Board & card game for 2 players.
Battle between two factions in the Lovecraft Universe. 
Abstract skirmish level combat.
Each figure represents a single man/creature (unit). 

Cthulhu is a licensed property.
This is merely a Fan site.

You win if you kill the opposing Leaders.
If a faction has no Leader, then a loss of half it’s units will defeat it.

Use an 8x8 chessboard.
Use chits or miniatures to represent units.

Each player picks one Faction.
Each Faction has its own set of units described in its own unit list.
Each Faction has its own cardset described in its own cardset list.
There are 8 Factions:
Human Investigators
Deep Ones
Elder Things
Serpent People

Players share a common Spell Deck.
Only leaders can use spells.
Keep your spell cards in a Separate hand.

Each player places one unit on each square of his back two rows.
Units may not stack. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 3 phases:
1. Fate Phase
2. Move Phase
3. Attack Phase

Draw 3 cards from your deck. 
Max hand size = 5 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Discard excess cards.

Play (discard) a Move card to move one of your units.
The move card has a number. 
This is the number of spaces the unit moves.
Moves can be diagonal or orthogonal. 
“Knight” type move cards allow a unit to move like a knight in chess.
Instead of moving just one unit in any direction, you have the 
option of moving one or more units forward the indicated number of 
spaces using a single move card.

Play (discard) an Attack card to have a unit attack.
The attack card has a number. 
This is the range of the attack.
Attacks can be diagonal or orthogonal. 
“Knight” type attack cards produce an attack with a range like a knight in chess.
Attacks always do one Hit of damage to the target unless otherwise specified.
Use Chits or coins to record damage.
A unit reduced to zero Hits is killed and removed from the board.
Your opponent may play Defense cards to negate your attack.

# = Number of that type of man you start the game with.
Hits = Number of Hits that type of unit has.

M = Movement
A = Attack
D = Defense
K = as a Knight would move in Chess
Type = Purpose of card

Unit Name:		#	Hits	Notes:
Townsfolk		8	1	-
Companions		6	2	-
Investigators		2	3	Leaders

Card Name:		#	Type	Range	Notes: 
Cautious Advance	4	M	1
Quick Advance		4	M	2
Run			3	M	3
Sprint			2	M	4
Zig-Zag			2	M	K
Pitchfork		1	A	1
Shovel			1	A	1
Torch			1	A	1
Axe			1	A	1
Shoot Point Blank	1	A	1	
Pistol			2	A	2
Revolver		1	A	2
Dynamite		1	A	K
Shotgun			2	A	3
Rifle			2	A	4
Duck			2	D	-
Hide			2	D	-
Block			2	D	-
Battle Plan		2	X	-	Draw 3 cards
Stalwart		2	D	-	Companions only
Ancient Tome		4	X	-	Discard to Draw a Spell card

Unit Name:		#	Hits	Notes:
Hybrids			8	1	-
Deep Ones		6	2	-
Ancient Deep One	2	3	Leaders

Card Name:		#	Type	Range	Notes: 
Quiet Approach		4	M	1
Shamble			4	M	2
Loping Gait		3	M	3
Deft Scramble		2	M	4
Sinuous Movements	2	M	K
Sharp Claws		2	A	1
Silent Attack		1	A	1
Bite			1	A	1
Trident			1	A	1
Net Attack		1	A	2
Hunting Spear		2	A	2
Thrown Harpoon		2	A	2
Crossbow		3	A	3
Scales			2	D	-
Swift Motion		2	D	-	
Move in Shadows		2	D	-
Emerge from the Sea	2	X	-	Draw 3 cards
Immortal 		2	D	-	Deep Ones only
Deep Magic		4	X	-	Discard to Draw a Spell card

Unit Name:		#	Hits	Notes:
Ghouls			9	1	-
Ghasts			6	2	-
Gug			1	5	Leader

Card Name:		#	Type	Range	Notes: 
Awkward Movements	4	M	1
Lurch Forward		4	M	2
Run & Jump		3	M	3
Gallop			2	M	4
Hidden Ways		2	M	K
Filthy Claws		1	A	1
Jagged Bite		1	A	1
Fangs			1	A	1
Mule Kick		1	A	1
Crushing Blow		1	A	1
Rip to Pieces		1	A	1	
Rend Flesh		1	A	1
Thrown Rock		3	A	2
Barrel Attack		2	M	2	Also Attack Range = 1
Rubbery Hide		2	D	-
Brutes			2	D	-
Animal Reflexes		2	D	-
Sense of Smell		1	X	-	Draw 3 Cards
Savagery		1	X	-	Draw 3 Cards
Massive Bulk		2	D	-	Ghasts & Gug
Bestial Magic		4	X	-	Discard to Draw a Spell card

