2 player card game.
Simulation of the Boer War 1899-1902.
One player is the British Empire.
The other player is the Transvaal & Free Orange State Boers.
Reduce your opponent to zero Blood Tokens.
Each player starts the game with 20 Blood Tokens.
Each player has their own unique deck.
Each deck contains 2 copies of each card in their respective card list.
Each deck has 40 cards.
There are 2 card types:
T = Troops
S = Strategies
Each card has a Force value of 1 to 10.
Each turn is divided into 4 phases:
1. Logistics Phase
2. Strategy Phase
3. Battle Phase
4. End Phase
Each player fills their hand to 9 cards.
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Each player may discard 1 card to activate its special ability.
(Refer to card list for Special Abilities)
The player with the fewest Blood points goes first.
If tied, the Boer player decides who goes first.
Cards played in this turn are referred to as Event Cards.
Each player determines the total force value of their
hand for the categories of Strategy and Troops.
Up to 4 Troop cards may be played, and 4 Strategy cards.
Duplicate cards may not be played.
The player with the higher score in a category wins it.
The loser in a Category loses 1 Blood Token.
If the loser's score is less than half the winners he
loses an additional Blood Token.
In event of a Tie both players lose 1 BT.
If a player wins both categories his opponent loses an
additional Blood Token.
Discard all played cards at the end of the phase.
Players must discard down to 2 or less cards.
The war had 3 stages:
1. The first stage saw major Boer successes vs Inept British Leadership.
The Boer player gets to draw an extra card for the first 5 hands of the game.
2. The second stage saw the British occupy the capitals of the Boers.
No one has an advantage in the second stage.
3. The third stage saw Boer Guerilla Warfare outdone by British Total Warfare.
The might of the British Empire allows them to draw an extra card every
Turn starting with the eleventh turn.
BP = Battle Phase
BT = Blood Token
F = Force
OP = Opponent or Opponent's
SC = Strategy Card
TC = Tactics Card
DC = Discarded
PAN = Play another Event
D1C = Draw 1 Card from the Deck and put it in your Hand
Card Name: Force Type Special Ability:
Hit & Run Tactics 9 S OP discards 2 random cards
Guerilla Warfare 10 S D2C
Cunning Traps 8 S OP TC are -3F this turn in BP
Ambushes 6 S OP DC Strongest TC DC in BP
Entrenched Hills 5 S Your SC are +3F this turn
Home Territory 3 S Gain 1 BT
Inept British Commanders 7 S OP DC Strongest SC DC in BP
Raids 4 S LAOH then OP DC 1 random card
Camouflage 2 S Negate Event just played by OP
Skirmishes 1 S OP must DC 1 card of his choice
Small Mobile Forces 8 T Negate Event just played by OP & D1C
Excellent Marksmen 6 T Win all ties in BP
Light Artillery 1 T OP loses 1 BT
Maxims & Mausers 2 T Your TC are +3F this turn
Bitterenders 10 T Gain 1 BT and OP loses 1 BT
Veteran Snipers 7 T OP SC are -3F this turn in BP
Live in the Saddle 4 T Each card you play in BP is +1F
Masters of Gun & Horse 5 T D1C then PAN
Militia Riflemen 3 T LAOH then D1C
Boer Commandos 9 T OP loses 1 BT and D1C
Card Name Force Type Special Ability:
Displays of Courage 2 S Your TC are +3F this turn
Learn from Mistakes 1 S Negate Event just played by OP
Break Siege 7 S OP DC Strongest SC DC in BP
Railroads 3 S Gain 1 BT
Imperial Reinforcements 9 S D2C
Block Houses 8 S Your SC are +3F this turn
Occupation 4 S OP must DC 1 card of his choice
Scorched Earth Policy 6 S LAOH then OP DC 1 random card
Concentration Camps 5 S OP loses 1 BT
Total War 10 S OP discards 2 random cards
Garrisons 1 T D1C then PAN
Infantry 2 T Your TC are +1F this turn then D1C
Brigades 3 T Each card you play in BP is +1F
British Regulars 7 T D3C then discard 2 then PAN
Field Artillery 4 T Win all ties in BP
Vickers Machine Guns 6 T OP TC are -3F this turn in BP
Naval Gun Batteries 5 T OP DC Strongest TC DC in BP
Cavalry 8 T OP SC are -3F this turn in BP
Relief Columns 9 T Negate Event just played by OP & D1C
Expeditionary Force 10 T Gain 1 BT and OP loses 1 BT
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Boer War

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