Espionage.
SF's are also referred to as Scores.
SF's are broken down into Sub-factors.
There are 4 types of Victory:
Diplomatic, Economic, Conquest, Transcendence
The first player to achieve any one of these wins the game.
Total Population SF >30
and be Planetary Governor for 3 turns in a row.
Total Economics SF > 50
Capture 1+ Bases
Total Military SF >40
Research Factor >40 or Ecology Factor >20
Each player picks one Faction
Each player starts with one Base & 10 Units.
Each player is dealt a hand of 7 cards.
The 7 Factions are:
Believers, Gaians, Hive, Morgan Industries,
Peacekeepers, Spartans, University
Aggressive, Explore, Conquer, Fundamentalist
In Conflicts add +2 to their Force Total
Probe Table rolls vs this Faction are at +1
Believers get -1 to rolls on the Research Table.
Starting Ecology Score = -2
Starting Population Control Score = +2
May not play Knowledge Z card
Pacifist, Explore, Green
They may never Attack, only Defend, in Conflict Phase.
When encountering Mind Worms, they gain Units instead of losing them.
They get an extra roll each turn on the Exploration Table.
Starting Ecology Score = +1
Starting Population Control Score = -1
Starting Military Morale Score = -1
Starting Efficiency Score = +2
May not play Free Market Z card
Aggressive, Conquer, Build, Police State
Starting Population Growth Score = +1
Starting Industry Score = +1
Starting Commerce Score = -2
Starting Military Defense Score = +2
Starting Population Control Score = +2
May not play Democracy Z card
Pacifist, Build, Free Market
They may never Attack, only Defend, in Conflict Phase.
Starting Commerce Score = +3
Begins game with extra 50 Credits
Starting Industry Score = +2
Starting Military Support Score = -1
Bases cost an extra 5 credits to build
May not play Planned Z card
Explore, Discover, Democracy
The Peacekeepers get 10 Free Votes in Council Phase.
Starting Efficiency Score = -1
Starting Population Growth Score = +1
Starting Population Control Score = +3
Peacekeepers get to draw an extra card once per turn.
May not play Police State Z card
Discover, Conquer, Power
Starting Military Morale Score = +2
Starting Population Control Score = +1
Starting Industry Score = -1
Starting Military Mobility Score = +2
Starting Military Support Score = +2
May not play Wealth Z card
Discover, Knowledge
Opponent's who roll 8+ on Probe Table vs University may reroll.
Starting Research Infrastructure Score = +4
Starting Population Control Score = -2
University gets an extra roll on the Research Table once per turn.
May not play Fundamentalist Z card
Each turn has 16 Phases:
1. Production Phase
2. Upkeep Phase
3. Planning Phase
4. Population Control Phase
5. Ecological Disruption Phase
6. Diplomacy Phase
7. Probe Phase
8. Council Phase
9. Exploration Phase
10. Research Phase
11. Build Phase
12. Discovery Phase
13. Conflict Phase
14. Construction Phase
15. Social Engineering Phase
16. End Phase
Each player gains credits =
Each of your first 5+X Bases earns 5 Credits each.
Your next 5+X Bases earn 4 Credits each.
Additional Bases earn 3 Credits each.
(X = Economy Efficiency Score)
Earn Credits = Economy Industry Score
Earn Credits = Economy Agriculture Score
Earn Credits = Economy Mining Score
Earn Credits = Economy Commerce Score
Earn Credits = Economy Transport Score
Earn Credits = Ecology Score (Xenofungus cultivation)
Each Trade Pact earns credits =
(# of your Bases) x (2 + Economic Commerce Score)
(Trade Pacts are made/broken in Diplomacy Phase)
Each Unit costs 1 Credit upkeep to Maintain.
You cannot have more units than:
# of your Bases x (5 + Military Support Score)
Each player draws 1 card.
Players may pay 10 Credits (repeatedly for each extra card) to draw a extra cards.
If the number of your bases exceeds your Population
Control Score +3, you will have Drone (Unhappy Citizens) Riots.
You lose 1D10 credits per point of difference.
