Card game for 2 players.
Simulation of the Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775
War of the American Revolution
2100 Attacking British Troops vs 1600 Defending American Militia

Victory conditions are complex and are described as part of the Turn Sequence.
Possibilities include:
British Strategic Victory (II)
British Total Victory (IV)
American Minor Moral Victory (I)
American Moral Victory (II)
American Major Moral Victory (III)
American Strategic Victory (III)
American Total Victory (IV)

Each player has his own unique deck:
1. British Deck
2. American Deck

There are several card types:
Leader, Troops, Shoot, Fort, Blunder, and Strategy
Blunder cards represent mistakes made by one’s enemies. 
Strategy cards represent alternate history possibilities. 
Every card has a Force value from 1 to 4

Start with Bombardment Phase…

Each phase involves the following steps:
Each player draws 7 cards from their deck.
Players may then discard up to 3 cards & draw replacements.
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.
Players may then reveal their Hands.
The American Player may have:
1 Leader card
1 Troop card
1 Shoot card
1 Fort card
1 Blunder card
1 Strategy card
The British Player may have:
1 Leader card
1 Troop card
1 Shoot card
1 Attack card
1 Blunder card
1 Strategy card
Extra cards are discarded.
Each player adds up the total Force of all his Cards.
The player with the higher total wins.
The American Player wins all Ties.

The American adds 5 to his force total.
The British player cannot play Attack Cards but may play 
Any number of Shoot cards.
If the American player wins go on to the First Attack Phase.
If the British win, they get a Strategic Victory and the game ends.
(Historically: The British Bombarded the redoubt on Breeds Hill from
Batteries on Copps Hill, Morton’s Hill, and from Warships in the Harbor.
The American Militia were at first terrified, but the Bombardment 
Proved to be ineffective.)

The American adds 3 to his force total.
If the American player wins, they get a Minor Moral Victory, and  go on to the Second Attack Phase.
If the British win, they get a Strategic Victory and go on to the British Victory Phase.
(Historically: A British Light Infantry Column made a Flanking March along the shoreline
of the Mystic River while the Regulars and Grenadiers made a Frontal Assault against 
the stone & rail fence; all attacks were repulsed.)

The American adds 1 to his force total.
If the American player wins, they get a Moral Victory, and go on to the Third Attack Phase.
If the British win, they get a Strategic Victory and go on to the British Victory Phase.
(A Historically: a second attack primarily against the Fence was also repulsed.)

If the American player wins, they get a Major Moral Victory and go on to the Decision Phase.
If the British win, they get a Strategic Victory and go on to the British Victory Phase.
(A Historically: The Americans ran out of Gun Powder, and the exhausted British were finally able 
to capture the Redoubt on Breeds Hill. The British did not pursue past the narrows. The Americans 
retreated across the narrows and did not counterattack.)

The British add 3 if they won First Attack Phase.
The British add 1 if they won Second Attack Phase.
If the British wins by 4 or more go to Pursuit Phase.
If the American player wins by 4 or more go on to the Counter Attack Phase.
If neither player wins (Both stop fighting) the game ends.

This phase represents the possibility of the British Pursuing the retreating American Forces.
The British add 3 if they won First Attack Phase.
The British add 1 if they won Second Attack Phase.
If the British win by 4 or more they achieve a Total Victory and the game ends.
Any other result, the Americans are able to retreat and the game ends.

This phase represents the possibility of the American Forces attacking the British after 
Either being driven from the redoubt or after having repulsed 3 or more attacks.
If the Americans win by 4 or more they (attack and) get a Total Victory and the game ends.
Any other result, the game ends.

If the British win, they rally and attempt another attack; go on to Extra Attack phase
If the Americans win, the British retire, the Americans gain a Strategic Victory, and go to the 
Americans Victorious phase

This phase represents the possibility of the British making additional attacks after failing the third.
If the American player wins go back to the Decision Phase.
If the British win, they get a Strategic Victory and go on to the British Victory Phase.

If the American player wins go to the Counter Attack Phase.
If the British win, the Americans do not counter attack and the game ends.

L = Leader
T = Troops 
S = Shoot (& Shell)
F = Fort 
B = Blunder  
A = Attack 
X = Strategy

Card Name:			Type	Force	Notes:
Colonel Prescott		L	4
Joseph Warren			L	3
General Putnam			L	3
General Pomeroy			L	2
John Stark			L	2
Militia Leaders			L	2
War Council			L	2
Patriot Soldiers		T	2
Rebel Irregulars		T	1
New England Militia		T	2
Yankee Farmers			T	1
Colonial Regiment		T	1
Volunteer Company		T	1
Call to Arms			T	1
Redoubt				F	4
Stand Firm			F	3
Entrenchments			F	3
Breeds Hill			F	3	
Earthworks			F	3
Stone & Rail Fence		F	2
Trenches & Brush		F	2
Devastating Volley		S	4
Inflict Heavy Casualties	S	3
Musket Fire			S	3
Deadly Accuracy			S	3
The Whites of their Eyes	S	3
American Cannon Fire		S	3
Murderous Fire			S	3
Delayed Attack			B	2
Tight Marching Order		B	3	Easy Targets
Frontal Assault Halted		B	2
Stopped Cold			B	3
Attack Falters			B	2
They Turn & Run			B	3
Forced to Fall Back		B	2
Exhaustion			B	2	Heat & Full Packs
Organize Reinforcements		X	3	
More Ammunition			X	3	
Fortify Bunker Hill		X	4	Not Breeds Hill

Card Name:			Type	Force	Notes:
General Thomas Gage		L	3
General Howe			L	4	
General Burgoyne		L	2
General Clinton			L	2
British Officers		L	3
War Council			L	2
British Regulars		T	2	
Professional Soldiers		T	3	
Send in the Reserves		T	3	
Grenadiers			T	3	Elite Troops
Light Infantry			T	3	Elite Troops
Red Coats			T	2	
Disciplined Troops		T	3	
Fixed Bayonets			A	4	Brown Bess Muskets
Reform Lines			A	2	
Press On			A	2
Climb the Parapet		A	3
Leap the Ditches		A	3
Column Advance			A	1
Flanking March			A	1
Courage under Fire		A	3
Batteries			S	1
Bombardment			S	1	
Concentrated Fire		S	2
British Warships		S	1
Field Artillery			S	1
Cannon Fire  			S	1
Run out of Powder		B	3
Disorganized			B	2
Wounded Men			B	2	Carried off by 10+ men each
Scattered			B	2	
Untrained Militia		B	2	
Confusion			B	2	
Attack without Delay		X	4	Early Flanking Maneuver
Attack Redoubt Only		X	3	
Surround the Peninsula		X	3	Land Forces in Rear

Alcrespi  Beautiful Artwork. 

MA Historical Society
ROTC Military Science
Lesson Plan
Today in History
History of the US
American Revolution

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