Card game for 2 Players. 
One player is the Americans. 
The other player is the Taliban. 
Theme: 2006-2010+ Simulation of the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan
following the Taliban resurgence after the US led Invasion in 2001. 

The game ends when a turn starts and there are no cards left in the deck. 

The player in control of the most Influence Tokens and Strength Points worth 
of Allies at the end of the game wins. 

Players share a common deck. 
There are 3 types of cards: 
1. Ally Cards
2. Event Cards
3. Action Cards

Ally cards represent Governments, Leaders, Military Organizations, 
Political Institutions, Factions, and all manner of groups and individuals that 
can contribute to the Strength of one or both sides. 
Allies come in 3 Types: 
American Allies (Only the American player may Control them) 
Taliban Allies (Only the Taliban player may Control them) 
Neutral Allies (Either Player may control them)
Taliban and American Allies are collectively called Aligned Allies. 

These cards can be used to make or strengthen an attack. 
Some have special abilities that go off when the attack is made. 
Some have special abilities that allow them to be used in 
non-attack functions. 

These cards produce effects that are not direct attacks. 

Ally and Action cards have a Strength Rating (SR) ranging from 3 to 9. 
SR on Ally cards count towards victory at the end of the game. 
SR on Action cards contribute to the total Strength of an Attack. 
SR on Ally cards are used to defend against Attacks. 

Players share a common set of Influence Tokens (IT). 
They represent a measure of a number of factors including: Political Will, Morale, 
Organization, Intelligence, Military Power, Survivability, Recruiting Capacity, 
Diplomatic Skill, and Economic Resources.  
They count towards Victory at the end of the game. 
These are used to recruit Allies. 
They can be used to initiate extra attacks. 
You cannot have negative IT. 

Shuffle the deck. 
Each player is dealt 5 cards. 
Each player starts with 20 Influence Tokens. 
The Taliban Player goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 6 Phases: 
1. Logistics Phase
2. Strategy Phase
3. Event Phase
4. Recruit Phase
5. Attack Phase
6. End Phase

Gain 7 Influence Tokens. 
Certain Allies will allow you to gain addition IT in this Phase. 

Draw 2 cards from the top of the Deck. 
You may draw extra Cards for 3 Influence Tokens each. 

Unless the stated otherwise Event cards are played in this Phase. 
Event cards are discarded after their effect is resolved. 

You may play 1 or more Allies. 
You must pay the cost for each Ally in Influence Tokens. 
The base cost of each ally is 2 less than its Strength Point Rating. 
Allies are placed face up in front of you. 
If you don't have the IT you can't buy it. 

An attack against a Neutral Ally is made to Control. 
An attack against an Aligned Ally is made to Neutralize. 
(Note: Neutralized does not necessarily mean utterly destroyed, 
rather the Ally has had its effectiveness substantially reduced) 
The target of the attack is the Defender. 
If a Control Attack is successful you gain control of the 
Ally: Move its card over to your side. 
If a Neutralization Attack is successful, discard the target Ally. 
To make an attack you must play 1 or more Action cards. 
The combined strength ratings of the action cards must exceed the 
Strength rating of the target Ally card. 
You get 1 Free attack per turn. 
Additional Attacks cost 3 Influence Points each. 
Action cards are discarded after an attack is resolved. 
Instead of Attacking a players Allies you may attack their IT instead. 
This is called an Attrition Attack. 
The player targeted by an Attrition Attack loses IT equal to 
the Strength of the Attack.  If the target goes to zero IT (or is 0 IT to 
begin with) the attacker gains 2 IT. 

Max hand size is 7 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

T = Taliban only can use this card (If Ally it is Aligned) 
A = American only can use this card (If Ally it is Aligned)
B = Both players can use this card (If Ally it is Neutral) 
SR = Strength Rating
IT = Influence Tokens
FEGS = For End Game Scoring
Martyrs = Owner may Substitute this card for the target of an attack
Reserves = In your End Phase Discard 1 Card to bring it back from Discard and 
put it in your hand
IBT = If Controlled by the Taliban, the Taliban get…
IBA = If Controlled by the Americans, the Americans get…
(H) = Hidden Ally: Immune to bonuses to Neutralize
(S) = Symbolic Ally: Immune to bonuses to Control