Unit Name:		#	Hits	Notes:
Elder Things		8	3	All can use Spells

Card Name:		#	Type	Range	Notes: 
Hover			4	M	1
Float			4	M	2
Glide			3	M	3
Soar			3	M	4
Dive			2	M	5
Roll			2	M	K
Tentacles		3	A	1
Constriction		3	A	1
Crushing Attack		4	M	1	Also Attack Range = 1
Swoop Attack		3	M	2	Also Attack Range = 1
Rigid Skin		2	D	-	
Huge Size		2	D	-
Flying Dodge		2	D	-
Ascend			1	D	-
Sense Without Light	1	X	-	Draw 3 cards
Piping Speech		1	X	-	Draw 3 cards
Ancient Knowledge	4	X	-	Discard to Draw a Spell card

Unit Name:		#	Hits	Notes:
Yithians	 	8	3	All can use Spells

Card Name:		#	Type	Range	Notes: 
Contraction		8	M	1	
Expansion		5	M	2
Nippers			3	A	1
Lightning Gun Burst	2	A	2
Lightning Gun Gout	2	A	3
Lightning Gun Strike	2	A	4
Lightning Gun Arc	2	A	K
Lightning Gun Bolt	2	A	5
Enormous Size		2	D	-
Elastic Flesh		2	D	-
Rigid Scales		2	D	-	
Time Travel		1	X	-	Draw 5 cards and keep 2
Mentalists		1	X	-	Draw 3 cards
Trade Minds		1	X	3	Gain Control of Target
Arcane Secret		2	X	-	Discard to Draw a Spell card

Unit Name:		#	Hits	Notes:
Degenerates		8	1	
Serpent Folk		6	2	
Sorcerer of Yig		2	3	Leader	

Card Name:		#	Type	Range	Notes: 
Coil			4	M	1
Twist 			4	M	2
Slither			3	M	3
Shoot			2	M	4
Slip & Slide		3	M	K
Venomous Fangs		2	A	1
Poisonous Bite		2	A	1
Taloned Hands		2	A	1
Constriction		1	A	1
Spit Poison		2	A	2
Poisoned Darts		2	A	2
Firearms		2	A	3
Sinuous Weaving 	2	D	-
Sneak & Skulk		2	D	-
Reptilian Scales	2	D	-	
Cold-Blooded		2	X	-	Draw 3 cards
Illusions		2	D	-	Not Degenerates
Sorcery			6	X	-	Discard to Draw a Spell Card

Unit Name:		#	Hits	Notes:
Worshippers		8	1
Fanatics		6	2
Evil High Priest	2	3	Leader

Card Name:		#	Type	Range	Notes: 
Encroach		4	M	1
March			4	M	2
Run			3	M	3
Charge			2	M	4
Rush In			2	M	K
Spear			2	A	1
Dagger			2	A	1
Machete			2	A	1
Thrown Knives		2	A	2
Pistol			2	A	2
Bolas			2	A	3
Antique Gun		1	A	3
Frenzy			2	D	-
Drugged			2	D	-
Fanaticism		2	X	-	Draw 3 cards
Ritual Sacrifice	5	X	-	Draw a Spell Card

Unit Name:		#	Hits	Notes:
Mi-Go			10	2
Mi-Go Surgeon		2	2	Leader

Card Name:		#	Type	Range	Notes: 
Articulate Limbs	4	M	1
Circle			4	M	2
Membranous Wings	3	M	3
Soar			3	M	4
Dive			2	M	5
Pitch			2	M	K
Nippers			2	A	1
Grapple			2	A	1
Vivisection		2	A	1
Dissection		2	A	1
Drop Attack		4	M	1	Also Attack Range = 1
Chitinous		2	D	-
Fly Away		2	D	-
Trickery		2	D	-
Brain Surgery		1	X	1	Take control of target unit 
Antennae		2	X	-	Draw 3 cards
Interstellar Race	4	X	-	Draw 1 Spell Card

Some spells can summon units, which appear in an empty space next to the caster.
The controller may use Attack & Move cards with the unit.
Instead of using the Range on the cards, the cards will be assigned a range according to 
The spell description of the Unit.
Summoned Units cannot use defense cards.
A Summoned unit automatically loses 1 Hit per turn.

The controller may use Attack & Move cards with the unit.
These cards will always be considered to have a range = 1.
Controlled units cannot cast spells.

