Deck Building Card game based on the Battle Nations Video Game. 
Each player controls their own outpost. 

Battle Nations is a copyrighted licensed property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The player with the most Victory points wins. 
The game ends at the end of the turn any common deck is used up. 

Victory tokens are earned by playing certain cards. 
Place VT into your Victory Pile along with defeated Threat cards. 

Each player gets his own small Imperial Basic Deck. 
Players also share a 3 Common Decks:
1. Threat Deck (Missions and Invasions)
2. Building Deck
3. Unit Deck (Units and Characters)

C = Character
B = Building
U = Unit
IT = Invasion Threat
MT = Mission Threat
VT = Victory Tokens
TV = Threat Value 
RC = Recruitment Cost
RB = Resource Building
MB = Military Building
SB = Shop Building
DB = Defense Building
DX = Decoration
HB = Housing Building
SU = Soldier Unit
VU = Vehicle Unit
FS = Final Scoring

All cards have 2 basic Traits: Build and Fight. 
Build is used to recruit Units, Characters, and Buildings. 
Fight is used to defeat Threats. 

Each player has  their own copy of the Imperial Base Deck. 
The deck has 1 copy of each card listed. 

Name:			Type	Build Fight	Notes:
Lieutenant Morgan	C	2	1	Leader x2
Scientist Floyd		C	1	1	Science and Gain 1 VT
Mechanic Zoey   	C	3	1	Fast Build
Sergeant Ramsey		C	0	4	MG
Corporal Perkins	C	0	1	Spy
Resource Depot		B	1	0	RB’s get Build +1
Supply Drop		B	2	0	-
Small Warehouse		B	1	0	Store 
Logging Camp		RB	1	0	Build +1 for HB’s
Iron Mine		RB	1	0	Build +1 for Units
Coal Mine		RB	1	0	Power
Oil Pump		RB	1	0	Build +1 for Vehicles
Stone Quarry		RB	1	0	Build +1 for DB’s	
Pillbox			DB	0	2	-
Bunker			DB	0	3	-
Guard Post		DB	0	4	-
Blockhouse		DB	0	5	-
Barracks		MB	0	0	Build +3 for Soldiers
Hospital		MB	0	0	Heal 1 Soldier
Vehicle Factory		MB	0	0	Build +5 for Vehicles 
Repair Bay		MB	0	0	Repair 1 Vehicle
Shelters		HB	1	0	Gain 1 VT
Camp			HB	1	0	Gain 1 VT
Hovels			HB	1	0	Gain 1 VT
Shacks			HB	1	0	Gain 2 VT
Scrap Houses		HB	1	0	Gain 2 VT
Farm			SB	1	0	Build +1 for Soldiers
Tool Shop		SB	1	0	Draw 1
Bakery			SB	1	0	Gain 1 VT
Orchard			SB	1	0	Gain 1 VT
Distillery		SB	1	0	Characters get Fight +2
Construction Crew	U	1	0	Build +3 for Buildings
Troopers		SU	0	1	-
Shock Troops		SU	0	1	Elite; Gain 1 VT
Grenadiers		SU	0	1	Indirect
Mortar Team		SU	0	2	Indirect
Gunners			SU	0	2	MG
Junior Officer		SU	0	1	All Units get Fight +1
Scout Bike		VU	0	1	Scout
Humvee			VU	0	2	MG
Mini Tank		VU	0	3	Armor Gun
Recon			VU	0	2	Scout
Light Artillery		VU	0	3	Gun Indirect
Nanopods   		-	1	1	Fast Build or Heal or Repair
Gold			-	3	0	-

Besides the Build and Fight Traits, cards have additional 
abilities including:
Draw, Store, Replace, Heal or Repair, Gain VP, and modifiers that 
Increase their Traits or the Traits of other cards. 

When a card with the Leader or Power ability is played draw one 
card from your deck and put it in your hand. 

When you play a card with the Science ability, you may choose a card 
From the Building or Unit Spreads and put it on the bottom of its 
Deck and then immediately draw another card from the top of the Deck 
to replace it. 

Take a card in your hand or your discard and put it in your 
Storage pile. At any time you may take a card in your storage pile 
And shuffle it back into your deck. 

When you play a card with the Scout or Spy ability, you may choose a card 
From the Threat Spread and put it on the bottom of the Threat deck and 
Then immediately draw another card from the top of the Threat Deck to 
replace it. 

When you play a unit of the indicated type, instead of putting it 
into your discard pile, you may shuffle it back into your deck. 

