INTRODUCTION Card Game for 2+ players. Lewis & Clarke Exploration Theme. BASIC HISTORY Thomas Jefferson bought (bargain-price) Louisiana from the French in 1803. This purchase more than doubled the size of the United States. Meriwether Lewis & William Clarke were chosen by Jefferson to Explore this vast, unknown region. They assembled a group of Soldiers, hunters, boatmen, and slaves (40-50 men) known as the Corps of Discovery. They set off from St Louis in 1804. They Traveled as far as the Pacific. The Expedition lasted two and a half years. They returned safely after mapping large areas, finding new plants and Animals and meeting many new Indian Tribes. VICTORY The player with the most cards in his Victory pile at the end of The game wins. THE DECK There is a single common deck. There are 7 Suites: 1. Geographical Features 2. Travel 3. Scientific Discovery 4. Indian Tribes 5. Diplomacy 6. Hardships 7. Provisions SETUP Each player draws 6 cards. The oldest player goes first. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Each turn has 4 Phases: Travel Phase Exploration Phase Discovery Phase Winter Phase TRAVEL PHASE Draw 2 cards in combination from the top of the discard or the Draw pile. The Draw pile is face up. EXPLORATION PHASE You may discard 1 card and draw a replacement from the draw deck. DISCOVERY PHASE If you have 1 card from each of the Seven suites, you may set the seven Cards aside in your victory pile. If you have 4 cards of a single suite in your hand, you may set the four Cards aside in your victory pile. WINTER PHASE Discard down to 7 cards. The game ends if there are no cards left in the Deck.

CARD LIST NOTATION T = Travel D = Diplomacy P = Provisions G = Geographical Features S = Scientific Discovery I = Indian Tribes H = Hardships CARD LIST Card Name: Type Notes: Meriwether Lewis T Leader William Clarke T Proceed on Sagacious Seaman T Newfoundland Dog Keelboat T 55 Feet Long Large Canoes T Pirogues Indian Guides T Dugout Canoes T Rivermen T Pilots Trek on Foot T Indians Allow Passage T Navigate by the Stars T Indian Horses T Indian Maps & Advice T Exchange Horses for Canoes T George Drouillard P Hunter Hunting P Deer, Sheep, Beaver, Water Birds Salmon Fishing P Medicinals P Laudanum, Quinine, Purgatives, Mercury Indians Share Food P Barter P Indian Hospitality P Indian Generosity Horsemeat P Indians Provide Shelter P Whale Blubber & Oil P Salt Making Camp P Toussaint Charbonneau P French-Canadian Trader; Decent Cook Indian Food P Root Bread, Candle Fish, Corn Buffalo & Bear Meat P Missouri River G Rocky Mountains G Columbia River G Fort Mandan G First Winter 1804-1805 Oregon G Camp Fortunate G Pacific Coast G Fort Clatsop G Pacific Northwest; Second Winter South Dakota G Missouri River G White Cliffs, Great Falls & Headwaters Bitteroot Mountains G Yellowstone River G Marias River G Great Plains G Diplomatic Offerings D Peace Medals, Certificates Gifts D Beads, Cloth, Ribbons, Mirrors, Combs Presents D Knives, Gunpowder, Fish-hooks Singing & Dancing D Fiddle Tunes Trade Goods D Whiskey, Tobacco Sacajawea D Indian Woman Interpreter D Sign Language Diffuse Tensions D Welcome Delegation D Friendly Council Friendly Relations D Racing, Shooting, Doctoring, Ceremonies Indian Women D Sexual Relations York D Black Slave “Big Medison” Show Off Technology D Air-gun, Cannon, Magnets, Sextant Form Trade Alliance D Manifest Destiny Shoshone Tribe I Mandan Tribe I Nez Perce Tribe I Rocky Mountains Yankton Sioux I South Dakota Teton Sioux I Hidatsa Villages I Missouri Indians I Columbia River Tribes I The Salmon People Oto Tribe I Arikara Indians I Salish Confederation I Flatheads Chinook Traders I Clatsop Tribe I Blackfeet Nation I Great Herds S Elk, Antelope, Buffalo Map-Making S Cartography 178 Plant Species S 122 Animal Species S Prairie Dogs, Bighorn Sheep, California Condor Grizzly Bear Attacks S Indian Artifacts S Specimens S Flora & Fauna Disprove Fallacies S Northwest Passage, Mammoths, Welsh Tribes, etc. Journals & Drawings S Tribal Vocabularies S Ethnological Observations S Map Indian Tribes S Soils & Minerals S Weather & Climate S Discomforts H Cuts, Bruises, Barbs, Bug Bites, Injuries River Rapids H Short & Long Narrows Portage (Carry Boats) H Stand-Off with Indians H Misunderstandings Sickness H Heatstroke, Malaria, Dysentary, Boils, etc. Winter H Camp Disappointment H Low on Trade Goods H Lost Cargo, Thievery Poor Relations with Indians H Politics, Promises, & Insults Poor Morale H Homesickness, Frayed Nerves Cross Mountains H Cold & Hunger H Exposure, Starvation Storms H Flash Floods, Hail, Rain, Snowstorms Breakdown in Discipline H Drunk, Disorderly, & Defiant; Floggings LINKS COD Smithsonian Lewis & Clarke

SOLO VICTORY CONDITIONS by Ron Pehr >80 cards: It's a crashingly great success and Capt. Lewis gets elected president in 1812. 40-80 cards: It is as successful as the historical expedition was. <40 cards: They shoulda' stayed in bed, and we give the Louisiana Purchase back to Napoleon and this game is being written in French.

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