INTRODUCTION Card game for 2 players. Basic Simulation of the Air War component of WWII. VICTORY There are 2 ways to win: Reduce your opponent to zero Production Points. Accumulate twice the Strategy Tokens of your opponent (Minimum 5). THE DECKS There are 3 types of decks: Mission Deck (Common Deck) Event Deck (Common Deck) Plane Deck (Unique for each player) If any deck ever runs out, shuffle its discard and draw from it. EXPERIENCE MARKERS After each mission, a Plane card gets 1 Experience Marker (XM) Use cardboard counters or chits as Markers. PRODUCTION POINT SCORE A running Total that determines how many Plane cards a player draws in Production Phase. Use scratch paper to keep track of your Production Point (PP) Score. STRATEGY TOKENS A running Total that represents how well your Ground War effort is going. Use coins to represent Strategy Tokens (ST). PLANES Every Plane has a Score in 3 Categories: AF = Air Attack Force SF = Strategic Bombing Force GF = Ground Support Force SETUP Determine which player gets which Plane Deck (Choose Sides). Roll high on 1D10 to see who gets the first turn. Each player stars with 10 PP (Production Points) Players cannot go on Missions on their first turn. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Each Turn has 8 Phases: Event Phase Industry Phase Production Phase Briefing Phase Mission Phase Strategy Phase Experience Phase Debriefing Phase EVENT PHASE Draw 2 Event cards and put them in your hand. INDUSTRY PHASE Gain 1 Production Point. (Add this to your running total) PRODUCTION PHASE Draw X cards from the Top of your Plane Deck. (X is determined in the following table by your Production Point Score) PP X 1 1 3 2 6 3 10 4 15 5 21+ 6 The drawn Plane cards are immediately put into play. (Placed Face-up in front of you.) BRIEFING PHASE Put the top 3 cards of the Mission Deck into play. Leave Bombing Missions in Play. Discard Espionage Missions and draw 2 Event cards for each Espionage Mission you discard. MISSION PHASE Assign your Planes (Bombers and Fighter escort) to Missions. Your planes are considered to be ‘Attacking’. There are 2 types of Missions: Ground Support Missions (GSM) and Strategic Bombing Missions (SBM) A SBM must have at least 1 Bomber with SF ability assigned to it per Level of the Mission. A GSM must have at least 1 Plane with GF ability assigned to it per Level of the Mission. Each Mission is resolved in turn, in a mini-turn of 3 Segments: Scramble Segment Interception Segment Bombing Segment SCRAMBLE SEGMENT The Defending Player (the other Player) may assign Fighters to intercept your Planes. Note: A Plane can only go on one Mission per turn and A fighter can intercept only one Mission per turn. INTERCEPTION SEGMENT Every Plane (Attacker & Defender) assigned to the Mission makes one Air Attack Roll: Roll 1D10: If the result is equal to or higher than the AF (Air Attack Force) of the Plane making the roll, then one opposing Plane is shot down (discarded). Experience Bonuses are added to the Roll, and various Event cards can be played to boost or negate Air Attack Rolls. A player determines which of his planes on a mission are shot down. The Defending player gets to make one extra attack due to ground fire & Flak. This is called the Flak roll and it has an AF = 7. Defending Night Fighters get AF +1. BOMBING SEGMENT Only your planes that survived Interception Segment can make Bombing Rolls: Roll 1D10: If the result is equal to or higher than the SF (for a SBM) or the GF (for a GSM) of the Plane making the roll, then the Mission is a success. As long as one plane succeeds the Mission is a Success. Experience Bonuses are added to the Roll, and various Event cards can be played to boost or negate Strategic Bombing Rolls. AIR SUPREMACY RULE If there are no defending Fighters assigned to the Mission, the Attacking planes get +1 to their Payload Rolls. STRATEGY PHASE Gain Strategy Tokens = to the level of any Ground Support Missions you completed. If you accumulate twice the Strategy Tokens of your opponent (Minimum 5), you win. Your Opponent loses Production Points = to the level of any Strategic Bombing Missions you completed. If your opponent is reduced to zero Production Points you win. EXPERIENCE PHASE After each mission it goes on, a Plane card gets 1 Experience Marker (XM) Planes