Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Cthulhu Theme.

Cthulhu is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The game ends when there are no cards left in the deck and no one can play a Meld. 
The player with the most Story Points (SP) wins. 

Player share a common set of Story point Tokens. 

Players share a common deck. 
There are 10 card types: 
I = Investigator
A = Ally
O = Object
B = Book
G = God
M = Monster
L = Location
T = Transport
S = Spell
E = Event

Shuffle the Deck. 
Craziest player goes first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 
Each player is dealt a hand of 13 cards. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. Investigation Phase
2. Insanity Phase
3. Story Phase
4. Mythos Phase

Draw 2 cards from the deck and put them in your hand.

You may discard 1 card from your hand: 
Discard a Transport Card to look at he next 5 cards in the deck and keep one. 
Discard a God Card to discard your hand and draw 9 new cards. 
Discard an Object Card to steal 1 Story Point Token from target player 
Discard an Investigator Card to draw 3 cards and discard 2 cards from hand.
Discard an Ally Card to draw 2 cards.
Discard a Location Card to put the top card of the discard into your hand.
Discard a Spell Card to make opponent give you a card from his hand (His choice). 
Discard an Event Card to look at opponents hand. 
Discard a Monster Card to cause opponent to discard 1 Random card. 
Discard a Book Card to look at the next 10 cards in the deck. 

You may play a Meld. A Meld must include the following: 
1 Investigator card
0 to 2 Ally cards
0 to 1 Object card
0 to 1 Book card
0 to 1 God card
1 to 2 Monster cards
1 to 2 Location cards
0 to 1 Transport card (1 required if 2+ Location cards played)
0 to 1 Spell card
0 to 1 Event card
A Meld of 3 cards is worth 2 Story Point (SP). 
A Meld of 4 cards is worth 4 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 5 cards is worth 6 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 6 cards is worth 8 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 7 cards is worth 10 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 8 cards is worth 12 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 9 cards is worth 14 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 10 cards is worth 16 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 11 cards is worth 18 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 12 cards is worth 21 Story Points (SP). 
A Meld of 13 cards is worth 25 Story Points (SP). 
Certain card combinations will award extra Story Points. 
Collect the indicated number of Story Point Tokens and discard the Meld. 

If you played a Meld this turn, draw X cards where X is the number of cards in the Meld.  
Max hand size is 13 cards. Discard excess cards. 

