Card game for 2-5+ players. 
Setting: 13th Century Verona Italy. 
Each player controls a Greater Noble Family of the City vying for prestige. 

The game ends at the completion of the 13th turn. 
The player with the most Prestige Points wins (Most Prestigious). 

Six sided dice are needed to play. 

Use Tokens or Poker Chips to keep track of Prestige points. 

Players share a common deck. 

In addition to Prestige, each Family is described by 5 additional Traits: 
1 – Blood 
2 – Wealth
3 – Favor 
4 – Dignity 
5 – Vigor 

This is basically a body-count of the number of your 
Family members killed by Feuding with the other Great Families. 
If it is higher than the other Families, your Prestige will suffer. 

How much money, land, gold, treasure you control. 
Often effort, in the form of Vigor, is required to accumulate Wealth. 
Wealth can be used to buy Favor and Dignity. 

The City is controlled by Prince Escalus of the Holy Roman Empire. 
This trait is a Measure of how favorably the Prince views your Family. 
Feuding will lower his Favor. 
Entertainments & Money will win his favor. 

This is a measure of the goodwill of the Church, the Populace, and 
The lesser Houses towards your Family. 
Scandal and Street fighting will lower your Houses Dignity. 
Donations and Public Service will increase it. 

The Vital Energy (Mental, Physical, Spiritual) of your Family. 
This resource accumulates naturally and can be used to 
Gain Wealth and throw Public Spectacles. 
Vigor will determine Initiative in each Turn. 

Use coins to keep track of your level in each of your Traits. 
If one of your traits goes below zero, it stays at zero and 
instead you lose prestige points equal to those that would 
have been lost by the Trait. 
Prestige levels can be negative. 

Players decide on a name for their Family. 
Each player rolls 2D6 for each of their 5 Traits to determine their starting levels. 
Each player starts with zero Prestige.  

Each turn has 6 Phases: 
1. Fate Phase
2. Initiative Phase
3. Destiny Phase
4. Resolution Phase
5. Punishment Phase
6. Prestige Phase

Flip over the top 7 cards of the Deck.
These 7 cards are called the Fate cards.  
Spread them out in the middle of the table so all players can see them. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

The player with the highest Vigor picks first. 
This player is known as the Leader.  
Next highest picks second and so on. 
If tied, the higher Favor goes first. If still tied, roll high on 1D6. 
At the End of the Initiative Phase, all players gain +1 to their 
Vigor except for the Leader.  
Initiative order should be fully resolved before proceeding to Destiny Phase. 

Starting with the Leader each player takes a turn picking 1 Fate card. 
Continue Picking until all 7 Fate cards have been selected. 
Picking cards is done in Initiative order. 
When all players have picked one card and there are still 
Fate cards remaining, the Leader picks again and so on. 
For Example: A game of 4 Players:
John, Ricky, Lucy, and Mog
Ricky is the Leader designated A. 
Next is Mog = B; Lucy = C, and finally John = D. 
The Fate Cards are labeled: I, II, II, IV, V, VI, and VII
Ricky goes first and picks III
Mog goes second and picks I
Lucy goes third and picks VI
John goes fourth and picks IV
Ricky goes again fifth and picks VII
Mog goes again sixth and picks II 
Luck goes again seventh and picks V
All the Fate cards are now gone. 
John missed out on getting a second card. 

Players adjust their Traits up or down according to the 
Cards they picked in Destiny Phase. 
Some cards cause the traits of a targeted opponent to be modified. 
The Target should be selected in Destiny Phase as soon as the 
Card is picked. 

Blood cards are cards that cause an opponents blood trait to be increased. 
Every time Blood is shed, there is a chance the Prince will punish the 
Family responsible, that is, the player who picked the Blood card. 
If you picked a Blood card, you are designated as “Guilty” of the Crime. 
A Guilty player must save against his Favor Trait to avoid punishment:
Roll 2D6. If the score is greater than your Favor Trait roll once on 
The Punishment Table. You make only one save roll per Blood card played 
And if you fail the save you suffer a roll on the Punishment table only once. 

