Card & Dice game for 2 players.
WWII Simulation of Combat between two infantry companies.
One player represents the Americans, the other is the Germans.

The first player to destroy or rout 10 enemy squads or units wins.
If after 2 turns, you ever have units at a all three fronts and your 
opponent only has units at one or none, you automatically win.

The game uses 3 decks. 
Players share a common Tactics Deck.
Each player has their own unique Squad Deck.

Markers (counters, tokens) required:
Casualty Markers
Pinned Markers

six sided dice (D6) are needed.

Each player deploys his units into one of three Fronts:
Center, Left Flank, and Right Flank.

Strength = Each point of Strength represents 1-5 men.

Determine who goes first randomly.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 6 phases:
1. Deploy Phase
2. Tactics Phase
3. Recon Phase
4. Suppression Phase
5. Assault Phase
6. Rally Phase

Draw 3 cards from your Squad deck.
Deploy these units to your Fronts.
You may deploy 0-1+ units to each front (center, left & right) 
Units are deployed Face up.
If your Company Commander is in play, you may draw an extra Squad or Tactics card.
During this phase you may move non-pinned units from one front to an adjacent front.
A unit that is moved cannot attack (or Recon) this turn.

Draw 2 cards from the Tactics deck. 
Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.

Recon Units may go on a Recon Mission. 
Missions are into the enemy front directly across from them.
Roll 1D6 (Recon Roll):
Roll	Result:
1-2	Spotted (Make one Suppression Roll against the Recon unit)
3-4	Nothing
5-6	Success
On a Success result you may do one of 2 things:
1. Look at your opponents hand
2. All suppression rolls vs the target front this turn are at +1 
A unit on a mission cannot attack this turn.

Units with long range attacks are capable of suppression fire.
(Artillery, Mortars, Tanks, Heavy Machine Guns on Tripods)
Units attack into the enemy front directly across from them.
Roll 2D6 (Suppression Roll) for each unit with Suppression Fire. 
Roll	Result:
2-7	Nothing
8-10	One Random Enemy Unit gets a Pinned Marker
11+ 	One Random Enemy Unit gets a Casualty Marker
Units that attack in Suppression Phase cannot attack in Assault Phase.
Support cards may be played to give you a number of Suppression rolls.
Declare which enemy Front is being targeted when using Support cards.
Support cards are discarded when played.
A Pinned unit cannot do suppression fire.
A unit with casualty markers equal to its Strength is destroyed (remove from play). 

Declare which of your units are attacking (= assaulting). 
Units attack into the enemy front directly across from them.
Defending enemy units get to attack first, then attacking units.
Roll XD6 (Fire Roll) for each unit.
X = the Strength of the Unit minus the number of casualty markers on it.
Roll	Result
1-3	Nothing
4-5	One Random Enemy Unit gets a Pinned Marker
6 + 	One Random Enemy Unit gets a Casualty Marker
Some Tactics Cards increase/decrease the number of Fire Rolls made.
A Pinned unit cannot make Fire rolls.
A unit with casualty markers equal to its Strength is destroyed (remove from play). 

Each unit with Pinned Markers on it may roll 1D6 (Rally Roll)
Roll	Result:
1-4	Nothing
5-6	Remove one Pinned Marker
If a unit has more Casualty & Pinned Markers on it than its 
base Strength it routs (remove the unit from play). 
A Leader unit (HQ) that has not moved or attacked this turn may attempt 
to rally a target pinned unit. (Make a Rally Roll +2)
Leader units get +2 to Rally themselves.

Armored units get to make an armor save when they are hit.
Roll 1D6 (Armor Roll):
Roll	Result:
1-5	Nothing
6	Ignore a Pinned Result/Treat a Kill Result as a Pinned Result
Units with heavier armor get a bonus to this roll.
Note: Tanks are immune to damage caused by snipers.

If your opponent has no units left on a Front, your units on that front may 
attack into an adjacent Front with a +1 on all Fire & Supression rolls.

U = Units (Squads & Vehicles)
UI = Infantry Squad
S = Support (Attacks by Artillery & Airplanes)
STR = Strength
# = Copies of that card in the deck
Assault = The unit gets +1 to Fire Rolls when Attacking (Assaulting)
Defense = The unit gets an extra 2 Fire Rolls when Defending
Anti-Tank = Any damage done by this unit is randomly distributed to Vehicles or 
artillery units first.
Medium Tank = (Armor(Roll +2)+ Suppression + Anti-Tank + Assault)
AT Gun = (Suppression + Anti-Tank + Defense + unit cannot Assault) 

