Solo Card game based on the Blade Movies/Comics. 
Blade is a Daywalker Vampire Slayer. 

Blade is a copyrighted, licensed product. 
This is merely a fan site. 

You win if at the beginning of Foe Phase all 
Foe cards in the game are in the Foe discard pile. 
You lose if Blade is reduced to zero or less Blood Points. 

Use glass beads to keep track of Blood Points and Damage. 

There are 2 Decks:
Aid Deck
Foe Deck

Foes have 2 Ratings: Attack and Defense
Most Foes are Vampires. 
Non-Vampires are unaffected by UV, Sunlight and 
Vampire Mace and take 1 less damage from Silver Attacks. 

Shuffle the decks.
Blade Starts with 20 Blood Points. 
Draw 5 Aid Cards. 

Each turn has 9 phases: 
1. Aid Phase
2. Info Phase
3. Help Phase
4. Foe Phase
5. Strike Phase
6. Attack Phase
7. Escape Phase
8. Heal Phase
9. End Phase

Draw 1 card from the Aid Deck and put it in your hand. 
Discard 1 (non-strike) Draw card in this phase to draw additional cards.  

Play a Look card to look at the next 7 cards in the Foe Deck.
You may choose to leave them in that order or shuffle the Foe Deck.
After this draw 1 card from the Aid Deck.

Put Companion cards from your hand into play. 
You may use a Companion once per turn like a Strike card or a Block card. 
When you use a Companion card flip a coin, if it is heads the 
Companion remains in play, if tails, discard it. 

Draw 1 card from the Foe deck and place it face up in play. 
If it is a Location card, discard any Location card already in play.

Play (discard) 1 or more Strike Cards (SC) to attack Foes. 
Each Strike card has a Damage Rating (DR). 
Put a number of Damage Markers (DM) on to a target 
Foe card equal to the DR of the SC played. 
Some SC have the Ranged or Area Affect Trait. 
Ranged Strikes do Damage to 2 Target Foes. 
Area Affect Strikes do Damage to 3 Target Foes. 
If a Foe card has DM on it equal to or greater than its 
Defense rating it is destroyed (discarded).
Note some strike cards when played allow you to 
Immediately draw an extra Aid card.

Each Foe in play does Damage to Blade equal to its Attack Rating. 
For each point of damage done, Blade loses one Blood Point (BP). 
You may discard a Block Card to negate the damage inflicted by 
One target Vampire. 

You may play a Move card to discard the current Location card and 
Shuffle any Foe cards in play back into the Foe deck. 

Blade automatically regains 1 lost BP. 
If there are no Foes in play, you may discard 1 Heal Card to 
regain additional lost BP. 
Foes with the Regeneration Trait remove Damage Markers 
Equal to the level of their Regeneration Trait. 

Max hand size is 5 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 
If there are no Foe cards in play, discard any 
Location card that is in play. 

A = Attack Rating
D = Defense Rating
S = Single Foe
G = Group of Foes
V = Vampire
N = Non-Vampire
R = Regenerate
L = Location 

Name:			A	D	Type	Notes:
Club Vampires		1	3	GV	-
Goth Vampires		1	2	GV	-
Guard Vampires		1	3	GV	-
Street Vampires		1	2	GV	-
Thug Vampires		1	3	GV	-
Specialist Vampires	2	5	GV	-
Corrupt Vampires       	2	8	GV	-
Commando Vampires       	2	6	GV	-
Leader Vampire		3	8	SV	R 1
Assassin Vampire       	3	5	SV	-
Ancient Vampire		3	10	SV	R 1
Master Vampire		3	9	SV	R 1
Bionic Vampire		3	7	SV	-
Elder Vampire		2	6	SV	R 1
Decrepit Vampires       	1	1	GV	-
Reaper Pack		3	6	GV	R 1
Mutant Vampire		4	11	SV	R 1
Bloodsuckers		1	4	GV	-
Blood God		2	12	SV	R 2
Drake			3	13	SV	R 2
Insane Vampire		1	5	SV	-
Vampire Mistress       	1	4	SV	-
Vampire Henchman       	1	6	SV	-
Vampire Ninjas		2	5	GV	-
Zombie Vampire		1	2	SV	-
Familiar       		1	1	SN	-
Security Detail		1	2	GN	-
Cops			1	2	GN	-
Police			1	3	GN	-
Swat Team		1	4	GN	-
Club Blood		-	-	L	-
House of Erebus		-	-	L	GV get A+1
Blood Bank		-	-	L	-
Safe House		-	-	L	Foes get D+1
Subway			-	-	L	-
Penthouse		-	-	L	-
City Streets		-	-	L	-
Sewers			-	-	L	GV get D+2
Ritual Chamber		-	-	L	SV get D+2
Vampire Stronghold	-	-	L	SV get A+1
Hideout			-	-	L	-