receive Force Bonuses based on the number of missions they’ve flown: XM Force Notes: 0 - Green 2 +1 Flier 5 +2 Veteran 9+ +3 Ace This Force bonus applies to all Force Rolls this plane makes. DEBRIEFING PHASE Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards. Discard all Missions in Play. MISSION DECK CARD NOTATION G = Ground Support Mission S = Strategic Bombing Mission E = Espionage Mission MISSION DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Type Level Major Operation G 3 Support Amphibious Landing G 2 Disrupt Amphibious Landing G 1 Attack Ground Convoy G 1 Attack Forward Elements G 1 Support Para-drop G 1 Soften Up Enemy Positions G 1 Attack Merchant Shipping G 1 Attack Sub in Coastal Waters G 1 Attack Vehicle Column G 1 Attack Troop Train G 1 Support Infantry Advance G 1 Attack Troop Concentration G 1 Tank Busting Mission G 1 Support Armored Column G 1 Attack City S 3 Major Raid S 2 Attack Shipyard S 1 Attack Oilfield S 1 Attack Ball Bearing Factory S 1 Attack Electric Dam S 1 Attack Strategic Bridge S 1 Attack Railyard S 1 Attack Shipyard S 1 Attack Port S 1 Attack Petroleum Plant S 1 Attack Refinery S 1 Attack Headquarters S 1 Attack Airfield S 1 Attack Bunker S 1 Attack Radar Towers S 1 Deploy Commandos E - Drop Off Saboteurs E - Pick Up Spy E - Photo Reconnaissance E - Deliver Message E - Decoy Mission E - Retrieve High Ranking Prisoner E - Transport Top Secret Plans E - Retrieve Stolen Blueprints E - Resupply Paratroopers E - Transport General E - EVENT DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Notes: Fighter Escort Enemy Planes get AF-1 Daring Low Level Raid Non-Heavy Bomber gets SF+1 Inclement Weather All Force Rolls by all Planes at –1 Overcast All Force Rolls by all Planes at –1 Saturation Bombing Heavy Bombers get SF+2 Carpet Bombing Heavy Bombers get SF+2 Incendiary Bombs Bomber gets SF+2 High Explosive Bombs Bomber gets GF+2 Exceed Quotas Draw and put in play 1 Plane card Increase Tempo Draw and put in play 1 Mission card Industrialization Gain 1 PP Pilot Training Give 3 planes 1 XP each Superior Tactics All your Fighters get AF +1 Chaff Defending Enemy Fighters get AF-2 Storm Discard target Mission Navigation Error Target Plane cannot go on a Mission this turn Out of the Sun Fighter gets AF+2 Surprise Defending Enemy Fighter gets AF-3 Precision Bombsights Bomber gets SF or GF +1 Decoy Target Discard target Mission Rockets Plane gets AF+1 or GF+1 Radar Towers Defending Fighters get AF+1 Night Raid All your Bombers get SF+1 Daylight Raid All your Bombers get GF+1 Heavy Flak Get an extra Flak Roll Air Defense Get an extra Flak Roll Dogfight All Fighters get AF+1 Set Piece Attack All your Bombers get SF+1 Pathfinder All your Bombers get SF+1 Strafing Runs Plane gets GF+2 Round the Clock Sorties Draw and put in play 1 Mission card Boost Production Gain 1 PP Series of Blunders Discard target Mission Scramble Defending Fighters get AF+1 PLANE DECK CARD NOTATION F = Fighter FB = Fighter Bomber HB = Heavy Bomber LB = Light Bomber DB = Dive Bomber AF = Air Attack Force SF = Strategic Bombing Force GF = Ground Support Force NF = Night Fighter # = Copies of that card in deck ALLIED PLANE DECK CARD LIST Card Name: # Type AF SF GF Notes Lockheed P-38 Lightning 2 FB 8 - 7 Bell P-39 Airacobra 1 FB 9 - 8 Curtis P-40 Warhawk 1 F 8 - 9 P-47 Thunderbolt 2 F 7 - 8 P-51 Mustang 2 F 6 - 8 Bristol Beaufighter 1 F 9 - - NF Supermarine Spitfire 3 F 6 - 9 Hawker Hurricane 2 F 7 - 8 NF Hawker Typhoon 1 FB 8 - 6 Douglas A-20 Havoc 1 B 10 8 9 NF Douglas A-26 Invader 1 B 10 8 8 Avro 683 Lancaster 2 HB 10 6 - Handley Page Halifax 2 HB 10 7 - Havilland DH 98 Mosquito 2 B 10 8 - NF Bristol Blenheim 1 B 10 9 - Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 2 HB 9 5 - Consolidated B-24 Liberator 2 HB 10 6 - Martin B-26 Marauder 2 B 10 7 - LUFTWAFFEN PLANE DECK CARD LIST Card Name: # Type AF SF GF Notes: Messerschmitt Bf 109 7 F 7 - - Focke Wulf FW 190 4 FB 6 - 7 NF Messerschmitt Me 262 2 F 5 - - NF Messerschmitt Bf 110 5 FB 9 - 8 NF Messerschmitt Me 410 1 B 10 - 8 Junkers Ju 87 Stuka 3 B 10 - 7 Junkers Ju 88 3 B 10 7 6 Henschel Hs 129 1 B 10 - 7 Heinkel He 111 2 HB 10 8 - Heinkel He 177 Greif 2 HB 10 7 - Dornier Do 17 2 B 10 9 - NF Dornier Do 217 2 HB 10 8 - NF LINKS

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