Disruption Score = (Economic Score + Bases – Ecology Score)
For every 10 points of Disruption rounding down, your
Faction will lose 1D10 credits due to resistance by native life forms.
(Uncontrolled Blooms of polluted Xenofungus)
Players may make agreements & trades with each other.
Players may make trade pacts with each other.
For every 5 levels of Espionage SF you have rounding up, you may
Roll once on the Probe table. Pick a target before rolling.
You may pay 10 Credits (repeatedly) to roll an extra time on the Probe Table.
1D10 Result Notes:
1 Mind Control Take 1D5 Units from Opponent
2 Steal Technology Put a Marker on an opponent’s Tech
3 Sabotage Base Opponent loses 2D10 Credits
4 Infiltrate Datalinks Look at opponent’s Hand
5 Incite Drone Riots Opponent loses 1D10 Credits
6 Drain Energy Reserves Take 1D10 Credits from Opponent
7+ Nothing
Players try to gain the position of Planetary Governor.
Players may only vote for themselves.
The player with the highest Economic SF gets 10 votes.
The player with the highest Research SF gets 10 votes.
The player with the highest Military SF gets 10 votes.
The player with the highest Population SF gets 10 votes.
The player with the highest Espionage SF gets 10 votes.
The player with the highest Ecology SF gets 10 votes.
The player with the most Secret Projects gets 10 votes.
The player with the most Bases gets 10 votes.
The player with the most Facilities gets 10 votes.
The player with the most Units gets 10 votes.
The Previous Governor gets 10 votes.
Players may secretly bid Credits. Each credit bid gains 1 vote.
The Winner becomes Planetary Governor until the next Council Phase.
The current Governor may play Proposal cards at the end of this Phase.
The Governor earns double from trade pacts.
The Governor may prevent one attack this turn in Conflict Phase.
Players may play Landmark cards in this phase.
A Landmark is a natural feature of the planets surface.
It does not cost anything to play a Landmark.
Each player Rolls once on the Exploration Table:
1D10 Result: Notes:
1 Mind Worm Activity Lose Units = 1D10 – (MP +C)
2 Unity Pod Gain 1D10 Credits
3 Monolith Draw 1 card
4 Alien Artifact Draw 1 card
5 Xenofungus EA+1
6 Elevation EE+1
7 Rocky EM+1
8+ Nothing
Each player makes one free roll on the Research Table:
1D10 Result: Notes:
1-2 Dead End Nothing
3-4 Progress Get +1 to next roll on this Table
5-6 Copy Technology Put a Marker on an Opponent’s Tech
7+ Breakthrough Put a Tech card from your hand into play
Pay 10 Credits to get an extra roll on the Research Table (you can do this repeatedly).
A player with a Marker on an opponent's Tech also knows that Tech & gets the
Bonuses from it, just like the original controller does.
LIMIT: You cannot have more Facilities in play than Technologies you know.
LIMIT: You cannot have more SP's in play than Facilities you own.
Players may put Facilities & Secret Projects into play from their hands.
Facilities cost 20 Credits.
Secret Projects cost 40 Credits.
The player with the most levels in a given SF will receive a Reward:
Social Factor: Reward:
C = Planetary Ecology Extra roll on the Exploration Table
EE = Economy Energy Gain Credits = EE
EC = Economy Commerce Gain Credits = EC
ET = Economy Transport Gain Credits = ET
EI = Economy Industry Gain Credits = EI
EM = Economy Mining Gain Credits = EM
EA = Economy Agriculture Gain Credits = EA
RB = Research Biology Play a Population or Ecology Tech card for free
RP = Research Physics Play a Military or Economy Tech card for free
RI = Research Infrastructure Extra roll on the Research Table
PG = Population Growth You may Build an extra base this turn
PC = Population Control Play an Economy or Population Tech card for free
Players may decide to attack each other with Military units.
Each player may attack one other player this phase (Pacifists cannot attack).
Aggressive factions may attack twice in this phase (2 opponents once or 1 opponent twice).
Players secretly write down which Faction they are attacking.
Reveal attack orders randomly & Resolve attacks as they are revealed.