Name:			Strike	Notes:
Body Armor		-	Block
Drink Blood		-	Heal 4
Machine Pistols		3	Ranged
Narrow Escape		-	Block or Move
Impale			4	-
Sunlight       		3	Area Affect
Crush Skull		5	-
Preparations		-	Draw 3
Resupply       		-	Draw 3
Weapons Cache		-	Draw 3
Out of Range		-	Block or Move
Surprise       		-	Draw 2
Blood Bath		4	-
Beat Down		2	Draw 1
Vampiric Rage		-	Draw 2
Rip Out Heart		7	-
Precision Strike       	3	Draw 1
Death Blow		10	-
Plan B			-	Draw 2
Sever Limbs		4	-
Cut in Two		9	-
Kung Fu			2	Draw 1
Machine Gun		3	Ranged
Thermal Grenade		5	Area Affect
Behead			10	-
Wood Stake		4	-
UV Grenade		4	Area Affect
Snap Spine		4	-
Forearm Blades		2	Draw 1
Break Back		4	-
Neck Twist		4	-
Spray Bullets		3	Ranged
Throwing Stars		1	Ranged
Booby Trap		1	Draw 1
Slice			4	-
Katana			5	-
Find Weak Spot		6	-
Automatic Pistols       	2	Ranged
Infusion       		-	Heal 3
Booster Shot		-	Heal 3
Slash			3	-
Transfusion		-	Heal 4
Daywalker		-	Draw 3
Read Glyphs		-	Look 
Interrogation		-	Look
Betrayal       		-	-
Hostage			-	-
Trap			-	-
Hostage			-	-
Ambush			-	-
Captured       		-	-
Disarmed       		-	-
Innocent       		-	-
Surrounded		-	-
Leaping Attack		3	Draw 1
Crucifixion Attack	5	-
Throwing Blades		2	Ranged
Archives       		-	Look
Silver Stakes		5	-
Crusader       		-	Draw 2
Silver Bullets		3	Ranged
Serum			-	Heal 3
Jump			-	Block or Move
UV Lamp			2	Area Affect
Vampire Mace		3	-
Backup			-	Draw 3
Vampire Anti-Virus	10	Area Affect
Investigation		-	Look
Bomb			4	Area Affect
Silver Hollowpoints	3	Ranged
Anticoagulant		9	-
Blood Donor		-	Heal 3
Razor Garrote		6	-
Tear Out Throat		7	-
Discover Plans		-	Look		
Muscle Car		-	Move
Suped Up Motorcycle	-	Move
Daybreak       		3	Area Affect or Move
Rescue			-	Put discarded Companion back in play
Vampire Hunter		2	Companion with Draw 1 when Striking
Ex-Vampire		2	Companion with Ranged Attack
Vampiric Love Interest	2	Companion can be used as Look
Old Man			2	Companion can be used as Draw 2
Female Doctor		1	Companion can be used as Heal 3
Night Stalkers		2	Companion can be used as Move
The Herbalist		1	Companion can be used as Heal 2
Bloodpack		3	Companion

Blade     Wikkipedia

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