Modern Jet Fighter Dogfighting. 
Board & Card game for 2 Players. 

Shoot your opponents planes out of the Air. 

Use an 8x8 chessboard.

Six sided dice are needed. 

Use little plastic (or metal) airplanes that fit on the squares of the board. 

Each player gets 2 planes, a Leader & a Wingman. 

Use Counters to keep track of missiles. 
Each plane carries 6 Missiles. 
Discard a Counter each time a plane makes a missile attack. 

Each Plane has a forward facing gun. 
Ammo is not kept track of. 

Use Counters to keep track of Damage.
Each plane can take 4 Hits before being shot down. 

Facing of units is important in this game. 
Planes can face the sides or corners of the squares they are in. 

Players share a common deck. 

Place your Jets at opposite ends of the board.

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases:
Tactics Phase
Maneuver Phase
Fire Phase
Orientation Phase

Draw 3 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.  
Discard a Pilot card to draw 2 cards.
Discard an Identification card to draw 1 card from the deck & look at opponent’s hand. 

Each of your planes must make 1 move. 
Movement can be default or by use of a Movement card. 
A Default move is a Roll, Turn, Hard Turn, Bank, or Straight Run of 1 Space. 
The opponent can play a Negation card to negate a Movement card (& Force a Default Move). 
Discard a Team card to give 2 of your Planes an extra Default Move. 
A Move card will be of a specific Type (Bank, Roll, etc.) but will allow the 
Plane to move up to 1D6 Spaces. 
Discard an Error card to Move Enemy Plane (just like you would one of your own). 
Discard a Scramble card to let one of your Planes make a second move. 

This is a Forward move by a Plane in the direction it is Facing.

The plane moves forward diagonally (Left or Right), but does not change Facing. 

The Plane changes facing 45 degrees, then moves.

The Plane changes facing 45 degrees, then moves, then changes facing 45 degrees again.
Both face changing’s must be in the same direction. 

The Plane move to the Left or Right, but does not change Facing.

The plane moves forwards or backwards and changes Facing 180 degrees. 

The plane moves backwards but does not change Facing. 

As its move, Discard a Team card to have a plane move to a square adjacent to its 
Wingman or Leader and facing in the same direction.

If a plane goes off the board, it loops around and reenters the board on the Opposite side.
(maintaining the same facing & completing its move) 

A Fighter can only attack a target within a 45-degree cone it is 
facing (this does not wrap around). 
To attack, the attacker must discard an Attack card with the exact range as that of the target. 
Guns do 1 Hit of Damage. Missiles do 2 Hits of Damage. 
The attacker may play a Kill card to do an additional 3 points of damage (Automatic Kill). 
The Target player may play a Defense card to cause the attack to miss. 
The Target may play an Evasion card to move out of range of an attack (causing it to miss).  

Planes may stack, even with enemy planes. 

Max hand size is 7 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 
Play a Blunder card to cause opponent to discard 2 random cards. 

MH = Movement Hard Turn
MT = Movement Turn
MS = Movement Straight Run
MR = Movement Roll
MB = Movement Bank
ML = Movement Loop
MI = Movement Immelman
EH = Error: Move Enemy Plane Hard Turn
ET = Error: Move Enemy Plane Turn
ES = Error: Move Enemy Plane Straight Run
ER = Error: Move Enemy Plane Roll
EB = Error: Move Enemy Plane Bank
VH = Evasion Maneuver Hard Turn
VT = Evasion Maneuver Turn
VS = Evasion Maneuver Straight Run
VR = Evasion Maneuver Roll
VB = Evasion Maneuver Bank
VL = Evasion Maneuver Loop
VI = Movement Immelman
N = Negation (Negate Move)
AG = Attack with Gun
AM = Attack with Missile
K = Kill
DM = Defense vs Missile 
D = Defense vs Missile or Gun
P = Pilot
I = Identification
T = Team
B = Blunder 
S = Scramble