Each side in a Battle generates a Force Total as determined on the Conflict Table:
Military Factor: Force Bonus
Most levels in MA = Military Attack 1
Most levels in MD = Military Defense 1
Most levels in MM = Military Mobility 1
Most levels in ME = Military EW 1
Most levels in MS = Military Support 1
Most levels in MO = Military Morale 1
Most levels in MP = Military Psi 1
You have More Units 1
Double the Units 2
Triple the Units 3
Quadruple Units or More 4
You are the Defender 1
Opponent already fought this Phase 1
Enemy Comitted Atrocity within 5 turns 2
Fog of War (Both players roll...) 1D10
Add up the Force Bonuses of each side to get their respective Force Totals.
The Higher total is the Winner.
The Winner has 1D5 of his Units Destroyed.
The Loser has 1D10 of his Units Destroyed.
The Winner cannot lose more units than the loser.
If the Defender loses all his Units in play, the attacker captures one of his Bases.
Note: The Attacker cannot use MD generated by his Facilities.
A Base costs 20 Credits.
You can build a max of 1 Base per turn.
You cannot have Bases in excess of your Economic SF + Population SF
A Unit costs 2 Credits. You may build any number of Units (Remember Upkeep Costs).
Players may play 1 Social Engineering (Z) card each.
A Z card costs 20 Credits to play (Upheaval Cost).
There are 4 types of Z cards:
Politics, Economics, Values, & Futures
A player may have no more than 1 of each type in play.
A player may buy a new one to discard an old one.
Max hand size is 8 cards.
Discard excess cards.
F = Facilities
S = Secret Project
V = Event
T = Technology
L = Landmark
X = Proposal
Z = Social Engineering
DTB = Destroy Target Base
TPLU = Target Player loses Units = 1D10 – MP
SCP = Skip Conflict Phase
E = Economy (Major)
M = Military (Major)
R = Research (Major)
P = Population (Major)
C = Planetary Ecology (Major)
B = Espionage (Major)
EE = Economy Energy
EC = Economy Commerce
EF = Economy Efficiency
ET = Economy Transport
EI = Economy Industry
EI = Economy Mining
EA = Economy Agriculture & Terraforming
MA = Military Attack & Weapons
MD = Military Defense
MM = Military Mobility & Coordination
ME = Military Electronic Warfare
MS = Military Support
MO = Military Morale
MP = Military Psi Combat
RB = Research Medical Biology & Genetics
RP = Research Mathematics & Physical Science
RI = Research Infrastructure, Computers & Applied Engineering
PG = Population Growth & Habitation
PC = Population Control & Pacification
Name Type Notes
Aerospace Complex F MM+1 ET+1
Bioenhancement Center F MO+2
Biology Lab F RB+2
Centauri Preserve F C+2
Children’s Creche F PG+2
Command Center F MM+2
Energy Bank F EE+2
Fusion Lab F RP+1 EE+1
Hab Complex F PG+2
Habitation Dome F PG+2
Headquaters F EF+1
Hologram Theatre F PP+2
Hybrid Forest F C+1 EA+1
Nanohospital F RB+1 PC+1
Nanoreplicator F EM+2
Naval Yard F MM+1 ET+1
Nessus Mining Station F EM+2
Network Node F RI+2
Orbital Defense Pod F MM+1 MD+1
Orbital Power Transmitter F EE+2
Paradise Garden F PC+2
