Historical War game for 4 players.
Hex-map, unit counters, dice, random deployment of common enemy, 
race for victory conditions.

Each player takes control of one of the 4 foreign armies:
The British (Including Indian troops)
The Russians
The Japanese
The Americans (Including German & Italian troops)

For a historical synopsis of the Boxer Rebellion please visit this Website

Use a large hex map (25 x 25 minimum).
The map is of Peking, the capital of China.
There are 4 terrain types:
1. Rural
2. City (Including buildings and roads)
3. Imperial Palace (Forbidden City, home of the Dowager Empress)
4. Legation (Embassy) neighborhood (Where all the Diplomats and Foreign Nationals live)
There are also walls:
Walls border hexes. Walls must be breached in order for units to pass.
The city is surrounded by  walls.
4 hexes in the center of the city are the Imperial Palace. 
They are surrounded by walls.
A wall (The Tartar Wall) divides the city into North & South sides.
Next to the Forbidden city on the North side of the Tartar Wall is 
the 4 adjacent hexes of the legation.
The Legation is partially surrounded by walls.
Each Foreign army must travel at least 10 hexes to get to the Legation neighborhood.
The hexes outside the city are rural.

Each counter represents 500 men or a battery of 10 cannons.

Each foreign army starts along the border hexes on a different side of the map. 
The British start on the North Side.
The Russians start on the West Side.
The Japanese start on the East Side.
The Americans start on the South Side.
The Russians get the first turn.
The Forbidden city is occupied by Ching Imperial Army units.

When all 4 Legation hexes are occupied by Foreign army units, the game is over. 
The foreign nationals are rescued.
If one player occupies all 4 hexes, it is a total victory for that player.
If different players occupy different legation hexes, it is a shared victory.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 5 phases:
1. Rally Phase
2. Artillery Phase
3. Breach Phase
4. Rebel Phase
5. Action Phase

Roll once for each of your suppressed units:
1D10	Result:
1-4	Remove all Suppression counters
5-7	Remove one Suppression counter
8-9	Unit pinned. Remove no counters
10	Rout: Unit retreats 1 hex if possible. Remove no counters

Each Artillery unit can attack one Chinese unit up to 3 hexes away. Roll 1D10:
1D10	Result:
1-5	Target Unit destroyed
6	Artillery unit out of Ammo for rest of game.
7-8	Target Unit Suppressed
9-10+	Target Unit unaffected	
Add +1 to the roll if attacking Ching units. No modification if attacking Boxer units.
Add +1 to the roll if attacking a unit 2 hexes away. 
Add +2 to the roll if attacking a unit 3 hexes away. 
No modification if attacking adjacent units.
Add +1 to the roll if attacking a unit behind a wall.
Suppressed artillery cannot attack.
Artillery cannot attack unscouted hexes.

Units can attempt to breach a wall (one hex face of wall).  Roll 1D10:
1D10	Result:
1-5	Wall unaffected.
6-10	Wall Breached.
Add +2 to roll if the unit is artillery.
Place a Breach marker next to the breached wall.
Suppressed units may not attempt to breach.

Roll once for every Chinese unit that you want to activate:
1D10	Result
1-3	The unit is activated
4-10	The unit does not act this turn.
If the activated unit has a suppression marker, its action will be to remove it.
An activated unit can freely be moved one hex, or it can attack:
A Chinese artillery unit will fire at the closest foreign unit of the 
active players choice up to 2 hexes away.
A Boxer or Ching army unit will attack an adjacent foreign unit of 
the active players choice.
See the combat rules if the Chinese are made to attack.

Every time a foreign unit moves you must scout the surrounding adjacent unscouted hexes.
All city hexes start the game as unscouted (Unknown, unexplored)
Once a hex is scouted, it remains scouted for the rest of the game.
To scout, draw one random counter from the Rebellion Draw Pile and place it 
in the hex being scouted.
The Rebellion Draw Pile contains the counter types listed in the Chinese Counter List.
When a Chinese unit is destroyed, it is set aside in a discard pile.
If the draw pile ever runs out, draw from the discard pile.

Artillery units that attacked or breached cannot move this turn.
No units may stack. Only one unit per space.
In order to move a Foreign unit must roll 1D10:
1D10	Result:
1-2	Unit fails to move. (Lack of communication, confusion, snipers, skirmishes)
3-7	Unit can move one space
8-10+	Unit can move 2 spaces.
Artillery units get –1 to the roll. (Heavy, difficult to move in cities)
Japanese Troops get –1 to the roll. (They are too busy killing Chinese to move)
Americans get +1 to the roll.  (They have a tendency to rush in)
Suppressed units cannot move.
A unit gets -1 to its roll if it tries to move past an opposing 
foreign (shooting each other in the back) or chinese unit.
Units may not enter hexes containing ‘Impassable Area’ counters. 
If a unit tries to enter a hex occupied by a Ching or Boxer unit it must 
stop and fight it (See Combat rules).
A unit cannot move after fighting.
After a unit moves it scouts all adjacent hexes (See Scout rules)
A unit can only move into a hex that has been scouted.
Units cannot move through an unbreached wall.
Reserve Rule: An adjacent suppressed unit and a 'healthy unit' of the active player 
may automatically trade places. This counts as their moves for the turn.

If an army unit tries to enter the same space as a Ching or Boxer unit roll 1D10:
1D10	Result:
1-5	The Chinese army is destroyed
6-8	The Chinese army is suppressed
9-10	The Chinese army is unaffected
Add +1 to the roll if attacking a Ching Unit.
Add –1 to the roll for each suppression marker on the Chinese unit.
Next roll 1D10 again:
1D10	Result:
1-7	The Foreign army is unaffected
8-10	The Foreign army is suppressed
11+	The Foreign army is destroyed
Add +1 to the roll for each suppression marker on the Foreign unit.
Add +1 to the roll if attacking a Ching Artillery Unit.
If the Foreign unit is unaffected and the Chinese unit is destroyed the 
foreign unit may enter the hex.
If a unit becomes Suppressed, put a Suppression marker under it.
Foreign armies never directly attack each other.

Counter Name:			#	Counter Color:(Notes)
Ching Imperial Army		20	Orange 		
Ching Imperial Artillery	10	Orange-Red 	
Boxer Rebels			70	Yellow 		
Empty Areas			50	Pink 		
Impassable Areas		50	Brown (Dense housing, Fires, Waterways)
# = Number of that counter contained in the Rebellion Draw Pile
Impassable areas cannot be moved through, destroyed, or breached.
The counters for Empty areas may be discarded immediately.

Unit Name:		#	Counter Color:
Russian Troops		8	White 
Russian Artillery 	2	White
British Troops		6	Navy-Blue 
British Artillery	3	Navy-Blue
Japanese Troops		20	Red 
Japanese Artillery	1	Red
American Troops		6	Green 
American Artillery	1	Green
Notes: Use a symbol on the counters to differentiate artillery & troop units.

Courtesy of Janne Thorne:

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