by mike marinos
Chain Home
The game combines successful use of radar and RAF fighter resources to intercept
German air fleets during the Summer of 1940
Game Length
Game lasts 15 moves.
The map of England is divided into the 4 main sectors used during the Battle of Britain.
RAF Fighters
1. Allocate by filling in the circles 20 fighters between each sector and
divide each sector between planes ready for Scramble and Reserve.
2. Scramble Aircraft can be committed at any time and before positive radar contact.
3. Reserve aircraft can be committed to another sector and can’t participate
in combat until they arrive at the sector. Reserve aircraft can only
be committed to combat in a sector only on positive Radar contact.
4. Reserve aircraft take 4 moves to move from sector to sector.
5. Scramble aircraft will intercept within the sector
6. RAF planes do not need to be on the ground at the end of play.
7. RAF planes must be at the right height to intercept
Fighter flight duration
Planes can stay in the air for 6 moves.
Planes can be rearmed and refuelled in 2 moves
German Aircraft
Allocate 24 aircraft to the 4 directions of attack
There are 3 levels of altitude
It cost 1 movement point to go up one level.
Setting up Chain Home
Efficiency is deducted from die roll increasing the chance of a radar intercept
Allocate 5 efficiency points between the radar sites. Record the number in the Efficiency Box. Efficiency points do not need to be allocated
Roll and deduct efficiency points
1 = height
2 = number
3 = nothing
4 = nothing
5 = nothing
6 = nothing
Roll 1d6
1 - 2 = level 1
3 - 4 = level 2
5 - 6 = level 3
Bombers Number
Roll 1 d6 = number of bombers
1 - 2 = 4
4 - 5 = 5
6 = 6
Combat Contact
On first contact roll 1d6
6 = feint - NOTHING THERE SUCKER reallocate quick!
Dogfight for each combat contact
Dogfight can last 2 moves then contact must be broken.
Roll 1 d6 for each attacking fighter
1 - 3 = 0 planes but 1 bomber unserviceable for one move
4 - 5= 1 plane
6 = 2 plane
German Defense for each combat contact
1 - 2 = 0 planes but 1 aircraft unserviceable for 1 campaign move
2 - 6 = 1 plane
When German bombers reach the RAF roundel roll 1d6 and mark of Sector damage
If bombers not intercepted
1 - 3 = 3 sector damage points
4 - 5 = 2 sector damage points
6 = 1 sector damage points
Bombers intercepted for 1 move before roundel
1 - 3 = 2 sector damage points
4 - 5 = 1 sector damage points
6 = 0 sector damage points
Bombers intercepted for 2 moves before roundel
1 - 4 = 1 sector damage points
5 - 6 = 0 sector damage points
Designer Notes
I wanted a solo game that relied on allocating resources and then managing the
resources and calculated guess rather then the straight roll of the dice
Everything based on D6. With the die = fog of war, technological uncertainty.
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