Perimeter Defense F MD+2
Pressure Dome F PG+2
Psi Gate F MM+2
Punishment Sphere F PC+2
Quantum Converter F EM+2
Quantum Lab F RP+2
Recreation Commons F PC+2
Recycling Tanks F EA+2
Research Hospital F RB+1 PC+1
Robotic Assembly Plant F EI+2
Skunkworks F RI+2
Sky Hydroponics Labs F EA+2
Stockpile Energy F EE+2
Tachyon Field F MD+2
Temple of Planet F C+2
Tree Farm F C+1 EA+1
Ascent to Transcendence S C+4
Ascetic Virtues S PC+4
Bulk Matter Transmitter S ET+4
Citizens Defense Force S MD+4
Clinical Immortality S PG+2 RI+2
Cloning Vats S PG+4
Command Nexus S MM+4
Cyborg Factory S MS+4
Dream Twister S PC+2 MP+2
Empath Guild S C+4
Human Genome Project S RB+4
Hunter Seeker Algorithm S B+4
Living Refinery S EM+4
Longevity Vaccine S PG+2 RI+2
Maritime Control Center S ET+2 MM+2
Merchant Exchange S EC+4
Nano Factory S EI+4
Network Backbone S RI+2 EC+2
Neural Amplifier S MP+4
Pholus Mutagen S C+4
Planetary Datalinks S RI+4
Planetary Transit System S ET+4
Self-Aware Colony S PC+4
Singularity Inductor S EM+4
Space Elevator S ET+4
Supercollider S RP+4
Telepathic Matrix S PC+2 B+2
Theory of Everything S RP+4
Universal Translator S RI+2 PC+2
Virtual World S PC+4
Voice of Planet S C+4
Weather Paradigm S C+2 EA+2
Xenoempathy Dome S C+4
Particle Impactor T MA+1
Chaos Field Disruptor T MA+1
Fusion Laser T MA+1
Tachyon Bolt T MA+2
Plasma Shard T MA+2
Quantum Laser T MA+3
Graviton Gun T MA+3
Singularity Laser T MA+4
Compelled Dissociative Psi Attack T MP+2
Synthmetal Armor T MD+1
Composite Plasma Steel Armor T MD+1
Bonded Silksteel Armor T MD+1
Refractive Field Photon Wall T MD+2
Phasic Probability Sheath T MD+2
Kinetic Diffusion Neutronium Armor T MD+3
Reactive Antimatter Plate T MD+3
Temporal Field Stasis Generator T MD+4
Psi Defense Pattern Refraction T MP+2
Gravships T MM+2
Air Superiority T MM+2
Blink Displacer T MM+1 MD+1
Clean Reactor T MS+2
Cloaking Device T ME+4
Fission Plant T MS+1
Fusion Reactor T MS+2
Quantum Chamber T MS+3
Singularity Engine T MS+4
Advanced Tracking Systems T ME+1
Carrier Deck Mobile Airbase T MM+2
Comm Jammer T ME+2
Drop Pods T MM+2
Deep Radar T ME+2
Deep Pressure Hull T MM+2
Empath Song T MP+1 C+1
Fungicide Tanks T C+2
Elite Forces T MO+2
Super Former T C+1 E+1
Non-Lethal Methods T PC+2
Polymorphic Encryption T B+1 ME+1
Hypnotic Trance T MP+2
Advanced Transports T MM+1 MS+1
Ecological Engineering T C+1 EA+1
Advanced Military Algorithms T MM+2
Advanced Spaceflight T MM+1 ET+1
Subatomic Theory T RP+2
Gravitonics T RP+1
Applied Physics T RI+1 RP+1
Applied Relativity T RI+1 RP+1
Bio-Engineering T RB+1 RI+1
Biogenetics T RB+1 RI+1
Biomachinery T RB+1 RI+1
Centauri Ecology T C+2
Centauri Empathy T C+1 EM+1
Centauri Meditation T C+1 EE+1
Centauri Psi T C+1 EA+1
Cyberethics T PC+1 MS+1
Digital Sentience T B+2
Air Power Doctrine T MM+2
Flexibility Doctrine T MM+1 MS+1
Loyalty Doctrine T MO+1 PC+1
Mobility Doctrine T MM+2
Ecological Engineering T EA+2
Ethical Calculus T PC+2
Eudaimonia T PC+2
Frictionless Surfaces T RI+1 ET+1
