Card game based on the SF Cult Classic Movie Blade Runner. 
2-4+ players. 
The first player to retire 3 Replicants is the winner. 

Blade Runner is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The first player to complete 3 Assignments is the winner. 
(The character may then retire or get promoted.)

Players share a common deck. 
The Deck has 7 Types of Cards.  

Type:			Special Ability:
Replicant		Take top card of discard
Location       		Draw 3 cards and keep 1
Test			Look at opponents hand
Combat			Opponent must discard 1 random card
Transport		Draw 2 cards
Investigation		Look at next 7 cards in deck
Complications		Steal 1 random card from opponent

There are 4 Available Blade Runners. 
Each player starts as one. 

Operative:	Special Ability:
Deckard        	Draw 1 extra card in Search Phase
Bryant		May play 2 cards in Action Phase
Holden		Hand Size +1
Gaff		At beginning of his Action Phase, Gaff may look at 
1 players hand or the next 5 cards in the deck, for free in 
addition to his regular Special Action play. 

Each player picks a Blade Runner. 
Shuffle the deck. 
Most genetically altered player goes first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. Search Phase --- Draw 2 Cards. 
2. Action Phase --- You may Play 1 card for its Special Ability. 
3. Assignment Phase --- Complete an Assignment: Discard at least 1 of each card type. 
4. Debriefing Phase --- Max hand size is 8 cards. Discard excess cards. 
Note: If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Threat Rule: An Assignment Play must contain 1 or 2 Combat cards with a combined 
rank value that is equal to or greater than that of the rank value of the Replicant.  
Search Rule: The Combined ranks of the Investigation and Test cards played must be 
equal to or greater than 10. 
Travel Rule: The Ranks of the Location and Travel cards must be within 2 of each other. 
Soliloquy Rule: On completing an assignment a player must spout one of the following...
1. A line or quote from the movie. 
2. Some trivial fact about the making of the movie. 
3. Some fact about how the movie versions differ from each other. 
4. Some fact or insight about Philip K Dick, Riddley Scott, or Harrison Ford. 
5. Some thoughts about AI, robotics, genetic engineering, cloning, bioethics, or space travel
6. Some thoughts on other books by Philip K Dick. 
If unwilling or incapable of performing the Soliloquy Rule, the player must draw 1 less
card on his next turn. 

X = Combat
R = Replicant
I = Investigation
L = Location
T = Transport
C = Complication
Z = Test

Type	Rank 	Name:
R	9	Combat Model
R	7	Pilot Model
R	6	Crew Model
R	1	Mining Model
R	5	Heavy Labor Model
R	8	Special-Ops Model
R	2	Pleasure Model
R	3	Skin Job
R	4	Experimental Model
I	7	Tyrell Corporation
I	8	Murders
I	2	Nexus-6 Models
I	4	Biomechanics Designer
I	3	Cityspeak
I	6	Detective Work
I	5	Photo Analyzer
I	9	Find Body
I	1	Collect Call
C	1	Dystopia
C	9	Love
C	5	Burnt Out
C	8	Cunning
C	2	Veiled Threat
C	7	Sympathy
C	6	Intimacy
C	4	Hard Drinking
C	3	Conspiracy
Z	9	Voight-Kampff Detector
Z	3	Lack of Empathy
Z	1	Implanted Memories
Z	4	Emotional Response
Z	8	Interrogation
Z	7	Provocative Statements
Z	6	Cross Referenced Questions
Z	2	Manipulated Images
Z	5	Indicator of Humanity
L	7	Laboratory
L	6	Nightclub
L	9	Tyrell Penthouse
L	3	Abandoned Building
L	4	Grungy Apartment
L	5	Strip Club
L	8	Arcology
L	1	Noodle Bar
L	2	Rooftop
T	2	Hover Car
T	1	Police Vehicle
T	4	Air Car
T	8	Mag Lev Tubes
T	5	Taxi Spinner
T	6	Aerodyne
T	1	City Streets
T	2	Underground
T	9	Hyper Elevators
X	5	Ambush
X	1	Hand Cannon
X	3	Chased Down
X	2	Attack through Wall
X	4	Disarmed
X	8	Time to Die
X	9	Assist
X	6	Hand to Hand
X	7	Mercy Kill

 Blade Runner 

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