Card Name:			Type	Range	
Fast & Lethal			P	-	
Pilot Instincts			P	-
Ace Pilot			P	-
Skill & Determination		P	-
Aggression			P	-
Self-Confidence			P	-
Bogeys Spotted			I	-
Avoid Radar			I	-
Identification Friend or Foe	I	-
Airborne Early Warning		I	-
Blip				I	-
Moving to Intercept		I	-
Pulse Doppler Radar		I	-
Radar Intercept Officer		I	-
Break Rules of Engagement	I	-
Surprise			I	-
Mimic Bombing Attack		I	-
Approaching Visual		I	-
Fighter Tag			I	-
Standoff			I	-
Detect Active Radar		I	-
Radar Lights Up			I	-
Ambush				I	-
Scan Landscape			I	-
Radio Wingman			T	-
Combat Spread			T	-
Welded Wing Formation		T	-
Decoy				T	-
Drag Maneuver			T	-
Flight Integrity		T	-
Split Up			T	-
Bracket				T	-
Fox 1				T	-
Pincer Maneuver			T	-
Flight Leader			T	-
Pursue Bandit			MS	-	
Dogfight			MH	-	
Gain Offensive Advantage	MT	-
Pitch & Roll			MR	-
High Yo-Yo			MB	-
Expend Energy			MS	-
Matching Turn			MT	-
Intercept			EB	-
Target Overshoots		ES	-
Peripheral Vision		I	-
Tight Turns			MH	-
Air Tactics			T	-
Target Overcompensates		EH	-
Know Enemy Tactics		I	-
Target Loses Visual		B	-
Second Pass			S	-
Full Throttle			MS	-
Tally Ho			MI	-
Tumbleweed			MI	-
Low Yo-Yo			MB	-
Shock Wave			MS	-
Fly by Wire			MT	-
Knife Fight			MT	-
Feint				D	-
Stick & Throttle		MT	-
Maximum Lift			MB	-
Air Superiority Fighter		P	-
Trade Energy for Position	MS	-
G-Suit				ML	-
Target Low on Fuel		B	-
Go into the Vertical		B	-
Target Stalls			B	-
Barrel Roll			MR	-
Inverted Descent		MS	-
Loop				ML	-
Dive from Above			MS	-
Rolling Scissors		MR	-
Speed Brakes			ML	-
Swing Wide Cut Back		MH	-
Bluff				ET	-
Mach Speed			MS	-
Turning Fight			MT	-
Situational Awareness		I	-
Track while Scan		MT	-
Shallow Dive			MS	-
Air Combat Maneuvers		MT	-
Enemy Pilot Fatigued		B	-
Dead in your Sights		AG	2
Select & Arm Missile		AM	4
Fire Missile			AM	5
Switch to Guns			AG	1
Lay into Target			AG	1
Infrared Homing			AM	6
Close the Distance		MS	-
Engage				AG	2
Come into Range			AG	3
Heat Seeking Missile		AM	5
Heads Up Display		AG	4
Padlock View			AM	5
On his Six			AG	2
Weapons Envelope		AG	3
Missile Proximity Fuse		AM	5
Control Zone			AM	4
Arrive at the Elbow		AG	2
Inside Turn Radius		AG	1
Shoot ASAP			AG	3
Medium Range Missiles		AM	3
Long Range Missiles		AM	6
Lock On				AM	5
Cross Hairs			AG	3
Missile Lock			AM	4
Aiming Funnel			AG	3
All Aspect Missile		AM	4
Dive Attack			AG	2
Fire & Forget			AM	6
Heat Signature			AM	5
Painted Target			AM	5
Head on Pass			AG	1
Firing Position			AG	2
Radar Guided Missiles		AM	4
Close From Behind		AG	1
Launch Missile			AM	3
One Pass Haul Ass		S	-
Aspect Angle			AM	4
Fire Burst			AG	3
Pulling Lead			AG	2
Angle of Attack			AG	2
First Pass			AG	1
Threat Indicator		D	-
Break Off			ET	-
Pull up into Roll		ER	-
Know its Coming			D	-
Fast Dive			MS	-
Avoid Missile			DM	-	
Pull up Hard			ES	-
Stealth Technology		D	-
Lag Pursuit			EL	-
Fail to Track			D	-
Malfunction			D	-
Dive Toward Missile		DM	-
Hard Turn			EH	-
Vertical Roll			ER	-
Increase Airspeed		ES	-
Pull Out			EB	-
Twist Away			EH	-
Miss				D	-
Dump Flares			DM	-
Change Bearing			ET	-
Threat Warning Panel		D	-
Outrun Enemy			ES	-
Jinking				ER	-
High-G Horizontal Maneuvers	EH	-
Electric Countermeasures	D	-
Fight Separation		ET	-
Afterburner			ES	-
Chaff				DM	-
Terrain Masking			D	-
Full Thrust			ES	-
Under Minimum Range		DM	-
Elude				D	-
Alter Flight Path		EH	-
Near Blackout +9G		ES	-
Near Redout –3G			EI	-
Corner Velocity			ET	-
Defensive Maneuvering		EB	-
Radar Jamming			D	-
Brake Hard			D	-
Escape Window			D	-
Change Heading			EH	-
Splash one Bogey		K	-
Ball of Flame			K	-
Engine Hit			K	-
Wounded Bird			K	-
Spiral Downward			K	-
Pilot Ejects			K	-
Plane Shatters			K	-
Bugs Out			K	-
Flames Erupt			K	-
Shot Up				K	-
Buy the Farm			K	-
Good Hit			K	-
Impact				K	-
Fuselage Breaks Up		K	-
Fuel Leak			K	-
Heads for Home			K	-
Confirmed Kill			K	-
Aborts Mission			K	-
Smoke Trails			K	-
Missile up the Tailpipe		K	-
Blown Up			K	-
Explosion			K	-

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