by c gerard luft
2 player game.
Players take the roles of the first foundation (psychohistorians) and
the second foundation (mentalists).
They compete for control of the future second galactic empire.
One shared deck, composed of 1 of each card listed below.
In addition to the play deck, you will need six-sided dice.
The player who first wins the SECOND GALACTIC EMPIRE PHASE (GE2) wins.
Each player draws 7 cards to start.
Players play the turn simultaneously.
Each player draws 5 cards
Each player may play down cards with a +1(or more) rp modifier on them.
Only first foundation players may play cards with a 1F perquisite and only second
Foundation players can use 2F cards.
Cards with a "-" perquisite can be played by either player.
This rule applies to each phase.
Each player may roll 1D6 plus 1D6 for each "+ rp" on the cards he played.
If one of the players rolls is at least 3 times as great as the others roll, than he wins.
The winner May play any card with "cr" perquisite for the remainder of the turn.
As per above but cards played will have +1(or more) pp.
If their is a winner in this phase, he may use cards with "cp" perquisite for
the remainder of the turn. He now controls the outer systems.
As above, but now cards with "+1(or greater) ip" can be played.
If there is a winner he may now use cards with the "ci" requisite.
He now controls the inner systems, the remains of the first galactic empire.
Same as above, but cards with +1(or greater) ge2 are used.
If there is a winner, than he wins the game.
The opponent player has the robot daneel olivaw, gaia, bliss or galaxia card, he
may play it now thwarting the other players win.
If there is no winner or the win is thwarted then the game continues.
Each player discards the cards he played.
Each player who has more than 12 cards in his hand must discard to
bring his hand down to 12. And another turn begins.
Card name: Notes:
hari seldon +3rp
hyperspace jump +2rp
hyperspace relay draw 2 extra cards
traders +1rp
trader limmar ponyets +1rp
trader gorm +1rp
master trader gorov +2rp
trader ship +1rp
ether beam draw 2 extra cards
master trader mallow +2rp
traders convention +3rp
far star trader +1rp
assoc independent traders +3rp
gaia thwart opponents win
bliss thwart opponents win
daneel olivaw thwart opponents win
dors seldon remove hari from discard pile and put in hand
galaxia thwart opponent win
hyperspatial comm. draw 2 extra cards
mayor hardin 1f +2rp or pp
mathist dornick 1f +2rp or pp
pirenne 1f +2rp
planet terminus 1f +3rp or pp
terminus city 1f +2rp
time vault 1f +4rp
councilman lee 1f +1rp
councilman sermak 1f +1rp
psychohistory 1f +3rp
father aport 1f +2pp
primate publis 1f +3pp
missionary parma 1f +1pp
councilman twer 1f +1rp
capt. Pritcher 1f +2 4ge2
mayor indbur 1f +1rp
bayta 1f +2rp
toran 1f +2rp
Mayor branna 1f +1rp
museum of origins 1f +2rp
golan trevize 1f +3rp or +2 ge2
security director kodell 1f +1rp
prof janov pelorat 1f +3rp or +2ge2
arkady darell 1f +3rp
mentallics 2f +2Ge2
university of trantor 2f +2rp
ebling mis 2f +2rp
the mule 2f +3pp or ip
viso-sonor 2f +2pp or ip
imperial university 2f +3rp
lee sinter 2f +1rp
first speaker 2f +3rp or ip
wanda seldon 2f +3rp
first speaker quindar 2f +2rp or ip
stor gendibal 2f +2rp
benjoam 2f +1rp
language of the speakers 2d +2Rp
Council of speakers 2f +2rp
prime radiant 2f +3rp
deviation blue 2f +1rp
hyperplan 2f +2rp
century of deviations 2f +2rp
microradiant 2f +2rp
sura novi 2f +2ge2
delarmi 2f +1rp
chang 2f +1rp
councilman compor 2f +2rp
planet trantor 2f +3rp or ip
encyclopedia galactica cr +3ge2
atom blasters cr +1ge2
personal force shield cr +1ge2
origins question cr +1pp
atomic fussion reactos cr +2pp
hyperatomic drive cr +2pp
priesthood cr +2pp
radioactive synthetics cs +1pp
board of navigation cr +3Ip
Planet anacreon cr +2pp
planet glyptal iv cr +1ip
planet askone cr +2ip
transmuter cr +2ip
planet korell cr +2pp
nuclear shields cr +2ge2
fx controler cr +2pp or ip
planet sayshell cr +2pp
far star pocket battleship cr +3ge2
gravitic hyperdrive cr +2ge2
planet smyrno cr +2pP
planet neotrantor cr +3ip
planet kalgan cr +2ip
planet radole cr +2ip
planet haven cs +2ip
olanjen hyperspatial theory cr +2pp
planet haven ii cr +2ip
planet comporellan cr +2ip
planet aurora cr +2pP
planet solaria Cr +2pp
planet melpomenia cr +2pp
planet alpha cr +2pp
planet earth cr +3ge2
the moon cr +2ge2
planet siwena cr +1pp
kingdom of anacreon cp +1ge2
anselm haut roderic cp +1Ge2
king of anacreon cp +1ge2
prefect of smyrno cp +1ge2
lord dorwin cp +1ge2
four kingdoms cp +1ge2
ambassador verisof cp +1ge2
king leopold cp +1ge2
prince weinis cp +1ge2
thessaklekin temple cp +1ge2
flagship weinis cp +3ge2
sayshel officer cp +1ge2
korellian ship cp +2ge2
commador of korell cp +1ge2
Dark nebula cp +1ge2
zeonan revolt cp +1ge2
foundation navy battleship cp +2ge2
terminus city journal cp +1ge2
port master kendray cp +1ge2
minister lizalor cp +1ge2
auroran robot cp +1ge2
solorian robot cp +1ge2
bander cp +1ge2
fallom cp +1ge2
melpomenia moss cp +1ge2
Hiroko cp +1ge2
ling chen ci +1ge2
emperor cleon i ci +1ge2
imperial cruiser ci +2ge2
grandmaster of askone ci +1ge2
patrician orrha ii ci +1ge2
space pirates ci +1ge2
emporor stannel vi ci +1ge2
imperial admiral Ci +1ge2
techman ci +1ge2
gen. Riose ci +2ge2
ducem barr ci +1ge2
Sennet forel ci +1ge2
scout ship ci +1ge2
cmd. Yume ci +1ge2
emperor cleon ii ci +1ge2
lemul cluster ci +1ge2
council of lords ci +2ge2
privy sec. ci +1ge2
imperial garrisons ci +1ge2
field disruptor ci +1ge2
imperial great ship ci +2ge2
lord broding ci +1ge2
emperor dagabert ix ci +1ge2
emperor dagabert x ci +1ge2
imperial ship of the line ci +2ge2
imperial news ci +1ge2