Card Name			Type	STR	#	Notes
Company HQ			U	1	1	Leader
Platoon HQ			U	1	3	Leader
Rifle Squad			UI	2	3	
Replacement Squad       		UI	2	2	Morale Rolls at -1
Heavy Rifle Squad       		UI	3	1	
Engineering Squad       		UI	2	1	Assault 
Half Squad			U	1	2	
Recon Team			U	1	2	Recon 
Browning 30 Calibre MG		U	1	1	Defense
Browning 50 Calibre MG		U	1	1	Defense & Suppression
60mm Mortar			U	1	1	Suppression
81mm Mortar			U	1	1	Suppression(Roll +1)
M1A1 Bazooka Team       		U	1	1	Anti-Tank
M4A1 Sherman Tank 		U	1	1	Medium Tank
M8 Armored Car			U	1	1	Recon(Roll +1) & Armor  

Card Name			Type	STR	#	Notes
Company Leader			U	1	1	Leader
Platoon Leader			U	1	3	Leader
Jagergruppe Infantry Squad	UI	2	2	
Stosstrup Heavy Squad		UI	3	1	
Pioniere Engineering Squad	UI	2	1	Assault 
Half Squad			UI	1	1	
Recon Team			U	1	2	Recon 
Light MG 34			U	1	1	Defense
Heavy MG 42			U	1	1	Defense & Suppression
80cm Mortar			U	1	1	Suppression (Roll +1)
Panzerschreck Team      		U	1	1	Anti-Tank
Panzer IV G Tank        		U	1	1	Medium Tank
Scharfschutze Sniper		U	1	1	Suppression
7.5cm PaK 40 AT Gun		U	1	1	AT Gun
Half Track 			U	1	1	Armor & Suppression

Card Name		#	Notes:
Smoke			2	Negate Suppression Roll 
Hedgerows		1	Fire rolls vs all Defenders at Front at -1
Open Field		1	Defenders get +1 to Fire Rolls
Tree Line		1	Negate target Fire roll vs Defender
Daylight Push		1	Defenders at front get +1 to Fire Rolls
Woods			1	Fire rolls vs all Defenders at Front at -1
Howitzer Battery  	2	4 Suppression Rolls
Artillery Barrage       	2	4 Suppression Rolls
Dive Bomber		1	3 Suppression Rolls
Strafing Run		1	3 Suppression Rolls
Air Support		1	3 Suppression Rolls
Air Superiority		1	3 Suppression Rolls (Americans Only)
Radio 			1	Draw an extra Squad card in Deploy Phase
Flame Thrower		1	Engineering Squad gets +2 Fire Rolls this turn
Commando Raid		1	Recon Squad gets +2 Fire Rolls this turn
Satchel Charge		1	Unit gets +1 Fire Roll
Enfilade	          	1	All your units on a Front get +1 to Fire Rolls
Grenades  		1	Infantry Unit gets +1 Fire Roll
Entrenched		1	Fire Rolls vs Defender at -1
Veteran Unit		1	Target unit can Move & Assault this turn
Green Unit		1	Target unit can do nothing this turn 
Shaken			1	Negate Morale Roll
Professionalism		1	Make an extra Morale Roll (German only)
Out of Ammo		1	Target unit can make no suppression Fire for rest of game
Breakdown		1	Target Vehicle cannot Move or Assault for rest of game
Reserves	          	1	Draw an extra Squad card in Deploy Phase
Reinforcements		1	Draw an extra Squad card in Deploy Phase (Americans Only)
Mine field		1	4 Fire Rolls vs Assaulting Units
Forward Observer	        1	All suppression rolls vs the target front this turn are +1
Crossfire		1	All your units on a Front get +1 to Fire Rolls
Seasoned Commander	1	Draw 2 Tactics cards
Rifle Grenades		1	Infantry squad gets 1 Suppression Roll
Machine Guns		1	German Infantry squad gets 1 Suppression Roll
Panzerfausts		1	German non-tank unit gets Anti-Tank ability this turn
Air Reconnaissance	1	Same as successful Recon Mission
Opportunity Fire	        1	Defender gets +1 Fire Roll
Unit Separated		1	Put Pinned marker on Non-HQ unit
Fog of War		1	Target Front cannot be attacked this turn
Take Cover		1	Negate Suppression Roll
Awaiting Orders		1	Target Unit cannot assault
Formation Disorder	1	Target Front cannot be assaulted this turn
Surprise Contact	        1	Defense&Assault Fire Rolls are simultaneous on target front
Ambush			1	Defenders at front get +1 to Fire Rolls
Overrun			1	Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1	
Surrounded		1	Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1
Breakthrough		1	Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1
Blitzkrieg		1	Fire rolls by all German assaulting units at Front at +1
Concentrate Force       	1	Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1
Trapped			1	Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1
Hilltop Vantage		1	Defenders at front get +1 to Fire Rolls
Camouflage		1	Negate Suppression Roll
Mud			1	Negate target Move
Roads			1	Target Unit can Move & Attack this turn
Buildings		1	Negate target Fire roll vs Defender

Thanks Jose!
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