Card game for 2+ players based on the Video Game Heroes of Might & Magic III. 

Might & Magic is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The game ends when every player has completed 7 turns. 

Players compete in 3 Categories: 
1. Might
2. Magic
3. Gold
Most cards increase your score in one of these 3 Categories. 

At the end of the game, the player with the highest score in the most 
Categories is the winner. 

Each player starts with 1 Randomly drawn Hero. 
Roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first. Play proceeds clockwise. 

All cards owned and controlled by a player are placed face up on the 
Table in front of them. This is each player’s Kingdom. 

There are seven Decks:
1. Hero Deck
2. Building Deck
3. Explore Deck
4. Creature Deck
5. Spell Deck
6. Skill Deck
7. Artifact Deck

Each turn has 2 Phases: 
1. Build Phase
2. Creature Phase
3. Recruit Phase
4. Explore Phase

Draw 1 Card from the Build Deck and add it to your Kingdom. 

Draw 1 Card from the Creature Deck and add it to your Kingdom. 

Roll once on the Recruit Table: 

1D6	Recruit:
1	Draw 1 Card from the Hero Deck and add it to your Kingdom.
2	Draw 1 Card from the Skill Deck and add it to your Kingdom.
3	Draw 1 Card from the Spell Deck and add it to your Kingdom.
4	Draw 1 Card from the Artifact Deck and add it to your Kingdom.
5+	Draw 1 Card from an above Deck of your Choice and add it to your Kingdom.

Draw 1 Card from the Explore Deck and add it to your Kingdom.

Both Heroes and Creatures are referred to as Units. 

Ranged: Missile Weapons, Arrows, Bolts, Slings, Boulders, etc. 
Defense: Counterattacks, Magic Resistance, Immunity, Shields, High Defense Units, etc. 
Quick: Units with High Tactical Mobility, Flying Units. 
Burst: Attacks which target multiple opponents at once, Area of Effect Attacks. 
Incapacitate: Binding, Poison, Disease, Petrification, Paralysis, Blinding, De-Buff, Curses, etc. 
Reinforce: Healing, Resurrection, Recruitment, Cloning, Copying, etc.  
Buff: Multiple Attacks, Charging, Morale, Luck, Attack Boosters, etc.    

Heroes are of 2 types: Might Heroes and Magic Heroes. 
Each Hero also belongs to 1 of the 8 Town Types. 
The Hero Deck should have 2 copies of each listed card. 

Each Creature belongs to 1 of the 8 Town Types. 

Advanced Knowledge known to your Heroes. 

Spells belong to 1 of 4 types: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. 

These are building located in Towns within your Kingdom. 
Some indicate affiliation with 1 of the 8 Town types. 
Your Kingdom may contain multiple Town Affiliations. 

Magical Objects of great Power. 

Locations, Structures, and Items found within your Kingdom, 
But outside of your Towns. 

The player with the most Ranged cards gets Might +5 and Magic +5. 
The player with the most Defense cards gets Might +10. 
The player with the most Quick cards gets Might +5 and Magic +5. 
The player with the most Incapacitate cards gets Magic +10. 
The player with the most Burst cards gets Magic +10. 
The player with the most Reinforce cards gets Might +5 and Magic +5. 
The player with the most Buff cards gets Might +10. 

Hero			Notes:
Alchemist		Might +3 Magic +3 Tower Creatures get Might +1
Barbarian		Might +6; Stronghold Creatures get Might +1
Battle Mage		Magic +3 Might +3; Stronghold Creatures get Magic +1
Beastmaster		Might +4 Magic +1; Defense; Fortress Creatures get Might +1
Cleric			Magic +4 Might +2; Castle Creatures get Magic +1
Death Knight		Might +3 Magic +3; Necropolis Creatures get Might +1
Demoniac		Magic +4 Might +2; Inferno Creatures get Magic +1
Druid			Magic +4 Might +2; Rampart Creatures get Magic +1
Heretic			Might +4 Magic +2; Inferno Creatures get Might +1
Knight			Might +5 Magic +1; Castle Creatures get Might +1
Necromancer		Magic +5 Might +1; Necropolis Creatures get Magic +1
Overlord		Might +5 Magic +1; Dungeon Creatures get Might +1
Ranger			Might +4; Ranged; Defense; Rampart Creatures get Might +1
Warlock 		Magic +6; Dungeon Creatures get Magic +1
Witch			Magic +5 Might +1; Fortress Creatures get Magic +1
Wizard			Magic +5 Might +1; Tower Creatures get Magic +1