When you Build a card, instead of putting it into your discard, 
You may put it on top of your deck. 

Machine Gun. When you play a Unit with the MG ability you may discard 
cards from your hand to get +1 fight for each card discarded. 

Units with the Fire or Chem ability are Fight +3 versus Animals. 

Units with the Lightning ability are Fight +2 versus Raiders 
and Silver Wolves.  

Units with the Freeze ability are Fight +3 versus Infected. 

Units with the Sniper ability are Fight +3 versus Raiders.

Units with the Demolition ability are Fight +2 versus Rebels 
and Silver Wolves. 

Units with the Rail Gun ability are Fight +3 versus Silver Wolves. 

Units with the Pacify ability are Fight +3 versus Frontier Enemies. 

Units with the Drill or Crush ability are Fight +2 versus Rebels 
and Raiders. 

Units with the Elite or Veteran ability are Fight +3 versus PVP. 

Units with the Indirect ability are Fight +3 versus Rebels.

If you play this unit 3 times from your hand it becomes experienced and 
it gets a +7 Fight Bonus for the rest of the game.  

Some Missions have the Cold attribute. Units that do not have 
the ARCTIC ability have their Fight value halved (rounding down) when 
used against Cold Threats. 
Note that Bigfoots and Silver Wolf Units have the Arctic ability. 

1. Each player shuffles their Basic Deck and draws 5 cards. 
2. Shuffle the 3 Common Decks. All Decks are face-down. 
3. Place the top 4 cards of the Threat deck face-up in a line in the
Middle of the Table. These 4 cards are known as the Threat Spread. 
There must always be 4 cards in the Threat Spread. If there is less, 
Immediately draw 1 from the common deck to fill in the gap.
5. Just like the Threat Spread, make spreads for the Building and Unit Decks.  
6. Roll high on a six sided die to see who goes first. 
As play proceeds each player will have a modified Basic Deck, a hand of 
Five cards, their discard pile, a Victory pile (defeated Threats), and a 
Storage pile. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 2 Phases: 
1. Action Phase
2. Draw Phase

Play cards from your hand. (played cards are put in your discard)
Use Build points to recruit Buildings, Units, and 
Characters from the Building and Unit Spreads.
The cost of a card in Build points is its Recruitment Cost (RC) 
When a card is recruited, place it in your discard pile. 
Use Fight points to defeat Threats from the Threat Spread. 
The cost to defeat a Threat in Fight Points is its Threat Value (TV)
Place defeated Threats into your Victory pile.  
At the end of the phase discard all un-played cards from your hand. 

Draw 6 cards from your Deck to form your hand for next turn. 
If you have no cards left in your deck, shuffle your discard and 
Draw from it.

Threats come in two basic types: Missions and Invasions. 
A Mission you go looking for trouble. 
An Invasion trouble comes looking for you. 
Defensive Buildings can only be used vs Invasions. 
Note: although the Threat cards and Recruit cards are listed 
Separately, they are all shuffled together into the Common Deck.

Add up your VT (Victory Tokens) plus the TV (Threat Value) of all 
Threat cards in your Victory Pile, Deck, Hand, and Discards.  

If you play this card and defeat a Threat of the indicated type in the same 
Turn, you may put the threat card into your discard instead of your 
Victory pile. The Recruited Threat will now fight for you. 
They are played like normal units.  
They have a Fight Trait equal to their Threat Value. 
Note that Recruited Threat cards in your Deck go into your Victory pile 
for end game scoring. 

Some Missions have the Drop attribute. After Defeating them there is a 50% 
chance they go into your discard instead of your Victory Pile. When 
played as a unit it has the Fight value in parentheses, not the 
Threat Value (TV) of the card. 

