Board & card game for 2 players.
WWII West Front.
Abstract simulation of the Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes).
Each figure (unit) represents a division.
One player is the Germans, the other is the Allies (Americans & British).
Each turn is one day starting December 16, 1944.
Allies may make Air Attacks starting Dec 26.
The Germans win if they can occupy Bastogne, St Vith, Liege, Namur, and Dinant.
The Americans win if the Destroy all German Divisions or by January 16.
Use a 14 x 14 grid.
The Left border is the River Meuse.
Include the cities of Namur (North) and Dinant (South) on the Meuse.
In the Northern center have one space be Liege.
In the center East have one space be St Vith.
In the Southern center have one space be Bastogne.
Use chits or miniatures to represent units.
Y = Armored, N = Not Armored (Infantry Division)
The German player starts with the following 24 Divisions:
Division: Hits Force Armor Notes:
1st SS Panzer 3 3 Y
2nd SS Panzer 2 3 Y
9th SS Panzer 2 3 Y
12th SS Panzer 3 3 Y
2nd Lehr Panzer 2 3 Y
9th Lehr Panzer 2 3 Y
116th Lehr Panzer 2 3 Y
3rd Panzergrenadier 2 3 Y
15th Panzergrenadier 2 3 Y
3rd Parachute 2 3 N
5th Parachute 2 3 N
Volksgrenadier 1 1 N 13 Divisions
The Allied player starts with the following 4 Divisions:
Division: Hits Force Armor
4th American 2 2 N
28th American 1 2 N
106th American 3 1 N
9th US Armored 3 1 Y
Allied Reinforcements:
Division: Hits Force Armor Deploy
101st US Airborne 3 3 N Third Army Dec 19
7th US Armored 3 3 Y First Army Dec 18
10th US Armored 3 3 Y Third Army Dec 18
82nd US Airborne 3 3 N First Army
2nd US Armored 3 3 Y First Army
3rd US Armored 3 2 Y First Army
84th US 3 2 N First Army
30th US 3 2 N First Army
1st US 3 2 N First Army
9th US 3 2 N First Army
9th US Armored 3 2 Y Third Army
10th US Armored 3 2 Y Third Army
4th US Armored 3 2 Y Third Army
26th US 3 2 N Third Army
80th US 3 2 N Third Army
28th US 3 2 N Third Army
5th US 3 2 N Third Army
4th US 3 2 N Third Army
29th Armored Brigade 2 2 Y British (North)
Units may not stack.
German units start in the 2 most eastern rows.
The Panzer Divisions (Sixth SS Pz Army) are north of the Lehr Divisions (Fifth Pz Army).
The 4 US Divisions start along the front.
The US 9th and 4th start in the South.
The US 28th is centally located. The US 106th is in the North.
The Germans go first.
Players share a common deck.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 4 phases:
1. Orders Phase
2. Move Phase
3. Deploy Phase
4. Fire Phase
Draw 3 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Max hand size = 5 cards.
Discard excess cards.
Play (discard) a Move card to move one of your units.
The move card has a number.
This is the number of spaces the unit moves.
Moves can be diagonal or orthogonal.
Instead of moving just one unit in any direction, you have the
option of moving up to two units forward the indicated number of
spaces using a single move card.
A unit can move only once per turn.
Starting Dec 20th the Allied player may deploy one Third or First Army unit per turn.
Third Army units deploy on the southernmost row.
First Army units deploy on the northernmost row.
Play (discard) an Attack card to have a unit attack.
The attack card has a number.
This is the range of the attack.
Attacks can be diagonal or orthogonal.
The enemy unit that is the target of the attack takes one point of Damage.
Units reduced to 0 Hits are destroyed and removed from the map.
Your opponent may play certain Defense cards to negate your attack.
M = Movement
A = Attack
D = Defense: Negate Attack card played by opponent
N = Negate Move card played by opponent
X = Opponent must discard 2 cards
Z = Draw 2 cards
G = German Player only
L = Allied Player only
T = Armored units only
I = Non-armored units only
P = Deploy an extra unit this turn
# = Number of this card in the deck
Use = Which player can use the card
Card Name: # Use Type Range Notes
Eisenhower 1 L P -
Relief Forces 2 L M 1
Break out 2 GT M 2
Siege 1 - D - Unit in City only
Supply Lines 1 L Z -
Salient 2 G M 1
Objective Antwerp 1 G M 1
Wacht am Rhein 1 G M 1
Dietrich 1 G Z -
Manteuffel 1 G Z -
Lack of Fuel 4 L N -
Capture Supplies 1 G Z -
Overrun 2 - A 1
Inexperienced 1 - A 1 Vs Force = 1 Unit only
Experienced 2 - A 1 By Force = 3 Unit only
Under Strength 1 - D - Vs Unit with 1 or 2 Hits
Critical Road Crossing 1 - M 1
Surrounded 1 - M 1
Forward Elements 1 - N 1
Advanced Units 1 - M 1
Strict Radio Security 1 G D -
Bradley 1 L Z -
Patton 1 L Z -
Breakthrough 2 GT M 2
Key Road Junction 1 - M 1
Valley Route 1 - M 1
Open Country 1 - M 1
Spearheads 2 T M 2
Blocking Move 2 L M 1
Highways 1 - M 1
Outflank 1 - M 1
Progress 1 G M 1
Arrive by Truck 1 L P -
Resolute Defense 1 L D -
Nuts! 1 L D -
Road Block 1 L N 1
Counter Measures 1 L X -
Montgomery 1 L P - First Army Dec 20+
Ultra Decrypts 1 L D -
Resistance 1 L D -
Heavy Casualties 1 - A 1
Anti-Tank Teams 1 - A 1 Vs Armored Units only
Vital Impetus 1 G M 1
Delays 1 L N -
Immobilized 1 L A 1
Air Attacks 2 L A 2 Air
Fighter Bombers 2 L A 2 Air
Medium Bombers 2 L A 3 Air
Counter Attack 2 - A 1
Inflict Casualties 2 - A 1
Cause Panic 1 G X -
Take Prisoners 2 - A 1
Last Ditch Offensive 1 G Z -
Hitler's Large Solution 1 G Z -
Rundstedt & Model 1 G Z -
Concealed Movements 1 G D -
Confusion 1 G X -
Bodenplatte 1 G X -
Tactical Surprise 1 G A 1
Stiffening Opposition 1 L A 1
Luftwaffe 1 G D - Vs Air Attack only
88 Flak Cannons 1 G D - Vs Air Attack only
Panther Tanks 2 GT A 1
Tiger Tanks 1 GT A 1
King Tigers 1 GT A 1
Artillery Barrage 2 - A 1
Shock Troops 2 G A 1
Paratroop Drop 1 G A 2
Shoot US Prisoners 1 L D -
Killing Krauts 1 L A 1
Battle of Mobility 1 - M 1
Tank Destroyers 1 - A 1
Gaps 1 G M 1
Probe 1 - M 1
Sherman Tanks 2 L A 1
Efficiency 1 L P 1
After Dec 25th the German draws 2 cards per turn, not 3.
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