Creature		Notes:
Pikemen 		Castle; Might +3
Archers			Castle; Might +4; Ranged
Griffins		Castle; Might +5 Defense; Quick
Swordsmen		Castle; Might +8; Buff
Monks			Castle; Magic +8 Might +2; Ranged
Cavaliers		Castle; Might +11; Buff; Quick
Angels			Castle; Might +8 Magic +5; Reinforce; Quick
Troglodytes		Dungeon; Might +2; Defense
Harpies			Dungeon; Might +3; Buff; Quick
Beholders		Dungeon; Magic +6; Ranged
Medusas 		Dungeon; Magic +5 Might +2; Ranged; Incapacitate
Minotaurs		Dungeon; Might +9; Quick; Buff
Manticores		Dungeon; Might +7 Magic +5; Quick
Red Dragons		Dungeon; Might +9 Magic +4; Quick, Defense
Gnolls			Fortress; Might +2; Defense
Lizardmen		Fortress; Might +4; Ranged
Serpent Flies		Fortress; Magic +4 Might +1; Quick, Incapacitate
Basilisks		Fortress; Magic +6 Might +2; Incapacitate
Gorgons 		Fortress; Magic +7 Might +3; Incapacitate
Wyverns 		Fortress; Might +6 Magic +5; Quick; Incapacitate
Hydras			Fortress; Might +10 Magic +4; Burst
Imps			Inferno; Magic +2; Defense
Gogs			Inferno; Might +2 Magic +1; Ranged; Burst
Hell Hounds		Inferno; Might +5; Quick; Burst
Demons  		Inferno; Might +6 Magic +3
Pit Fiends		Inferno; Might +7 Magic +3; Reinforce
Efreeti			Inferno; Magic +7 Might +4; Quick; Defense
Devils			Inferno; Might +9 Magic +3; Buff; Quick; Incapacitate
Skeletons		Necropolis; Might +2; Defense
Walking Dead		Necropolis; Might +2 Magic +1; Defense; Incapacitate
Wights			Necropolis; Magic +2 Might +3; Defense; Reinforce
Vampires		Necropolis; Magic +3 Might +4; Quick; Reinforce 
Liches			Necropolis; Magic +6 Might +3; Ranged; Burst
Black Knights		Necropolis; Might +7 Magic +3; Quick; Buff; Incapacitate
Bone Dragons		Necropolis; Might +6 Magic +7; Quick; Incapacitate
Centaurs		Rampart; Might +2; Quick
Dwarves 		Rampart; Might +3 Magic +1; Defense
Wood Elves		Rampart; Might +4; Quick; Ranged; Buff
Pegasi			Rampart; Might +4 Magic +3; Quick; Defense
Dendroid Guards 	Rampart; Might +7 Magic +2; Defense; Incapacitate
Unicorns		Rampart; Magic +6 Might +5; Quick; Incapacitate
Green Dragons		Rampart; Magic +6 Might +7; Quick; Defense
Goblins			Stronghold; Might +2 Magic +1
Wolf Riders		Stronghold; Might +3; Quick; Buff
Orcs			Stronghold; Might +7; Ranged
Ogres			Stronghold; Might +8; Buff
Rocs			Stronghold; Might +6 Magic +3; Quick; Buff
Cyclopes		Stronghold; Might +11; Quick; Ranged
Behemoths		Stronghold; Might +12 Magic +1, Quick; Incapacitate
Gremlins		Tower; Might +1 Magic +1; Ranged
Stone Gargoyles 	Tower; Might +3 Magic +1; Quick
Stone Golems		Tower; Might +5 Magic +1; Defense
Magi			Tower; Magic +8; Ranged
Genies			Tower; Magic +9; Quick; Buff
Nagas			Tower; Might +7 Magic +5; Defense
Giants			Tower; Might +8 Magic +4; Quick; Defense; Ranged
Gold Golem		Neutral; Might +4 Gold +4; Defense
Ammo Cart		Neutral; Creatures get +1 Might; Ranged
Ballista		Neutral; Might +7; Ranged
Catapult		Neutral; Might +7; Ranged
First Aid Tent		Neutral; Might +2 Magic +2; Reinforce

