Card game. Simulates the siege of the Alamo in 1836.
Players will have to make their own sets of cards.
The Texians and Mexicans have their own unique decks.
On the Deck lists, # = number of that card in the deck.
Notice that most cards have a force value.
Shuffle both decks.
The Texian player draws 4 cards.
The Mexican player draws 4 cards.
The turn is divided into 4 phases:
Draw Phase
Bombardment Phase
Discard Phase
Mexican Attack Phase
Both players draw 1 card from their respective decks.
Players may discard 1 or more Artillery cards.
The recipient must discard the top card of their deck, or cards from their
hands with a combined Force equal or greater than that of the Artillery card.
If the Mexican player has more than 7 cards he must discard the excess.
If the Texian player has more than 7 cards he must shuffle the excess into
his deck.
The Mexican player may decide not to attack. If so, the turn ends.
To attack the Mexican player places cards from his hand to the table.
The Mexican must attack with at least one Leader or Reserve card.
The Mexican player may play up to 1 equipment card, 1 tactics card,
1 Artillery card, 1 Leader card, 2 Reserve cards, and any number of
non-reserve Troop cards.
Troop cards get a bonus of +10 Force, if they are played with their
matching Leader.
Add up the force value of all of these cards and multiply by 2 if a
Breach card is used.
This number is the Total Mexican Force Value.
The Texians may defend by playing cards to the table.
The Texian player may play up to 2 equipment cards, 1 tactics card,
2 Artillery cards, 1 Leader card, 1 morale card, 1 standing defense, and
any number of Troop cards.
Add up the force value of all of these cards and multiply by 2 if a
Texian Fire card is used.
This number is the Total Texian Force Value.
Compare the Total Force Values of Both Sides.
The winner is the higher total.
If tied, both players discard all their cards played.
The winner shuffles the surviving cards into his deck.
The loser discards all cards played.
The loser must discard cards from his hand or drawn from the top of his deck
with a combined Force value equal to or greater than the difference between
the Total values.
Doubler cards are considered to be Force = 50 for this purpose.
The winner may keep played cards with a combined Force value equal to or less
than the difference between the Total values.
If the Texian player goes to draw a card and there are no cards left in his
deck, than the Mexicans are able to take the Fortress with fewer casualties
than they did in historical fact.
If the Mexican player goes to draw a card and there are no cards left in his
deck, than the Mexicans take more casualties than historical fact.
1 General Cos 30 1st Column, Leader
5 Aldama Battalion 20 1st Column, Troops
3 San Luis Companies 20 1st Column, Troops
1 Colonel Duque 10 2nd Column, Leader
1 General Castrillion 10 2nd Column, Leader
5 Toluca Battallion 20 2nd Column, Troops
2 San Luis Companies 20 2nd Column, Troops
1 Colonel Romero 10 3rd Column, Leader
5 Matamoros Companies 20 3rd Column, Troops
5 Jiminez Fusiliers 20 3rd Column, Troops
1 Colonel Juan Morales 10 4th Column, Leader
3 Light Companies 10 4th Column, Troops
1 Santa Anna 50 Reserves, Leader
5 Zapadores Battalion 30 Reserves, Troops
5 Grenadier Companies 30 Reserves, Troops
5 Mexican Batteries 30 Artillery
1 Battery at 250 yards 50 Artillery
1 Mexican Sharpshooters 10 Artillery
1 Scaling Ladders 10 Equipment
1 Muskets 10 Equipment
1 Carbines 10 Equipment
6 Breach -- Tactics; Doubler
1 Encirclement 30 Tactics
1 William B. Travis 40 Leader
1 Davy Crockett 50 Leader
1 James Bowie 30 Leader
1 James Bonham 10 Leader
1 Captain Baugh 10 Leader
1 Lt. George Kimball 10 Leader
1 Captain Dickinson 10 Leader, +10 to artillery cards played with
5 Texian Volunteers 20 Troops, +10 if played with Bowie
2 Gonzales Ranging Co. 30 Troops, +10 if played with Kimball
3 Texian Cavalry 30 Troops; +10 if played with Travis
1 New Orleans Greys 30 Troops
1 Alabama Red Rovers 30 Troops
1 Volunteer, ex-US Army 30 Troops
1 San Antonio Greys 30 Troops
1 Mobile Greys 30 Troops
2 Tennesseeans 30 Troops; +10 if played with Crockett
1 "Victory or Death" 40 Morale
1 "Never Surrender" 40 Morale
1 Waiting for Fannin 40 Morale
1 "Post of Honor" 40 Morale
1 Line in the Dust 40 Morale
1 McGregors Bagpipes 10 Morale
1 Stockade 10 Standing Defense
1 Long Barracks 10 Standing Defense
1 Low Barracks 10 Standing Defense
1 Trenches 10 Standing Defense
1 Earthwork Ramparts 10 Standing Defense
3 12 Foot High Wall 20 Standing Defense
1 Mission Church 10 Standing Defense
1 Hospital 10 Standing Defense
3 Kentucky Rifles 20 Equipment
2 Grapeshot 20 Equipment
1 Blunderbusses 10 Equipment
1 Raid 40 Tactics
6 Texian Fire -- Tactics; Doubler
1 18-pdr. Cannon 30 Artillery
2 Lunette Artillery 20 Artillery
2 Chapel Artillery 20 Artillery
2 Cannons 20 Artillery
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