SP = Story Points
LAOH = Look at Opponents Hand

Name:				Type	Notes:
Cthulhu				G	Aquatic Dreaming Great Old One
Azathoth       			G	Mindless Seething Amorphous Daemon Sultan
Nyarlathotep			G	The Crawling Chaos
Shub-Niggurath			G	Black Goat of the Woods
Yog-Sothoth			G	The Key & the Gate
Hastur				G	Titanic Aquatic Being
Shudde M’ell			G	The Burrower Beneath
Yig				G	Snake God
Ithaqua				G	The Windwalker
Cthugha				G	Great Cloud of Living Fire
Cultists       			M	+3 SP with Nyarlathotep
Gugs				M	4-Armed Giants with Terrible Maws
Mi-Go				M	Alien Fungi from Pluto
Nightgaunts			M	Faceless winged Demons   
Byakee				M	+3 SP with Hastur
Star-Spawn			M	+3 SP with Cthulhu
Shoggoths			M	Mass of Gelatinous Flesh
Wendigo        			M	+3 SP with Ithaqua
Fire Vampire			M	+3 SP with Cthugha
Dimensional Shambler		M	Plane Walking Ape-Insect Servitors
Colors of Outer Space		M	Invisible Life Force Feeders
Leng Spiders			M	Immense Bloated Purple Spiders
Dark Young			M	+3 SP with Shub-Niggurath
Yith				M	Time Traveling Mentalists
Hounds of Tindalos		M	LAOH Discard 1 Investigator
Elder Thing			M	Large Flying Botanical Beings
Flying Polyps			M	Invisible Horror. Wind & Tentacle Attacks
Serpent People			M	+3 SP with Yig
Ghouls				M	Rubbery, Canine Humanoids
Deep Ones			M	+3 SP with Small Fishing Town 
Author				I	+1 SP if a Book Played
Journalist			I	+1 SP if an Event is Played
Dilettante			I	You may play a Second Transport 
Doctor				I	+1 SP if a Second Ally is Played
Lawyer				I	You may play a second Investigator
Professor			I	+3 if University is Played
Historian			I	You may play a second Book
Antiquarian			I	+2 SP if Relic Played
Psychologist			I	+3 SP if Phobia Played
Private Eye			I	Draw 1 extra card on your next turn
Archeologist			I	+2 SP if Relic Played
Gangster       			I	+3 SP if City is Played
Occultist			I	+1 SP if a Spell is Played
Sorcerer       			I	You may play a second Spell
Adventurer			I	+1 SP if a second Location is Played
Cultist Priest			A	+1 SP if a Spell is Played
Steadfast Companion		A	Tough; +1 SP if a Second Monster is Played
Student				A	+3 SP if University is Played
Old Benefactor			A	+3 SP if Mansion Played
Psychic				A	+3 SP if Scrying Window Played
Artist				A	+1 SP if a God Played
Mental Patient			A	+3 SP if Asylum Played
Musician       			A	+3 SP if Pipes of Madness Played
Inventor       			A	+1 SP if Object Played
Crazed Survivor			A	Tough; +3 SP if Remote Farmhouse Played
Church Agent			A	+3 SP if Cemetery Played 
Shaman				A	+3 SP if Exotic Locale Played
Scientist			A	+3 SP if Laboratory Played
Sea Captain			A	Tough; +2 SP if Water Location Played
Sailor				A	+2 SP if Water Location Played
Soldier				A	Tough; +2 SP if Weapon Played
Guide				A	+3 SP if Exotic Locale Played
Mercenary			A	Tough; +2 SP if Weapon Played
Scholar				A	+3 SP if Museum Played
Linguist       			A	+1 SP if a Book Played
Small Fishing Town		L	Water
Laboratory			L	+3 SP if Inventor Played
Sewers				L	Water
Mansion				L	You may play a Second Investigator
Island				L	Water
Asylum				L	You may play a Third Ally
University			L	You may play a second Book
Cursed House			L	+1 SP if a second Monster is Played
Museum				L	You may play a second Object
New York City			L	City; +3 SP if Journalist Played
Cemetery       			L	+3 SP with Ghouls
Temple				L	+3 SP with Cultist Priest
Remote Farmhouse       		L	You may play a Third Monster
Exotic Locale			L	+1 SP if a God is Played
Infested Forrest       		L	+3 SP with Dark Young
Esoteric Order			L	+3 SP if Occultist Played
Catacombs			L	+1 SP if you play a Monster & a God
Lost City			L	Water
Sahara				L	Desert; Egypt; +3 SP if Guide Played
Corrupt Lake			L	Water
Train				T	You may play a third Location
Automobile			T	You may play a Third Ally
Boat				T	+2 SP if Water Location Played
Ship				T	+2 SP if Water Location Played
Zeppelin       			T	You may play a second Investigator
Aeroplane			T	+3 SP if Dilettante Played 
Underground			T	+3 SP if Catacombs Played
Lost				T	+1 SP if a second Location is Played
Journey				T	+1 SP if a second Location is Played
Travel Thru Space		T	+1 SP if a Spell is Played
Revolver       			O	Weapon
Shotgun				O	Weapon; SP +1 if you play an Ally
Dynamite       			O	Weapon; LAOH Discard 1 Monster
Harpoon				O	Weapon; SP +2 if Water Location Played
Chime of Tezchaptl		O	Relic; LAOH Discard 1 Spell
Star Stone of Mnar		O	Relic; Draw 1 extra card on your next turn
Space Mead			O	Relic; Play a Third Location
Powder of Ibn Ghazi		O	Relic; LAOH Discard 1 Monster
Pipes of Madness       		O	Relic; LAOH Discard 1 Ally
Mist Projector			O	Weapon; You may use 1 Ally as a Monster
Elder Sign			S	LAOH Discard 1 God
Dominate       			S	SP +1 if a Book is Played
Scrying Window			S	You may play a second Event
Consume Likeness       		S	LAOH Discard 1 Ally
Wave of Oblivion       		S	+2 SP if Water Location Played
Death Spell			S	SP +3 if Shaman Played
Mind Exchange			S	SP +1 if Ally Played
Look to the Future		S	SP +1 if an Event is Played
Summoning Spell			S	SP +1 if Second Monster Played
Wither Limb			S	SP +3 if Sorcerer Played
Epidemic       			E	SP +3 if Doctor Played
Experiment			E	SP +3 if Scientist Played
Earthquake			E	LAOH Discard 1 Location
Thieves				E	LAOH Discard 1 Object
Aldebaran Moves			E	You may play a Second God
Phobia				E	LAOH Discard 1 Investigator
Night				E	SP +1 if Second Monster Played
Day				E	SP +1 if Second Ally Played
Yithian Mental Contact		E	SP +3 if Yith Played
Imprisonment			E	Target Opponent Draws 1 less card next turn 
Necronomicon			B	You may play an extra Monster
Nameless Cults			B	SP +3 with Cultists
Book of Eibon			B	SP +1 if a God Played
Book of Dzyan			B	SP +1 if a Spell Played
R’lyeh Text			B	SP +3 if Cthulhu played
Eltdown Shards			B	SP +1 if Second Monster Played
Zanthu Tablets			B	May be used as a Relic Instead
Ponape Scripture       		B	SP +2 if a Relic is Played
Sussex Manuscript		B	Draw 1 extra card on your next turn
Celaeno Fragments		B	You may play a second Spell