Skill			Notes:
Archery			Might +3; Ranged
Armorer 		Might +3; Defense
Artillery		Might +3; Ranged
Ballistics		Might +3; Ranged
First Aid		Your Creatures get Might +1; Reinforce
Leadership		Your Creatures get Might +1; Buff
Luck			Your Creatures get Magic +1; Buff
Necromancy		Might +4 Magic +3; Reinforce
Offense			Might +5; Buff
Resistance		Magic +2; Defense
Tactics			Might +2; Quick
Air Magic		Magic +4; Your Air Spells get Magic +3
Eagle Eye		Magic +2; Draw 2 Spell Cards. Keep 1
Earth Magic		Magic +4; Your Earth Spells get Magic +3
Fire Magic		Magic +4; Your Fire Spells get Magic +3
Intelligence		Magic +2; Draw 2 Spell Cards. Keep 1
Mysticism		Magic +2; Draw 2 Spell Cards. Keep 1
Scholar			Magic +2; Draw 2 Spell Cards. Keep 1
Sorcery			Magic +6
Water Magic		Magic +4; Your Water Spells get Magic +3
Wisdom  		Magic +4 Gold +2
Diplomacy		Gold +2; Reinforce; Draw 2 Creature Cards. Keep 1
Estates			Gold +6
Learning		Might +2 Magic +2 Gold +2
Logistics		Gold +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Navigation		Gold +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Pathfinding		Might +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Scouting		Might +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1

Spell				Notes:
Magic Arrow			All Types; Magic +3; Ranged
Haste				Air; Magic +3; Quick
View Air			Air; Magic +2; Draw 2 Artifacts. Keep 1
Disguise			Air; Magic +5
Disrupting Ray			Air; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Fortune 			Air; All your Creatures Magic +1; Buff
Hypnotize			Air; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Chain Lightning			Air; Magic +8; Burst
Counterstrike			Air; Magic +6; Defense
Dimension Door  		Air; Magic +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Fly				Air; Magic +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Magic Mirror			Air; Magic +2; Defense
Summon Air Elemental		Air; Might +6 Magic +6; Defense; Reinforce
Shield				Earth; Magic +3; Defense 
Slow				Earth; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Stone Skin			Earth; Magic +2 Might +2; Defense
View Earth			Earth; Magic +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Deadly Ripple			Earth; Magic +7; Burst
Quicksand			Earth; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Visions				All Types; Magic +3; Draw 2 Creatures. Keep 1
Animate Dead			Earth; Magic +4 Might +3; Reinforce
Anti-Magic			Earth; Magic +2; Defense
Earthquake			Earth; Magic +7; Burst
Forcefield			Earth; Magic +5 Might +2; Defense
Meteor Shower			Earth; Magic +9; Burst
Resurrection			Earth; Magic +2; Reinforce
Sorrow				Earth; Magic +4 Might +2; Incapacitate
Town Portal			Earth; Magic +2; Draw 2 Creatures. Keep 1
Implosion			Earth; Magic +6; Burst
Summon Earth Elemental  	Earth; Magic +6 Might +6; Defense; Reinforce
Bloodlust			Fire; Magic +3 Might +2; Buff
Curse				Fire; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Blind				Fire; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Firewall			Fire; Magic +5 Might +1; Defense
Elemental Protection		All Types; Magic +2; Defense
Fireball			Fire; Magic +6; Ranged
Land Mine			Fire; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Misfortune			Fire; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Armageddon			Fire; Magic +10; Burst
Berserk				Fire; Magic +4 Might +3; Buff
Fire Shield			Fire; Magic +7; Defense
Frenzy				Fire; Magic +5 Might +4; Buff
Inferno				Fire; Magic +9; Burst
Slayer				Fire; Magic +6 Might +5; Buff
Sacrifice			Fire; Magic +10
Summon Fire Elemental   	Fire; Magic +6 Might +6; Defense; Reinforce
Bless				Water; Magic +3; Buff
Cure				Water; Magic +2; Reinforce
Dispel				Water; Magic +2; Defense
Summon Boat			Water; Magic +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Ice Bolt			Water; Magic +5; Ranged
Remove Obstacle 		Water; Magic +4; Quick
Weakness			Water; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Forgetfulness			Water; Magic +2; Incapacitate
Frost Ring			Water; Magic +4 Might +2; Buff; Defense
Mirth				Water; Magic +3 Might +3; Buff
Teleport			Water; Magic +2; Draw 2 Creatures. Keep 1
Clone				Water; Magic +4 Might +4; Reinforce
Prayer				Water; Magic +5 Might +4; Buff
Water Walk			Water; Magic +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Summon Water Elemental  	Water; Magic +6 Might +6; Defense; Reinforce