Name:			TV	Notes:
Raid Outpost		5	PVP: Target Opponent must discard 2 cards
Rival Base		6	PVP: Target Opponent must discard 2 cards 	
Battle Flag Raised	7	PVP: Target Opponent must discard 2 cards 	
Defend Frontier Town	3	Raiders: Grunts
Defend Recoil Ridge	4	Raiders: Fire Breathers
Desert Waste		6	Raiders: Dust Walkers
Recon Rescue		2	Animals: Boars: Juvenile Hogs; Draw 1 card
Boar Badlands		3	Animals: Wild Boars
Great Boar Roundup	5	Animals: Boar Matriarch
Raptor Nests		3	Animals: Mini Raptors
Raptor Valley		4	Animals: Adult Raptors
Stomping Grounds        5	Animals: War Mammoths 
Northern Wastes		9	Cold: Animals: Legendary Mammoth
Southern Wastes		8	Animals: Legendary Raptor
Central Wastes		10	Animals: Legendary Boar
Rival Base		6	PVP: Target Opponent must discard a card 	
Raider Encampment	6	Raiders: Brawlers
Raider Sanctuary        7	Raiders: Mammoth Riders
Raider Depot		8	Boom Booms & Champions
Raider Fortress		9	Raiders: Watch Towers & Warlord
Ancient Construct	8	Drop: Dexter Fragment (Fight = 5) 
Ancient Construct	8	Drop: Sinister Fragment (Fight = 6)
Ancient Sentinel	12	Drop: Melee Fragment (Fight = 8)
Ancient Sentinel	12	Drop: Ranged Fragment (Fight = 9)
Spider Wasp Queen	10	Drop: Spider Wasp Eggs (Fight = 6)
Spider Wasp Nest	9	Animals: Spider Wasp Warriors
Goliath Tank		15	Drop: Phalanx Tank (Fight = 10)
Rebel Bunker		7	Rebel Defenses
Southern Frontier	5	Rebel Patrols
Rebel Camp		4	Rebel Troops
Winter Wonderland	5	Adult Bigfoots
Bigfoot Country		4	Young Bigfoots
Dead Snow		9	Cold: Infected: Maulers
Installation 17 	10	Cold: Silver Wolf Troops
Mystery Troops		7	Laser Weapons	
Out in the Open 	9	Silver Wolves: Thresher Tanks
New Haven		4	Silver Wolves: Thugs and Pickups
Benmoth			5	Silver Wolves: Devastators & Armored Trucks
Northern Frontier	6	Cold: Silver Wolves: Grenadiers & Cruel Bus
Silver Wolves Depot	7	Silver Wolves: Spartans & Rainmakers
Riot Control		2	Frontier: Pyros and Fireworks Truck
People in Need		3	Frontier: Lumberjacks and Hunters
Don't Hurt 'Em		4	Frontier: Engineers and Tractors
Frontier Uprising	5	Frontier: Minutemen and Chuckers

Name:			TV	Notes: 
Enemy Raiders		5	PVP: Target Opponent must discard a card 	
Enemy Occupation	6	PVP: Target Opponent must discard a card 	
Hunker Down		4	Raiders: Warriors
Lake Side Property	5	Raiders: Bombadiers
Sarin Visit		6	Raiders: Outcasts
Crazy Blades Visit	7 	Raiders: Dervishes
Tronk Visit		8	Raiders: Big Bada Boom
Yuzul Raptor Trainer	9	Raiders: Skirmishers
Shaman Kuros		9	Raiders: Sandworms
Warlord Gantas Visit	10	Raiders: Falcon's Nest
Raptor Migration        5	Animals: Alpha Raptors
Mammoth Herd		4	Animals: Young Mammoths
Empire vs Rebels	4	Rebel Forces
Rebel Occupation	4	Rebel Army
Lieutenant Dorian	7	Rebel Strategist
Sergeant Ludlow		8	Rebel Vehicle & Defenses Expert 
Evaline Aceheart	9	Rebel Air Force 
General Ashe		10	Rebel Third Army 
Sandworm Eruption	8	Animals: Elder Sandworms
Bigfoot Migration	7	Bigfoots 
Bigfoot Leaders		9	Bigfoots: Bigfoot Shamans
Wild Bunch		8	Animals: Assorted Critters: All Types
Dawn of the Dead	3	Infected: Creepers
The Reanimation		4	Infected: Bullfrogs & Cannoneers
Dread Rising		5	Infected: Stalkers
Resident Chaotic Evil	6	Infected: Hunters & Crawlers
Un-undead Nightmare	7	Infected: Shreders
Planet Terror		8	Infected: Colossus
Silver Wolf Scouts	5	Silver Wolves: Slingers & Crop Busters
Silver Wolf Raiders	6	Silver Wolves: Bombadiers & Chunooks 
Doug Visit		7	Silver Wolves: Punishers & Garbage Trucks
Bronson Visit		8	Silver Wolves: Scrappers & Crushers
Boss Enforcer Shrow	9	Silver Wolves: Wolf Enforcers & Furies
Doctor Vogel		10	Silver Wolves: Laser Wolves & Constructs

