Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Theme: Age of Reason 18th Century. 
Players try to claim the most/best people and ideas from 
The Age of Enlightenment. 

The game ends when both decks have been used up.
The player with the most Enlightenment points wins. 

There are 2 common decks: 
1. The Personage Deck
2. The Discovery Deck 
Only Personage cards go into players hands. 

The most enlightened player goes first. 
Failing that, roll high on 1D6. 
Every player is dealt 1 card from the Personage Deck. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Person Phase
3. Discovery Phase
4. End Phase

Draw 3 Person cards. 
Keep 1. Discard 1. Pass 1 to the  player to your left. 
If the Personage deck is down to 2 or less cards, it is 
considered to be "used up": skip this phase. 

You may put one Person card from your hand into play face up in front of you. 
You are said to control this person. 
If you play a Benefactor, draw 2 Person cards and put them in your hand. 

For each person you control in turn flip over 1 Discovery card. 
Musicians get to flip over 4 cards.  
If the type Discovery card drawn is that of the Person, you get to keep it. 
(Science for Scientists, Philosophy for Philosophers, Music for Musicians)  
Idea cards count as both Philosophy and Science cards.
Benefactors may only discover Idea cards.  
Put discovery cards you control face up in front of you.
When the Discovery deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 
If no cards remain in the discard, the game ends. 
If you play an Idea card, you may immediately put another 
Person card from your hand into play (that person does not draw this phase). 

Max hand size is 3 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

Each Discovery card has an Enlightenment Point (EP) value. 
The player with the most English Persons gets 50 EP. 
The player with the most French Persons gets 50 EP. 
The player with the most German Persons gets 50 EP. 
The player with the most Scientists gets 50 EP. 
The player with the most Philosophers gets 50 EP. 
The player with the most Musicians gets 50 EP.

E = English/Scottish/American Personality/Group
F = French Personality/Group
G = German/Dutch/Scandinavian Personality/Group
X = Personality/Group from other Nation
S = Scientist
P = Philosopher
M = Musician
B = Benefactor

Name:				Nation	Type	
Sir Isaac Newton       		E	S		
Francis Bacon			E	S		
Robert Boyle			E	S		
Benjamin Franklin		E	S		
William Herschel       		E	S		
Robert Hooke			E	S	
William Harvey			E	S		
Rene Descartes			F	S		
Antoine Lavoisier		F	S		
Johannes Kepler			G	S	
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz	G	S		
Carl Linnaeus			G	S		
Rousseau       			F	P	
Voltaire       			F	P		
Denis Diderot			F	P		
Michel de Montaigne		F	P	
Baron d’Holbach			F	P	
David Hume			E	P		
John Locke			E	P		
Adam Smith			E	P	
Immanuel Kant			G	P	
Johann Wolfgang Goethe		G	P	
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing       	G	P		
Baruch Spinoza			G	P
Christoph Gluck			G	M
Franz Joseph Haydan		G	M
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart		G	M	
Louis XIV the Sun King		F	B		
Coffee Houses			X	B		
Radical Men of Letters		X	P		
Royal Society of London		E	S		
Gifted Amateurs			X	S		
Naturalists			X	S		
Salons of Paris			F	B	
Philosophes			F	P	
Order of the Illuminati		G	B	
Freemasons			X	B	
Minor Composers			X	M
Symphony Orchestras		X	M

I = Idea
S = Science
P = Philosophy
M = Music

Name:				Type	Score	
Age of Reason			I	5	
Age of Optimism			I	5	
Faith in Progress		I	5	
Intellectual Ferment		I	5	
Secular Spirit			I	5	
Systematic Thinking		I	5	
Birth of the Modern		I	5	
Reject Religious Orthodoxy	I	5
Empiricism			I	5	
Cosmic Watchmaker		I	5	
Scientific Method		S	10
Cartesian Thought		S	10	
Observation 			S	10
Experimentation			S	10	
Principia Mathematica		S	10
Telescopes			S	10
Microscopes			S	10
Discovery of Galaxies		S	10
Scientific Revolution		S	10
Law of Gasses			S	10
Conservation of Matter		S	10
Doctrine of Oxidation		S	10
Composition of Water		S	10
Theories of Electricity		S	10			
Circulation of Blood		S	10
Orbits of the Planets		S	10
Analytical Geometry		S	10
Theory of Inertia		S	10
Classification of the Species	S	10	
Natural Philosophy		S	10
Law of Gravitation		S	10
Calculus       			S	10
Opticks				S	10
Industrial Revolution		S	10	
Candide				P	10	
Rationalism			P	10
Deism				P	10
Supreme Being			P	10
Absolutism			P	10
Utopianism			P	10
Epistemology			P	10
Laissez-faire			P	10
Pantheism			P	10
Ethics				P	10
Reductionism			P	10
Toleration			P	10
Encyclopedia			P	10
Liberalism			P	10
Physiocracy			P	10
Social Contract			P	10
Pragmatism			P	10
Rights of Man			P	10
Skepticism			P	10
Atheism				P	10
The Spirit of the Laws		P	10
Social Criticism       		P	10
Sentimentalism			P	10
Utilitarianism			P	10
Nathan the Wise			P	10
Faust				P	10
Orfero				M	10
Alceste				M	10
The Creation			M	10
The Seasons			M	10
The Magic Flute			M	10
The Marriage of Figaro		M	10
Public Concerts			M	10
Piano Forte			M	10


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