Building			Notes:
Town Hall			Gold +5
Castle				Might +8; Defense
Fortress			Might +4; Defense
Citadel				Might +6; Defense
Village Hall			Gold +3
City Hall			Gold +7
Capitol				Gold +9
Mage Guild			Magic +2; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1
Market Place			Gold +4
Resource Silo			Gold +2
Artifact Merchant		Gold +2; Draw 2 Artifacts. Keep 1
Freelancers Guild		Gold +2; Draw 2 Creatures. Keep 1
Dungeon 			Might +2 Gold +1
Inferno				Magic +4
Necropolis			Magic +3 Gold +2
Rampart 			Might +3
Stronghold			Might +5
Tower				Magic +5
Stables				Gold +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Tavern				Gold +2; Draw 2 Heroes. Keep 1
Thieves Guild			Gold +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Blacksmith			Your Creatures get Might +1
Shipyard			Gold +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Barracks			Might +2; Castle Creatures get Might +3
Hell Hole			Might +2; Inferno Creatures get Might +3
Mausoleum			Might +2; Necropolis Creatures get Might +3
Glade				Might +2; Rampart Creatures get Might +3
Lair				Might +2; Stronghold Creatures get Might +3
Workshop			Might +2; Tower Creatures get Might +3
Labyrinth			Might +2; Dungeon Creatures get Might +3
Pit				Might +2; Fortress Creatures get Might +3
Monastery			Magic +2; Castle Creatures get Magic +3
Chapel				Magic +2; Dungeon Creatures get Magic +3
Glyphs				Magic +2; Fortress Creatures get Magic +3
Demon Gate			Magic +2; Inferno Creatures get Magic +3
Cursed Temple			Magic +2; Necropolis Creatures get Magic +3
Enchanted Spring		Magic +2; Rampart Creatures get Magic +3
Hall of Valhalla		Magic +2; Stronghold Creatures get Magic +3
Altar of Wishes			Magic +2; Tower Creatures get Magic +3

