Board Game for 2 or more players.
Lord of the Rings Theme.
Each player is their own  “Fellowship”.

Players race to see who is the first to destroy the One Ring.

Lord of the Rings is a licensed, copyrighted, trademarked property.
This is merely a fan site.

The board is a trail 72 spaces long. 
Space #1 (the starting space) is the Shire
Space #10 is the Haven Rivendel.
Spaces #15-25 is Moria (Evil Lands)
Space #30 is the Haven Lorien
Space #40 is the Haven Rohan
Space #50 is the Haven Minas Tirith
Spaces #60-71 is Mordor (Evil Lands)
Space #72 (the finish space) is Mount Doom

Each player has a Fellowship Pawn of a different color.
Six sided dice are needed to play.

Players share a common deck. 
The Deck has 5 types of cards:
Foes, Hardships, Aids, Modifiers, and Special cards.

Defeat markers and Corruption markers are needed.

Fellowship Pawns are placed on the Shire.
Roll high on 1D6 to determine turn order.

Players take turns.
On your turn draw two cards from the deck, and put them in your hand.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw again.
Max hand size is 9 cards. Discard excess cards.

On your turn roll one die and move your pawn that number of spaces forward on the track. 
Subtract one from the movement die roll for every Defeat marker you have.
Instead of rolling, you may rest and remove one Defeat Marker.

Havens cannot be bypassed: Always stop when reaching one.
When on a Haven remove all Defeat markers and one corruption marker.
When on a Haven you may discard any number of cards and fill your hand to nine cards.

If you move into a non-occupied, non-haven space, any opponent may play a 
Foe or Hardship card. 

Roll 1D6.  This is the Battle Roll. 
Discard Aid cards to increase the Battle Roll result.
Subtract one from the Battle Roll result for every Defeat marker you have.
If the Battle Roll result is equal to or higher than 
the Foe Strength, the Fellowship escapes (is victorious). 
If the Battle Roll result is lower than the Foe Strength, the Fellowship is defeated. 
If defeated, the Fellowship gains one Defeat marker and misses its next turn.

In a Foe encounter you may use the power of the ring to help you win.
Add 2 to your Battle Roll result and gain one corruption marker. 

Roll 1D6.  This is the Hardship Roll. 
Discard Hardship Aid cards to increase the Hardship Roll result.
Subtract one from the Hardship Roll result for every Defeat marker you have.
If the Hardship Roll result is equal to or higher than 
the Hardship Strength, the Fellowship survives. 
If the Hardship Roll result is lower than the Hardship Strength, the Fellowship turns back. 
If turned back, the Fellowship moves back 1D6 spaces, and misses its next turn.

When you arrive on Mount Doom make a Corruption Roll:
Roll 3D6. Subtract the number of corruption markers you have from the roll. 
If the modified Roll total is 12 or more you throw the one ring into the crack of 
doom and win the game. If you fail try again next turn.

# = Number of that card in the deck
Str = Strength 
F = Foe
H = Hardship
A = Aid
M = Modifier card
X = Special card

Card Name:		#	Type	Str	Notes:
Black Riders		1	F	6	Nazgul
Barrow Wights		1	F	5
Old Man Willow		1	F	5	Not in Evil Lands
Trolls			1	F	5
Band of Orcs		5	F	3	
Watcher in the Water	1	F	5	Moria only
Mithril Coat		1	A	+1	
Elven Cloaks		1	A	+1	
Sting			1	A	+1	Sword of Frodo
Protection of Elrond	1	A	+3	Not in Evil Lands
Shadowfax		1	A	+1	Steed of Gandalf
Escape over Bridge	1	A	+1	
Glamdring		1	A	+1	Sword of Gandalf
Anduril			1	A	+1	Sword of Aragorn
Poisoned Arrow		1	M	+2	Attach to Orc card
Boromir			1	A	+2	
Legolas			1	A	+2	
Aragorn			1	A	+2	
Gandalf the Grey	1	A	+3	Before Lorien
Gandalf the White	1	A	+4	After Lorien
Balrog			1	F	7	Moria only
The Doors of Durin	1	X	-	Opponent in Moria must miss one turn
Lost			1	X	-	Opponent in Evil lands must miss one turn
Gimli			1	A	+2	
Bow of Galadhrim	1	A	+1	Bow of Legolas
Woses			1	A	+1	Not in Evil Lands
Wormtongue		1	X	-	Opponent in Rohan must miss one turn
Helms Deep		1	X	-	Opponent in Rohan must miss one turn
Saruman			1	F	7	Not in Evil Lands
Smaug			1	F	7	Not in Evil Lands
Eowyn			1	A	+1	+2 vs Nazgul; After Lorien
Eomer			1	A	+2	After Lorien
Aid of King Theoden	1	A	+1	After Lorien
Tom Bombadil		1	A	+2	Not in Evil Lands
Lord of the Eagles	1	A	+2	Not in Moria
Treebeard		1	A	+2	Not in Evil Lands
Waybread		1	X	-	Move again this turn 
Faramir			1	A	+1	
Protection of Gladriel	1	A	+3	Not in Evil Lands
Riders of the Mark	1	A	+1	
Treachery of Gollum	1	F	4	
Smeagol Gollum		1	X	-	Get +2 to Corruption or Hardship Roll
Pipe Weed		1	X	-	Opponent cannot move this turn
Palantir		1	X	-	Look at opponents hand
Phial of Galadrial	1	A	+1	After Lorien
Shelob			1	F	6	Mordor only
Madness of Denethor	1	X	-	Opponent in Minas Tirith must miss one turn
Siege of Gondor		1	X	-	Opponent in Minas Tirith must miss one turn
Ring Wraiths		1	F	6	Nazgul
Uruk Hai		1	F	4	Black Orcs
Olog-Hai		1	F	5	Black Trolls
Wargs			1	F	4	Not in Moria
Wastes			6	H	3	
Icy Wastes		4	H	4	Not in Moria
Volcanic Wastes		2	H	5	Mordor only
Fair Travels		2	X	- 	Move again this turn (not in evil lands)
Courage			4	A	+1	Foes & Hardships
Hide			1	A	+1
Disgiuse		1	A	+1
Frodo			1	A	+2	
Samwise			1	A	+2	
Merry			1	A	+1	
Pippin			1	A	+1	
Power of the Ring	1	X	-	Opponent gains one Corruption Marker
Strife			1	X	-	Opponent with 2+ Corruption misses one turn
The Lidless Eye		1	M	+1	Attach to any Foe
Witch King of Morgul   	1	F	7	Nazgul

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