Name:			RC	Type	Build	Fight	Notes:
Metal Huts		1	HB	0	0	Gain 1 VT
Bunkhouses		2	HB	1	0	Gain 1 VT
Compound		3	HB	1	0	Gain 2 VT
Tenements		4	HB	2	0	Gain 2 VT
Row Houses		5	HB	2	0	Gain 3 VT
New Houses		5	HB	1	0	Gain 4 VT
Dormitories		6	HB	3	0	Gain 3 VT
Hacienda		7	HB	2	0	Gain 5 VT
Permits Office  	2	HB	1	0	Build +3 Housing
Watch Tower		1	DB	0	2	-
Cannon Tower		3	DB	0	6	Guns
Garrison		4	DB	0	7	Soldier Units get +1 Fight
Armor Mulcher		4	DB	0	8	-
Lightning Tower		5	DB	0	9	Lightning
Armored Fortress	5	DB	0	10	Armor
Animal Trainer		2	MB	1	0	Recruit Animals
Raider Training Camp	2	MB	1	0	Recruit Raiders
Infection Test Fac	2	MB	1	0	Recruit Infected 
Bigfoot Training Camp	2	MB	1	0	Recruit Bigfoots
Mercenary Vault		2	MB	1	0	Recruit Silver Wolf Units
Prestigious Academy	4	MB	1	0	Build +3 Elite Units
SpecOps Center		2	MB	1	0	Build +3 Veteran Units
Chem Weapons Lab	3	MB	1	0	Build +3 Chem Units
Armor Shop		3	MB	1	0	Build +3 Armor Units
Rocket Shop		3	MB	1	0	Build +3 Rocket Units
Gun Foundry		3	MB	1	0	Build +3 Gun Units
Optics Facility		3	MB	1	0	Build +3 Laser Units
Frontier HQ		2	MB	1	0	Recruit Frontier Units
Prestigious Academy 	3	MB	1	0	Build +1 for Elites & Vets 
Weapons Factory		2	MB	0	0	Build +3 Any Unit
Research Lab		3	MB	1	0	Science
Greenhouse		2	SB	1	0	Gain 1 VT
Field			1	SB	1	0	-
Brewery			3	SB	1	0	Gain 2 VT
Sweatshop		3	SB	2	0	-
Machine Shop		4	SB	4	0	-
Refinement Facility	5	SB	3	0	Gain 2 VT
Ancient Artifact	1	SB	1	0	-
Feed Silo		1	SB	1	0	Pens and Ranches get +2 Build
Ancient Rubble		1	SB	2	0	Resource Buildings get +2 Build
High Capacity Vault	3	RB	1	0	Store x2
Orphanage		2	SB	1	0	Gain 1 VT	
Lumber Mill		4	RB	3	0	+2 Build with Log Camp
Concrete Plant		5	RB	4	0	+2 Build with Quarry
Steel Mill		6	RB	5	0	+2 Build with Iron Mine
Coal Powerplant		3	RB	2	0	Power
Plasma Refinery		2	RB	1	0	Build +3 for Plasma Units
Sandworm Ranch		2	SB	1	0	+5 VT in FS per Sandworm Threat
Mammoth Pen		2	SB	1	0	+5 VT in FS per Mammoth Threat
Boar Pen		2	SB	1	0	+5 VT in FS per Boar Threat
Frontier Butcher	2	SB	1	0	+2 VT in FS per Animal Threat
Emperor Statue		2	DX	1	0	+2 VT in FS per Rebel Threat
Raider Victory Tree	3	DX	1	0	+2 VT in FS per Raider Threat
Festivus Tree		3	DX	1	0	Gain 3 VT
Sheriff Colt		4	C	1	2	Leader
Cassidy			4	C	1	3	Sniper
Aurora			2	C	1	0	Science
Dr. Harris		4	C	2	0	Science x2
Percival		3	C	1	1	Science
Bogan			4	C	1	2	Fight +4 vs Animals
Saboteur		5	C	0	3	Spy Demolition
Elder Taos		4	C	1	2	Fight +4 vs Raiders
Raider Kids		3	C	1	1	Spy
Ma Pierce		4	C	1	0	Leader and gain 2 VT

