2 player card game around the Mahdist uprising in the Sudan 1885-1898.
One player is the Anglo-Egyptians.
The other player is the Mhadists.
There are two unique decks, one for each player.
There are five region cards:
1. Egypt
2. Northern (Military) Sudan
3. Southern Sudan (Omdurman, Khartoum, the Ghezira, the White and Blue Niles)
4. Western Sudan (Kordofan and Darfur),
5. Eastern Sudan (the Atbara river, Abyssinian frontier, and Red Sea Littoral)
A player automatically wins if he ever controls all 5 regions at the same time.
The player who controls the most regions at the end of turn 9 is the winner.
The British player is in control of Egypt.
Neither player controls the other 4 regions.
Players use tokens to mark which regions they control.
Each turn has 5 phases:
1. Logistics Phase
2. Relief Phase
3. Deploy Phase
4. Travel Phase
5. Conflict Phase
Each player fills their hand to 7 cards from their own deck.
If the deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.
You may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.
Players roll high on 1D6 to see who deploys last.
Players take unit cards from their hands and place them onto the regions face down.
You must deploy like units with like units if possible.
When both players have deployed the cards are revealed.
The British may only Deploy to Egypt and North.
The Dervishes may deploy to all regions except Egypt.
Players roll high on 1D6 to see who moves last.
Players may move 1D6 Unit cards from one adjacent region to another.
The British player may move additional Unit cards if he plays a Movement card.
Boats & Cavalry may move automatically for free.
Boats may never be in West.
North is adjacent to South and Egypt.
South is adjacent to North, East, and West.
A Region may have only one Leader.
A Region may have only one Flag.
Resolve conflicts for all 5 regions in turn.
Players add up the force total of all their units in a region.
If the Mahdists have Shock, Cavalry, Artillery, and Rifle units in the
same region they get a force bonus of +5.
If the British have Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Maxim units in the
same region they get a force bonus of +5.
Players may then play cards from their hands to increase their force totals.
A player may play only one Tactics card.
If the player controls the region he may not play an Attack Tactics card.
If the player does not control the region he may not play a Defense Tactics card.
The player with the highest Force total has the Advantage.
Roll on the Conflict Table:
1D6 Result:
1-2 The side with the Advantage loses one unit. Roll again
3-5 The side without the Advantage loses one unit. Roll again
6 The side with the Advantage gains control of the region. Stop rolling.
If you roll a 6 the conflict in that region is over for the turn.
Units stay in play from turn to turn.
Destroyed units are discarded.
Tactics cards remain in effect until the conflict in the region is over.
Tactics cards are discarded at the end of the conflict in that region.
UI = infantry Unit
UC = Cavalry Unit
UA = Artillery Unit
UM = Maxim Unit
UB = Boat Unit
TT = Tactics
AT = Attack Tactics
DT = Defense Tactics
M = Movement
Card Name: # Type Force Notes
1st Egyptian Regiment 8 UI 4 Infantry
2nd Egyptian Regiment 8 UI 4 Infantry
3rd Egyptian Cavalry Regiment 2 UC 5 Squadrons
4th Egyptian Camel Corps 1 UC 5 Camel-mounted infantry
5th Egyptian Artillery Battery 3 UA 9 9-pdr rifled breech-loaders
5th Egyptian Maxim Battery 2 UM 11 Maxims
Xth Sudanese Regiment 8 UI 3 Sudanese Infantry
Nile Flotilla Gunboats 2 UB 12 BlueJackets
British Infantry 6 UI 6 Expeditionary Force
British Cavalry 2 UC 6 Expeditionary Force
British Camel Corps 1 UC 6 Expeditionary Force
British Artillery Batteries 2 UA 10 15-pdr rifled breech-loaders
British Maxim Battery 1 UM 11 Maxims
Discipline 4 TT 8 Only play if British present
Infantry Square 4 TT 7 Only play if Infantry present
Relief Force 4 AT 10
Garrison Force 4 DT 10
Defend Camp 4 DT 9
Travel Nile River 4 M - 6 Units
Travel Atbara River 2 M - 6 Units to/from West
Travel Desert Railway 2 M - 6 Units to/from North
Travel Desert Route 4 M - 4 Units
US = Shock Unit
UC = Cavalry Unit
UA = Artillery Unit
UR = Rifle Unit
UB = Boat Unit
UL = Leader Unit
UF = Flag Unit
TT = Tactics
AT = Attack Tactics
DT = Defense Tactics
Card Name: # Type Force Notes
Ansar Spearmen 5 US 3
Mahdist Warrior 5 US 4
Fuzzy-wuzzies 5 US 5 Beja Swordsmen
Baqqura Cavalry 10 UC 6
Dervishes 5 UR 5 Percussion Cap
Jehadiyya Riflemen 10 UR 6 Bolt Action
Kashkhashan Rifles 1 UR 7 Elephant Guns
12-pdr smoothbores 4 UA 9
9-pdr breech-loaders 4 UA 8
Nile Steamer 3 UB 8
Fanatical Charge 4 TT 8
Jihad 2 TT 9
Amir 2 UL 7
Al-Mahdi 1 UL 12
Uthman Diqna 1 UL 10
Khalifa Abdullahi 1 UL 11
Black Flag 1 UF 12
Red Flag 1 UF 11
Green Flag 1 UF 10
Ambushing a column 4 AT 9
Surprise Revolt 4 AT 10
Defend Town 4 DT 10
Defend Camp 4 DT 9
Attack Khartoum 1 AT 10 South Region
Attack Wadi Halfa 1 AT 10 North Region
Attack Suakin 1 AT 10 East Region
Attack El Obeid 1 AT 10 West Region
The Colonial Angle
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