Fusion Power T EE+2
Gene Splicing T RB+1 EA+1
High Energy Chemistry T RP+1 EM+1
Homo Superior T MO+1 B+1
Industrial Automation T EI+2
Industrial Economics T EI+1 EC+1
Industrial Nanorobotics T EI+1 EM+1
Information Networks T RI+2
Intellectual Integrity T PC+2
Matter Compression T RP+1 EM+1
Matter Editation T RP+1 EM+1
Matter Transmission T RP+1 ET+1
Mind/Machine Interface T MO+1 B+1
Monopole Magnets T RP+1 EE+1
Nanometallurgy T RP+1 EM+1
Nanominiaturization T RI+1 RP+1
Neural Grafting T MO+1 B+1
Nonlinear Mathematics T RI+2
Nutrient Tanks F EA+1 PG+1
Optical Computers T RI+2
Orbital Spaceflight T MM+2
Organic Superlubricant T RB+1 RI+1
Planetary Economics T EC+2
Planetary Networks T RI+2
Polymorphic Software T RI+1 B+1
Pre-Sentient Algorithms T RI+1 B+1
Probability Mechanics T RI+1 RP+1
Quantum Machinery T EI+2
Quantum Power T MS+1 EE+1
Retroviral Engineering T RP+2
Secrets of Alpha Centauri T C+1 EE+1
Secrets of Creation T RP+2
Secrets of the Human Brain T MP+1 PC+1
Self-Aware Machines T B+1 RI+1
Sentient Econometrics T EC+2
Advanced Alloys T MD+1 EM+1
Singularity Mechanics T EE+1 RP+1
Social Psych T PC+2
Super Tensile Solids T MD+1 EM+1
Super String Theory T RP+2
Temporal Mechanics T RP+1 EE+1
The Will to Power T C+1 PC+1
Threshold of Transcendence T C+1 EM+1
Transcendent Thought T C+2
Freshwater Sea L EA+2
Garland Crater L EM+2
Geothermal Shallows L EE+2
Monsoon Jungle L EA+2
Mount Planet L EE+1 EM+1
New Sargasso L EA+2
Pholus Ridge L EE+2
Sunny Mesa L EE+2
The Ruins L C+2
Uranium Flats L EE+2
The Great Dunes L EE+2
Soil Enricher F EA+2
Kelp Farm F EA+2
Mining Platform F EM+2
Solar Collector F EE+2
Tidal Harness F EE+2
Bunker F ED+2
Sensor Arrays F ME+2
Atmospheric Condenser F EA+2
Airbase F MM+2
Echelon Mirror F EE+2
Mag Tubes F ET+2
Aquifer Drill F EA+2
Thermal Borehole F EE+2
Nerve Stapling T SC+2
Genetic Warfare V DTB Atrocity
Biological Warfare V DTB Atrocity
Nerve Gas V DTB Atrocity
Planet Buster V DTB Atrocity
Nuclear Attack V DTB Atrocity
Alien Plague V DTB
Ecological Disaster V DTB
Seismic Upheaval V DTB
Locusts of Chiron V TPLU
Mind Worm Boil V TPLU
Isle of the Deep V TPLU
Solar Flare V SCP
Temporary Alliance V SCP
Balance of Power V SCP
Peace Treaty V SCP
Uneasy Truce V SCP
Golden Age V SCP
Global Terraforming X All Players get 25 Credits
UN Charter X SCP
Melt Ice Caps X All Players draw 5 Cards
Salvage Unity Fusion Core X All players get 50 Credits
Global Trade Pact X All Players get 25 Credits
Launch Solar Shade X All Players draw 5 Cards
Police State (Politics) Z MS+2 PC+2 EF-1
Democratic (Politics) Z EF+1 PG+2 MS-2
Fundamentalist (Politics) Z B+2 MO+2 RI-2
Free Market (Economics) Z EC+4 C-1 PC-1
Planned (Economics) Z PG+2 EI+2 EF-1
Green (Economics) Z EF+1 C+2 PG-2
Power (Values) Z MS+2 MO+2 EI-2
Knowledge (Values) Z RI+2 EF+1 PC-2
Wealth (Values) Z EC+2 EI+2 MO-2
Cybernetic (Future) Z EF+1 C+1 RI+1 PC-2
Eudaimonic (Future) Z EC+2 PG+1 EI +1 MO-2
Thought Control (Future) Z MO+1 PC+2 B+1 MS-2
Apolyton AC