Name:				SR	Type	Use	Notes:
Foreign Fighters       		4	Ally	T	Reserves
Drug Dealers			5	Ally	T	Draw 1 extra card per turn
Poppy Farmers			4	Ally	B	+2 FEGS
Local Warlords			3	Ally	B	+1 to all Attacks to Neutralize
Bribery				5	Act	B	+3 to Control
Government Ministers		4	Ally	B	Gain 1 IT per turn
Corruption			-	Event	B	Discard target Neutral Ally
Hearts and Minds       		3	Act	A	+3 to Control
IUD’s				4	Act	T	+3 to Attrition
NATO Troops			3	Ally	A	If Neutralized lose 2 IT
Afghan Police			4	Ally	B	Opponents Hand Size -1
Afghan Military			5	Ally	B	Opponents Hand Size -1
Executions			3	Act	T	+3 to Neutralize
Drone Strikes			3	Act	A	+3 to Neutralize
Al Qaeda			8	Ally	T	Steal 1 IT per turn 
Subversion			6	Act	T	+3 to Control
Pacification			6	Act	A	+3 to Neutralize
Surge				-	Event	A	Draw 3 Cards & Gain 5 IT
Iranian Involvement		6	Ally	T	(H) Gain 1 IT per turn
Pakistani Support		7	Ally	T	Gain 1 IT per turn
Insurgency			6	Act	T	Gain 1 Extra Free Attack to Control
Madrassas			7	Ally	T	Ally cards cost 1 less IT
Mountain Villages		4	Ally	B	IBT All Allies are +1 to Defend
Tribal Elders			6	Ally	B	+1 to All Attacks to Control
US Army				7	Ally	A	+1 to All Attacks to Control
US Marines			6	Ally	A	+1 to All Attrition Attacks
US Intelligence			8	Ally	A	(H) Draw 1 extra card per turn
US Rangers			5	Ally	A	Discard 1 card to give target Attack +1
US Air Force			9	Ally	A	Extra Attacks cost 1 less IT each
Terror Tactics			5	Act	T	+3 to Attrition
Remote Outpost			3	Ally	B	(S) +4 FEGS
Moderate Mullahs       		4	Ally	B	Hand Size +1
Suicide Bombers			3	Act	T	+3 to Attrition
Manipulate the Media		-	Event	B	Opponent discards 3 Random Cards
Asymmetric Warfare		3	Act	B	Discard to Negate Attack to Neutralize
Guerilla Warfare       		4	Act	T	Discard to Negate Attack to Neutralize
Most Wanted List       		3	Act	A	+3 to Neutralize
Body Count			3	Act	B	+3 to Attrition
Join Winning Side		3	Act	B	+3 to Control
Waiting Game			-	Event	T	Discard to Negate Attack to Neutralize
Build Infrastructure		-	Event	A	Gain 7 IT
World Opinion			-	Event	B	Steal 2 Random Cards from Opponent
Complex Politics       		3	Act	B	Discard to Negate Attack to Control
President Karzai       		8	Ally	B	Hand Size +1
Occupation			9	Act	A	Gain 1 Extra Free Attack to Control
ISAF				4	Ally	A	Reserves
Northern Alliance		8	Ally	A	+1 to All Attacks to Control
Kabul				9	Ally	B	(S) Discard X Cards to gain X IT
Reconstruction			-	Event	A	Play 1 Ally for Free
Army Corps of Engineers		4	Ally	A	All Allies are +1 to Defend
Shadow Government		7	Ally	T	Gain 1 IT per turn
Assassinations			5	Act	B	Opponent loses 2 IT
Ambushes       			4	Act	T	+3 to Attrition
Peace Process			4	Act	A	Gain 1 Extra Free Attack to Control
Fundamentalists			4	Ally	T	Martyr
Governors			6	Ally	B	IBA +1 to All Attacks 
Expatriates			3	Ally	A	+2 FEGS
Pashtun Tribes			7	Ally	T	Hand Size +1
Tajik Tribes			3	Ally	B	Attrition Attacks against you are -1
Kandahar Province		5	Ally	B	IBT Gain 1 IT per turn
Helmand Province       		4	Ally	B	Opponent Hand Size -1
Oruzgan Province       		3	Ally	B	Costs 1 Extra IT to Attack this Ally
Strongholds			6	Ally	T	All Allies are +1 to Defend
Coalition Forces       		5	Ally	A	Opponent gains 1 less IT per turn
Civil War			6	Act	B	Both Players discard their Hands
Tribal Confederacy		5	Ally	T	+1 to All Attacks to Control
Islamic Movements		6	Ally	T	(H) Draw 1 extra card per turn
Targeted Killings		4	Act	A	+3 to Neutralize
Uzbeks and Hazaris		4	Ally	A	Martyr
War on Terror			9	Act	A	Draw 1 Card
Air Strikes			6	Act	A	+2 to Neutralize or Attrition
Militants			5	Ally	T	+1 to All Attacks to Neutralize
Safe Havens in Pakistan		8	Ally	T	+2 to Defend Self
Coordinated Attacks		6	Ally	B	Gain 1 Extra Free Attack
Jihad				9	Act	T	Draw 1 Card
No Exit Strategy       		-	Event	T	US player loses 5 IT
Escalation			7	Act	T	Gain 1 Extra Free Attack to Neutralize
Roadside Bombings		3	Act	T	+3 to Attrition
Black Unit Special Forces	4	Ally	A	+1 to All Attacks to Neutralize
Night Raids			5	Act	A	+2 to Neutralize or Attrition
War Weariness			3	Act	B	Opponent Discards 1 Random Card
Collateral Damage		4	Act	B	Discard X Cards. Opponent loses 2X IT
Clandestine Aid			-	Event	T	Draw 3 Cards
Hit & Run Tactics		4	Act	T	Discard to Negate Attack to Neutralize
NGO’s				4	Ally	A	+2 FEGS
Militias       			3	Ally	B	Martyr
Covert Activities		4	Act	B	Draw 1 Card
Propaganda			4	Act	B	Gain 1 Extra Free Attack to Control
Pakistan Border			3	Ally	T	Hand Size +1
Cover Ups			3	Act	B	Discard 3 cards to draw 2
Gun Battle			3	Act	B	+3 to Attrition
Counter Insurgency		5	Act	A	Opponent Discards 1 Random Card
Pakistani Offensive		3	Act	A	Opponent puts 1 Ally back in his hand 
Pakistani Duplicity		3	Act	B	Draw 1 Card
Resurgence			5	Act	T	Play 1 Ally for Free
Missile Strike			3	Act	A	+3 to Neutralize
Military Operation		5	Act	A	Gain 1 Extra Free Attack to Control
Clear, Hold, and Build		5	Act	A	+3 to Control
Superpower Status		9	Ally	A	(H) Draw 1 extra card per turn
Taliban Leadership		9	Ally	T	Gain 1 IT per turn

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