Card Name: (Range) Effect
Spell of Binding: (3) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns
Black Binding:  (2) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns
Dismiss: (2) Move enemy unit up to 3 spaces away from caster
Summon Fire Vampire: (1) Gain a 7 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 4.
Summon Baykhee: (1) Gain a 4 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 4.
Summon Dark Young: (1) Gain a 7 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 1.
Summon Dimensional Shambler: (1) Gain a 4 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 2.
Summon Flying Polyp: (1) Gain a 9 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 5.
Summon Formless Spawn: (1) Gain a 6 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = K.
Summon Hunting Horror: (1) Gain an 8 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 3.
Summon Hound of Tindalos: (1) Gain a 6 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 3.
Summon Night Gaunt: (1) Gain a 3 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 4.
Summon Shantak: (1) Gain a 5 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 4.
Summon Shoggoth: (1) Gain a 10 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 2.
Summon Xiclotl: (1) Gain a 5 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 1.
Contact Chthonian: Draw 2 Spell cards
Contact Star Spawn: Draw 2 Spell cards
Dread Curse of Azathoth: Attack of Range = 2
Create Gate: Move Self or Adjacent friendly unit to any open space
Elder Sign: Negate a Move card just Played
Voorish Sign: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.
Powder of Ibn-Ghazi: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.
Resurrection: Bring friendly dead unit back to life adjacent to caster. Unit has 1 Hit.
Shrivelling: Attack of Range = 2
Glass from Leng: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.
Lamp of Alhazred: Draw 2 Spell cards
Plutonian Drug: Search Spell Deck for card & put it in your hand
Shining Trapezohedron: (3) Gain Control of Target
Bait: Move enemy unit up to 3 spaces towards caster
Spectral Hunter: Defense
Bless Blade: Attack of Range = 1
Body Warping of Gorgoroth: Self or Target gains 1 Hit
Cast out Devil: Negate target Control Spell or effect
Call Power of Nyambe: Draw 2 Spell cards
Ceremonial Dagger: Kill adjacent friendly unit to draw 3 spell cards
Chant of Thoth: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.
Chime of Tezchaptl: Negate Spell just cast
Cloud Memory: Opponent must discard Spell Hand
Clutch of Nyogtha: Attack of Range = K
Command Spell: (3) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns
Conjure Glass of Mortlan: Take card from your discard & put it in your hand
Consume Likeness: Defense
Bad-Corpse Dust: Negate a Move card just Played
Barrier of Naach-Tith: Defense or Negate Spell just cast
Curse Whistle: Draw 2 Spell cards
Fetch Stick: Attack of Range = 1
Limbo Gate: Move Self or Adjacent friendly unit to any open space
Mist of Releh: No Attacks may be made this turn
Scrying Window: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.
Time Warp: (4) Target is destroyed
Insanity: Any target unit loses 1 hit
Curse of Darkness: Destroy Target summoned Unit
Curse of the Stone: (3) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns
Death Spell: (3) Target is destroyed
Devolution: (2) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns then target runs away
Dominate: (3) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns
Dust of Suleiman: Attack of Range = 1
Eibon’s Wheel of Mist: Defense
Enthrall Victim: (2) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns
Explode Heart: (2) Target is destroyed
Eye of Light & Darkness: All adjacent enemies take 1 Hit of Damage
Fist of Yog Sothoth: Attack of Range = 4
Flesh Ward: Caster Immune to Range = 1 Attacks for 5 turns
Grasp of Cthulhu: (4) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns
Hands of Colubra: Attack of Range = 1
Heal: Self or adjacent unit regains 1 lost Hit
Implant Fear: (3) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns
Keeness of Two Alike: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.
Levitate: Defense
Living Clothes: Attack of Range = 3 
Look to the Future: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.
Mental Suggestion: (3) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns
Mesmerize: (2) Gain Control of Target for 4 turns
Mind Blast: Attack of Range = 4
Mind Exchange: (1) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns
Nightmare: (4) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns
Pipes of Madness: Both players discard all their cards
Power Drain: Steal 2 random spell cards from opponent
Raise Corpse: Bring friendly dead unit back to life adjacent to caster. Unit has 1 Hit.
Red Sign of Shudde M’ell: All adjacent units take 1 Hit of Damage
Remortification: Defense
Seal of Isis: Negate a Spell card just played
Send Dreaming: Draw 2 cards from your deck
Song of Hastur: Attack of Range = 4
Song of Glissande: Caster & 3 Targets within 2 spaces cannot move or attack for 2 turns
Soul Singing: Move enemy unit up to 3 spaces in any direction
Steal Life: Attack of Range = 2. Caster regains 1 lost Hit
Unspeakable Promise: Draw 2 Spell cards
Voice of Ra: Draw 2 cards from your deck
Wither Limb: Attack of Range = 3
Wrack: (3) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

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