Keep the ratio of card types the same . 
Substitute these cards for cards of the same type on a one to one basis. 
Name:				Type	Notes
Dreamer				I	+3 SP with Dream Lands
Poet				I	+2 SP with Book
Sculptor       			I	Draw 1 extra card on your next turn
Egyptologist			I	+2 SP with Egypt Location
Corrupt Wizard			I	Can be used as Monster Instead
Nomad				A	+2 SP with Desert Location
Maniac				A	Can be used as Monster Instead
Army Officer			A	You may play a second Weapon
Bandit				A	LAOH Discard 1 Object
Alchemist			A	You may play a second Object
Pyramids       			L	Desert; Egypt
Church				L	SP +3 if Church Agent Played 
Easter Island			L	Water
Himalayas			L	Mountain
Antarctica			L	Draw 1 extra card on your next turn
Yuggoth				L	Space
Dream Lands			L	You may play an extra Monster
Paris				L	City
Cairo				L	City; Egypt
Valley of the Kings		L	Desert; Egypt
Kitab al Azif			B	+2 SP with Egypt Location
Liber Ivonis			B	SP +2 if a Relic is Played
Mythos Instability		E	LAOH Discard 1 God
Typhoon				E	LAOH Discard 1 Water Location
Sandstorm			E	Can be used as Desert Location Instead
Bast				G	Cat Goddess
Nodens				G	Lord of the Great Abyss
Bokrug				G	Great Water Lizard
Father Dagon			M	+2 SP if Water Location Played
Mother Hydra			M	+2 SP if Star Spawn or Deep Ones Played
Dhole				M	+2 SP with Desert Location
Servants of Bast       		M	+3 SP with Bast
Nightgaunts			M	+3 SP with Nodens
Beings of Ib			M	+3 SP with Bokrug
Rifle				O	Weapon; +2 SP if you play a Tough Ally
Sacred Knife			O	Can be used as Weapon or Relic
Submarine			T	+2 SP if Water Location Played
Caravan				T	+2 SP if Desert Location Played
Pallid Mask			O	Relic; You may use 1 Investigator as a Monster
Lamp of Alhazred       		O	Relic; Look at next 10 cards in Deck
Stone Idol			O	Relic; Can be used as Monster Instead
Dust of Ibn Ghazi		O	Relic; Can be used as Spell Instead
Cloud Memory			S	Opponent must Discard 1 Random Card
Hands of Colubra       		S	You may use 1 Ally as a Monster
Seal of Isis			S	SP +2 if Relic Played
Remortification			S	Can be used as Monster Instead

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