1D6	Result:		Notes:
1	Fines		Wealth -1 
2	Reprimand	Favor -1
3	Reparations	Wealth -1 and Opponent gets Wealth +1
4	Imprisonment	Dignity -1 and Vigor -1
5	Banishment	Wealth -1 and Dignity -1 
6	Execution	Blood +1 and Favor -1 

The player with the lowest Blood Trait gains 1 Prestige Point (PP). 
The player with the highest Wealth Trait gains 1 PP. 
The player with the highest Favor Trait gains 1 PP. 
The player with the highest Dignity Trait gains 1 PP. 
The player with the highest Vigor Trait gains 1 PP. 
In case of ties, no one gets the PP. 

B = Blood
W = Wealth
F = Favor
D = Dignity
V = Vigor
* = Pick a Target Opponent whose Trait is affected
** = The same Target Opponent

Card Name:		B	W	F	D	V	
Slaying			+3*	-	-1	-1	-
Party			-	-1	+3	-	-1
Brawl			+3*	-	-1	-1	-
Murder			+1*	-	-	-	-
Scandal			-	-	-1*	-2**	-2
Plot			-	-	-2*	-1**	-2
Entertainment		-	-	+2	-	-1
Build Church		-	-2	-	+3	-
Alms to the Poor  	-	-1	-	+2	-
Manage Estates		-	+1	-	+1	-1
Caravans	        -	+3	-	+1	-2
Traders			-	+2	-	-	-1
Markets			-	+1	-	+1	-1
Banking			-	+2	-	-1	-
Merchants		-	+2	-	-	-1
Pay Taxes		-	-2	+1	+2	-
Tariffs			-	-1	+2	-	-
Church Tithe		-	-1	-	+2	-
Gifts			-	-1	+2	-	-
Tribute			-	-1	+2	-	-
Fray			+3*	-	-1	-1	-
Skirmish	        +3*	-	-1	-1	-
Costume Ball		-	-1	+3	-	-1
Masquerade		-	-1	+3	-	-1
Government Office	-	-	+1	+2	-2
Public Works		-	-2	-	+3	-
Patronage		-	-1	+2	-	-
Tragic Affair		-	-	-2*	-1**	-1
Conspiracy		-	-	-2*	-1**	-2
Donations		-	-1	-	+2	-
Charity			-	-1	-	+2	-
Financing		-	+1	-	-	-
Collect Tolls		-	+2	+1	-1	-1
Loans			-	+2	+1	-1	-
Military Service  	-	-1	+2	+2	-2
Wedding			-	-2	+3	+2	-2
Politics	        -	-1	+2	+1	-1
Corruption		-	+4	-1	-2	-
Public Service		-	-1	+1	+2	-1
Dispute			+2*	-	-	-1	-
Sword Fight		+3*	-	-1	-1	-
Luxury Goods		-	+2	+1	-	-2
Spices & Wines		-	+2	+1	-	-2
Artisans	        -	+1	-	+1	-1
Craftsmen		-	+1	-	+1	-1
Killing			+3*	-	-1	-1	-
Diplomatic Service	-	-	+1	+1	-1
Alliances		-	-2	+1	+3	-1
Festival	        -	-1	+2	+1	-1
Memorials		-	-1	-	+2	-
Intrigue	        -	-	-3*	-	-2
Courtly Fashions  	-	-1	+1	+1	-
Agriculture		-	+2	-	-	-1
Harvest			-	+3	-	-	-2
Guilds			-	+1	-	+1	-1
Carnival  		-	-1	+1	-	-1
Criminal Activities	-	+3	-1	-1	-
Accusations		-	-	-1*	-1**	-1
Feudal Obligations	-	-1	+1	+1	-
Mortal Feud		+2*	-	-1	-	-

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