Board & Card game for 2-4 players.
Players control rival Ant colonies.
Destroy all rival colonies.
Use an 8 x 8 Grid.
This represents the backyard of a suburban house.
1D6 random spaces are Sweet spots.
Get one Food Token in Event phase for each Sweet spot you control.
2D6 random spaces are Concrete Slabs.
Ant counters cannot be placed on Slabs.
1D6 random spaces are Dry spots.
Get one Dig Token in Event phase for each Dry Spot you control.
1D6 random spaces are Covered spots.
Draw an extra card in Event phase for each Covered Spot you control.
Use Tiles to indicate terrain.
Dice of several sizes are required: D6, D8, D20
When asked to determine a random space roll 2 eight sided dice (2D8) to get
X and Y coordinates.
Players share a common deck.
Each player gets a set of Ant counters of a unique color.
(Red & Black for a 2 player game.)
A Food Token counts +1 to your Forage Total (one time only).
Likewise for Dig and Breed Tokens.
Use tokens of 3 different colors.
Each player starts in a corner space of the board.
Put a stack of 10 counters in this space.
This is your starting colony.
The smallest player goes first.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 5 phases:
Worker Phase
Event Phase
Fight Phase
Nest Phase
Scout Phase
Draw 3 cards.
Max hand is 7 cards.
Discard excess cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Players may trade cards in this phase.
Roll once on the Event Table.
1D20 Event: Notes:
1 Bar-B-Q Put Food tokens in 4 random spaces
2 Picnic Put Food tokens in 5 random spaces
3 Pesticides Kill all Ants in 10 random spaces
4 Kids Party Put Food tokens in 6 random spaces
5 Good Luck Draw 1 Card
6 Slug Put 5 Food Tokens in 1 random space
7 Dead Frog Put 6 Food Tokens in 1 random space
8 Earthworm Put 4 Food Tokens in 1 random space
9 Spider Kill all Ants in 1 random space
10 Millipede Kill all Ants in 1 random space
11 Caterpillar Put 4 Food Tokens in 1 random space
12 Ant Lion Kill all Ants in 1 random space
13 New Queen Gain 1D6 Breed tokens
14 Spring All Players gain 1D6 Breed tokens
15 Good Spot Gain 1D6 Dig tokens
16-17 Double Roll twice more on this table
18-20 Rain All Dig cards are –3 until your next turn
One of your stacks may attack an enemy Ant stack in an adjacent space.
You must play a Fight card with a Level equal to less than the number of ants in your stack.
Your opponent may also play a Fight card (with the same limitation).
The target stack loses a number of Ants (killed) equal to the Card played.
If you wipe out a space, you may move 1 of your attacking ants into it.
You may play a meld and tokens.
A Meld consists of 3 cards: One each of Forage, Dig, and Breed.
Each card has a Level modified by the Tokens played.
Determine your lowest Level in the 3 categories.
Gain a number of Ant counters equal to this Level.
For Example: You have Forage 3, Dig 7, and Breed 8:
You gain 3 Ant counters (of your color).
Place these counters in a space you occupy or in adjacent empty spaces.
You may stack any number of Ants in a given space.
Discard played Cards and Tokens
Take control of any Tokens in any space you occupy.
Remove these from the board and keep them next to you.
Unclaimed Tokens in unoccupied spaces remain until claimed.
Card Name: # Level Notes:
Forage 1 1 Crumbs
Forage 1 2 Sap
Forage 1 3 Cookie
Forage 1 4 Scouts
Forage 1 5 Snail
Forage 1 6 Aphids
Forage 1 7 Apple
Forage 1 8 Lunchmeat
Forage 1 9 Dead Mouse
Forage 1 10 Dead Bird
Breed 1 1 Pheromones
Breed 1 2 Eggs
Breed 1 3 Larvae
Breed 1 4 Metamorphosis
Breed 1 5 Juveniles
Breed 1 6 Nurses
Breed 1 7 Drones
Breed 1 8 Reproduction
Breed 1 9 Nursery
Breed 1 10 Queen
Dig 1 1 Soil
Dig 1 2 Burrow
Dig 1 3 Ant Trail
Dig 1 4 Build
Dig 1 5 Complex
Dig 1 6 Tunnels
Dig 1 7 Workers
Dig 1 8 Chambers
Dig 1 9 Mound
Dig 1 10 Ant Hill
Fight 1 1 Intruders
Fight 1 2 Attack
Fight 1 3 Bite
Fight 1 4 Soldiers
Fight 1 5 Defenders
Fight 1 6 March
Fight 1 7 Mandibles
Fight 1 8 Stingers
Fight 1 9 Swarm
Fight 1 10 Army Ants
1) How do stacks move? Place stacks anywhere or one space a turn?
A) Stacks don't move. That's intentional. The only way to expand
into new spaces is by Card Melds and Fighting. If you want to move
Stacks an optional rule would be to discard a Fight card to move
its level in Ant counters one space each. When distributing
counters after a Meld the counters can be spread over several
adjacent spaces, they do not all have to go into one space.
2) Is fighting just one round or can you place more cards down after
the first.
A) One card only as I envisioned it. However, of course you may
want to allow more in your House Rules.
3) In your example of reproduction phase, if two food tokens were
added, then the total ants added would be 5. Correct?
A) Yes, correct.