Name:			RC	Type	Fight	Notes:
Arsonist		2	SU	1	Fire
Imperial Dragoon 	2	SU	1	Lightning
Riot Trooper		4	SU	3	Pacify
The Wimp		2	SU	1	+7 if Experienced
Sharp Shooter		3	SU	2	Sniper
Heavy Gunner		4	SU	3	MG
Flame Troop		3	SU	2	Fire
Ranger			5	SU	3	Veteran Scout
Hornet			5	SU	4	Rocket
Sniper			4	SU	3	Veteran
Bazooka			4	SU	3	Rocket
Marksman		6	SU	4	Sniper Elite
Commando		7	SU	5	MG Veteran
Laser Trooper		5	SU	3	Laser
RPG Troop		6	SU	4	Rocket Veteran
Laser Sniper		7	SU	4	Sniper Laser Elite
Demolitionist		5	SU	4	Demolition
MG Turret		5	VU	4	MG
Peace Keeper 		5	SU	4	Pacify
Agent			8	SU	5	Demolition Elite Spy
Rail Gun Sniper 	7	SU	4	Sniper Rail Gun Arctic
Bio Grenaider		6	SU	4	Chem Indirect
Chem Trooper		6	SU	5	Chem
Lightning Trooper 	4	SU	3	Lightning
Lightning Dragoon 	5	SU	4	Lightning
Juggernaut		7	SU	5	Veteran Arctic
Peace Monger 		6	SU	5	Pacify
Hitman			6	SU	4	Elite Spy
Armadillo		3	SU	2	Armor
Guerilla		6	SU	4	Demolition Veteran
Turtlesheller 		5	SU	3	Armor Indirect
Salamander		6	SU	5	Fire
Arctic Trooper		5	SU	4	Arctic
Cryo Trooper 		5	SU	3	Freeze Arctic
Veteran			8	SU	7	Veteran
Plasma Trooper		7	SU	6	Plasma 
Elemental Trooper 	8	SU	5	Fire Freeze Arctic
Hailstorm		5	VU	3	Rocket Indirect
Heavy Recon		5	VU	3	Rocket Scout
Gun Truck		3	VU	2	Gun
Dune Rider		3	VU	2	Indirect
Meerkat 		3	VU	2	Rocket
Rail Gun Buggy		4	VU	3	Rail Gun 
Tempest			5	VU	3	Armor MG
Mortar Truck		5	VU	3	Armor Indirect
Puma			6	VU	4	Armor Elite
Tank Killer		5	VU	5	Armor Rocket
Firedrake		5	VU	3	Armor Fire
Brimstone		6	VU	4	Fire Indirect
Basilisk		6	VU	4	Armor MG
Dragon			8	VU	5	Armor Fire Indirect
Heavy Artillery		7	VU	5	Gun Indirect
Rocket Truck		7	VU	5	Rocket Indirect
Arctic Tank		7	VU	4	Armor Gun Arctic
Heavy Arctic Tank	9	VU	6	Armor Gun Arctic
Light Tank		6	VU	4	Armor Gun
Medium Tank		8	VU	5	Armor Gun Veteran
Laser Tank		7	VU	5	Armor Laser
L7 Drill		7	VU	5	Armor Drill
Brutalizer		6	VU	4	Armor Crush
Rail Gun Tank		7	VU	5	Armor Rail Gun
Heavy Tank		8	VU	6	Armor Gun
Heavier Tank		9	VU	7	Armor Gun
Chem Tank		6	VU	4	Armor Chem
Heavy Chem Tank		9	VU	7	Armor Chem
Frostbite		6	VU	4	Armor Freeze
Trebuchet		8	VU	6	Indirect Chem
Lightning Tank 		7	VU	5	Armor Lightning
Super Tank		11	VU	8	Armor Gun Elite
Mega Tank		12	VU	9	Armor Gun Rocket
Plasma Artillery	10	VU	8	Indirect Plasma 
Plasma Tank		12	VU	10	Armor Plasma 
Special Agent		8	SU	6	Elite Demolition
Deadeye			8	SU	6	Elite Sniper
Assassinator		9	SU	7	Elite Sniper
Zombie Hunter		3	SU	2	+5 versus Infected
Laser Gunner		6	SU	5	Laser MG
Aero Jetpack		6	SU	6	Rockets
Radio Tech		5	VU	1	50% of Fight +9
Shadow Agent		7	SU	7	Elite
Weapon Tech		5	SU	1	Target Unit gets Fight x2 
Mechanized Trooper	12	SU	9	Armor Indirect Fire
Heavy Grenadier		4	SU	3	Indirect
Bora Bora Hovercraft	9	VU	6	Armor Indirect MG
Tank Crusher		12	VU	9	Armor Crush Rockets
Armored SUV		9	VU	7	Armor MG
Nomad Rover 		12	VU	8	Armor Freeze Fire Arctic


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