Artifact			Notes:
Boots of Speed			Magic +2; Quick; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Dragonbone Greaves		Magic +4; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1
Sandals of the Saint		Might +2 Magic +2 
Buckler of the Gnoll King	Might +2; Defense
Dragon Scale Shield		Might +3; Defense
Lion’s Shield of Courage	Might +4 Magic +4
Shield of the Damned		Might +4; Defense
Shield of the Dwarven Lords	Might +5; Defense
Blackshard of the Dead Knight	Might +3
Centaur’s Axe			Might +2
Greater Gnoll’s Flail		Might +4
Ogre’s Club of Havoc		Might +5
Red Dragon Flame Tongue 	Might +4; Defense
Sword of Hellfire		Might +6
Sword of Judgement		Might +5 Magic +5
Titans Gladius			Might +9
Crown of the Dragontooth	Magic +8
Hellstorm Helmet		Magic +5
Helm of Chaos			Magic +3
Spellbinder’s Hat		Magic +2; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1
Amulet of the Undertaker	Magic +4; Reinforce
Collar of Conjuring		Magic +5
Necklace of Swiftness		Magic +3; Quick
Pendant of Dispassion		Magic +3; Defense
Ring of Vitality		Might +4; Buff
Recanter’s Cloak		Magic +3; Defense
Angel Wings			Magic +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Dragon Scale Armor		Might +7
Breastplate of Brimstone	Magic +5
Titan’s Cuirass			Magic +8
Angel Feather Arrows		Might +3; Ranged
Cards of Prophecy		Magic +3; Draw 2 Heroes. Keep 1
Charm of Mana			Magic +6
Endless Sack of Gold		Gold +4
Spell Scroll			Magic +2; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1
Golden Bow			Might +3; Ranged
Spyglass			Magic +2; Draw 2 Explores. Keep 1
Tome of Magic			Magic +2; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1

Exploration			Notes:
Gold Mine			Gold +10
Saw Mill			Gold +2; Draw 2 Builds. Keep 1
Ore Pit				Gold +2; Draw 2 Builds. Keep 1
Alchemists Lab			Gold +6
Sulfur Dune			Gold +5
Crystal Cavern			Gold +7
Gem Pond			Gold +8
Water Mill			Gold +4
Windmill			Gold +3
Treasure Chest			Gold +2; Draw 2 Artifacts. Keep 1
Dwelling			Gold +2; Draw 2 Creatures. Keep 1
School of War			Might +5
School of Magic 		Magic +5
Witch Hut			Magic +2; Draw 2 Skills. Keep 1
Obelisk				Magic +2; Draw 2 Builds. Keep 1
Wandering Monster		Might +2; Draw 2 Creatures. Keep 1
Loose Resources 		Gold +2
Arena				Might +6
Garden of Revelation		Magic +4
Faerie Ring			Magic +5
Fountain of Fortune		Magic +2 Gold +3; Buff
Idol of Fortune			Magic +3 Gold +2; Buff
Fountain of Youth		Might +4 Magic +2; Buff
Learning Stone			Magic +2; Draw 2 Skills. Keep 1
Magic Well			Magic +2; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1
Library of Enlightenment	Magic +2; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1
Marletto Tower  		Might +3 Magic +1
Mercenary Camp  		Gold +2; Draw 2 Creatures. Keep 1
Rally Flag			All your Creatures get Might +1; Buff
Scholar				Magic +2; Draw 1 Skill and 1 Spell. Keep 1
Shrine of Incantation		Magic +2; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1
Star Axis			Magic +7; Buff
Temple				All your Heroes get Might +2; Buff
Tree of Knowledge		Might +4 Magic +2; Buff
Watering Hole			All your Creatures get Might +1; Buff
University			Magic +2; Draw 2 Skills. Keep 1
Swan Pond			Magic +2 Gold +2
Crypt				Gold +7
Cyclops Stockpile		Gold +6
Derelict Ship			Gold +4
Dragon Utopia			Gold +2; Draw 2 Artifacts. Keep 1
Dwarven Treasury		Gold +9
Imp Cache			Gold +3
Medusa Stores			Gold +5
Naga Bank			Gold +8
Pyramid 			Gold +2; Draw 2 Spells. Keep 1 
Elemental Conflux		Magic +6 Might +6
Refugee Camp			Might +2; Draw 2 Creatures. Keep 1
Wagon				Gold +2
Black Market			Gold +2; Draw 2 Artifacts. Keep 1
Trading Post			Gold +4
Oasis				All your Creatures get Might +1
Prison				Gold +2. Draw 2 Heroes. Keep 1


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