INTRODUCTION Solo Card Game System simulating the Arab Israeli Wars 1948+. Currently only cards set for the Israeli War of Independence is available. The player takes the role of the Israelis. Arab deployments are automatic. FRONTS There are 3 Fronts: 1. Northern Frontier (Galilee) 2. Central Frontier (Jerusalem) 3. Southern front (Negev) Each Front requires some table space. Unit cards are deployed to the Fronts. TERRITORY TOKENS Each Front is represented by 6 Territory Tokens (TT) VICTORY CONDITIONS Complete Loss – If the Arabs control all 6 TT at any 1 Front you lose. (The Israelis are pushed into the Sea) Decisive Victory – If you win all battles at all 3 Fronts 2 turns in a row. Attrition Victory – If the Arabs have no Unit cards left. THE DECKS Each War (conflict) will have its own deckset. A Deckset consists of three Decks: 1. Israeli Unit Deck 2. Arab Unit Deck 3. Event Deck UNIT CARDS Each unit card represents a Military Unit. Unit cards will either be Arab or Israeli. Each Unit card has a Force rating. Unit cards will say what Front the card must be deployed to. SETUP The Israelis begin in control of all TT. Skip Battle phase on the first turn. TURN SEQUENCE Each turn has 6 Phases: 1. Arab Phase 2. Event Phase 3. Israeli Phase 4. Transfer Phase 5. Battle Phase 6. End Phase ARAB PHASE Draw 3 Arab cards from the Arab deck and Deploy them to their designated Fronts. EVENT PHASE Draw 1 Event card, which will take its effect this turn. ISRAELI PHASE Draw 2 cards from the Israeli Deck. These may be deployed to any 1 or 2 Fronts the player wants. TRANSFER PHASE One Israeli Regular Unit may be moved to a different Front. BATTLE PHASE Add up the Force Total of both sides at each Front. (3 Fronts = 3 Battles) If the Totals tie (Stalemate), each side must discard 1 random unit card. The higher Total wins the battle at that Front. The winner takes 1 TT from the loser (If the losing side has any) The loser must discard 1 random Unit card. If a side had no units at the start of the battle, the other side takes 2 TT. END PHASE Check for Victory Conditions. RANDOMIZATION Some rules, cards require a random Flank or Unit at a Flank to be selected. Use dice to aid in randomization. CARD LIST NOTATION N = North Front S = South Front C = Central Front R = Random Front # = Number of copies of card in deck Target = The player chooses which Flank, Unit, etc will be affected Notes = Some Notes are rules, some are descriptors, some are just for color Truce = Skip Battle Phase this Turn Vehicles = This Regular Unit gets 1 Free Transfer per Turn Leader = All Non-Leader Units at same Flank get +1 Force Extremists = They Deploy to a Random Flank THE 1948 WAR OF ISRAELI INDEPENDENCE DECKSET In this scenario the Arabs start in control of 3 TT at each Front. (The Palestinians controlled half of the country) 1948 WAR ISRAELI UNIT CARD LIST Card Name: # Force Notes: Moshe Dayan 1 - Leader Yitzhak Sadeh 1 - Leader Yigal Allon 1 - Leader Shimon Avidan 1 - Leader Kibbutzim 6 4 Communal Farming Settlements Armed Settlers 4 2 Jewish Militia Settlement Police 1 3 Haganah Brigades 10 5 Regular Palmach Shock Troops 4 6 Regular Mortars 2 2 Regular Special Night Squads 1 3 Regular Artillery 1 4 Regular; Antiques Armored Cars 2 3 Vehicles; Home-made Convoys 2 2 Vehicles Tanks 1 4 Vehicles Piper Airplanes 1 1 Vehicles; Supply Drops Palmach Air Squad 1 5 Vehicles Irgun Commandos 4 3 Extremists Lehi Stern Fighters 1 2 Extremists 1948 WAR ARAB UNIT CARD LIST Card Name: # Front Force Notes: Abd el Kader el Husseini 1 N - Leader Glub Pasha 1 C - Leader Said Taha Bey 1 S - Leader Arab Legion 8 C 5 Jordanian; British Led Trans-Jordan Frontier Force 3 C 4 Iraqi Expeditionary Force 2 C 3 The Army of Salvation 2 C 2 Palestinian Najada 1 C 1 Paramilitary Scouts Arab Liberation Army 8 N 3 Syrian Lebanese Contingent 2 N 2 Egyptian Army 8 S 4 Saudi Forces 2 S 2 Moslem Brotherhood 1 S 1 Irregulars Artillery Elements 4 R 4 Armored Battalions 3 R 3 Tanks Air Force 3 R 2 Armored Cars 3 R 1 1948 WAR EVENT CARD LIST Card Name: Notes: David Ben Gurion Israelis draw 2 Unit cards World Zionism Israelis draw 1 Unit card Czech Weapon Shipments All Israeli Units get +1 Force Isolated Settlements All Arab Units get +1 Force Fighting for Survival All Israeli Units get +1 Force WWII Veterans All Israeli Units get +1 Force Memory of the Holocaust All Israeli Units get +1 Force Narrow Coastal Plain All Arab Units get +1 Force Unified Command All Israeli Units get +1 Force Major Truce Truce; Israelis draw 2 Unit cards Long Cease Fire Truce; Israelis draw 2 Unit cards Palestinian Refugees Negate Battle at North Front Low on Ammo All Israeli Units get –1 Force Jihad Arabs draw 1 Unit card Arab League Arabs draw 1 Unit card Arab Divisions All Arab Units get –1 Force Destroy Arab HQ Target Israeli Front gets +5 Cut Off Supply Routes All Israeli Units get –1 Force Surprise Attack Target Israeli Front gets +5 Major Operation Israelis get 3 Free Transfers Bridgehead All Arab Units at 1 random Front get +2 Force Illegal Immigration Israelis draw 1 Unit card Poor Junior Leadership All Arab Units get –1 Force Flanking Maneuvers All Israeli Units at Target Front get +2 Force Arab Withdrawal Remove 1 random Arab Unit from 1 Random Front Reinforcements Israelis get 1 Free Transfer Defensive Position All Arab Units at 1 random Front get +2 Force Smuggle in Arms All Israeli Units get +1 Force Flexibility Target Israeli Front gets +5 Siege All Israeli Units get –1 Force Manpower Advantage All Arab Units get +1 Force British Withdrawal Both sides draw 1 extra Unit card Internal Lines Israelis get 2 Free Transfers Failed Assault Battle at 1 Random Front is automatic Stalemate Bitter Fighting All sides discard 1 random Unit from all Fronts Desperate Struggle Both sides discard 1 random Unit from 1 Random Front Police Fortresses Arabs get +5 Force at one random Front Harassment All Arab Units get +1 Force Ambush Target Israeli Front gets +5 Shortage of Weapons All Israeli Units get –1 Force Disrupted Communications All Israeli Units get –1 Force Demoralized by Setbacks All Arab Units get –1 Force Inter-Arab Bickering All Arab Units get –1 Force Night Attack Target Israeli Front gets +5 Captured Equipment All Israeli Units get +1 Force Self-Sacrifice All Israeli Units get +1 Force GAME DESIGNERS NOTES So far only the 1948 War Deckset is available. 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