Card game for 2+ players.
Each player controls a squadron of Privateers. 
Lead your pilots on missions vs pirate gangs, enemy militias, and commercial zeppelins.  

Crimson Skies is a trademarked, copyrighted, licensed property.
This is merely a fan site.

Check out the official Crimson Skies website.

The player with the most VP (Victory Points) at the end of the game wins.
The game ends when a player goes to draw a card and there are no cards left in the deck.
VP are gained by completing missions. 

Players share a common deck. 
The deck contains 6 types of cards:
H = Pilots
P = Planes
W = Weapons
M = Maneuvers
D = Damage
V = Missions

Six sided dice are needed.
Use counters to mark damage.

Each player is dealt 7 cards. 
Roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 6 phases:
1. Luck Phase
2. Recruit Phase
3. Mission Phase
4. Defender Phase
5. Action Phase
6. End Phase

Draw 2 cards from the deck.
Max hand size is 10 cards. Discard excess cards.

You may put a plane card with an attached pilot card into play.

You may play a Mission card.
Also indicate which of your Pilots are going on the mission.
A maximum of 4 pilots may go on a mission.

Your opponent may play from his hand: plane cards and pilot cards.
Your opponent may not play more pilot than plane cards.
These cards are ‘defending’ the Mission. 

This phase is divided into a series of rounds.
The current player goes first, followed by the defenders.
The phase ends when one side is destroyed or the active player retreats.
Each pilot, plane, and Mission card has a Force value.
On your round roll a number of six sided dice equal to the total 
Force of your participating cards.
On your round, you may play (discard) one Maneuver or Weapon card to gain additional Force. 
Your opponent may play certain Maneuver cards to decrease your force total.
Every time you roll a “1” your opponent takes one point of damage. 
The opponent distributes the damage.
Planes and Mission cards each have a number of hits.
Mission cards have Hits equal to their Force.
Each point of damage on a Mission card reduces its Force by 1. 
A plane reduced to zero hits is destroyed and discarded.
Pilots go down with their planes. 
A mission card reduced to zero is “Captured” and the turn ends.
You may play a damage card from your hand onto a plane card that has just received damage.

If the active player won in action phase (destroyed all defenders) he gets to 
put the Mission card into his Victory pile.
A Mission is worth VP equal to its Force. 
If the active player retreated or was wiped out, discard the Mission card.

Card Name:		Type	Force	Notes:
Air Pilot		H	1	(6 in Deck)
Veteran Pilot		H	2	Opponents Force Total -1(5 in Deck)
Ace Pilot		H	3	Opponents Force Total -2(4 in Deck)
Hairy Engagement	M	-	Active Player may not retreat this round
Surprise Attack		M	6	Active player 1st Round only
Careful Planning	M	7	Active player 1st Round only
Scout			M	5	Look at opponents hand. Active player 1st Round only
Loop 			M	-3
Roll			M	–2
Defensive Circle	M	–5
Formation Flying	M	–4
Stunt Flying		M	-5	Use with non-Heavy Fighter Type Plane
Evasive Tactics		M	–4
Dive Out of the Sun	M	4	
Withering Fire		W	6	Use with Plane with Good Firepower
Agility			M	-4	Use with Plane with Good Turning Ability
Rapid Climb		M	-4	Use with Plane with Good Acceleration
Out Distance		M	-4	Use with Plane with Good Speed
Hide in the Clouds	M	-4	Use with Plane with Good Range
Stall			M	-4	Use on Plane with Tendency to Stall
Out Maneuver		M	-4	Use on Plane with Poor Turning Ability
Conserve Fuel		M	-4	Use on Plane with Poor Range
Leave Behind		M	-4	Use on Plane with Poor Acceleration
Out Range		M	-4	Use on Plane with Poor Speed
Intercept		M	4	Use with non-Heavy Fighter Type Plane
Strafing Run		M	5	Heavy Fighter vs Zeppelin
.30 Caliber MG		W	1	Use with Plane with .30 MG or better
.40 Caliber MG		W	2	Use with Plane with .40 MG or better
.50 Caliber MG		W	3	Use with Plane with .50 MG or better
.60 Caliber MG		W	4	Use with Plane with .60 MG or better
.70 Caliber Cannon	W	5	Use with Plane with .70 MG
Turret Fire		W	4	Use with Plane with Turrets 
AP Rounds		W	2	
Magnesium Rounds	W	2
Aerial Torpedo		W	5	
Armor Piercing Rocket	W	2	
Beeper & Seeker		W	5	
Bomb			W	3	Force = 6 if used with Bomber
Drill Rocket		W	3
Flak Rocket		W	1	
HE Rocket		W	4	
Flare Rocket		W	-	Opponents Force Total –3 next turn
Sonic Rocket		W	-	Opponents Force Total –3 next turn
Weapon Turrets		W	3	Use with Zeppelin only
Limp Home		D	-	Plane is removed from Action but is not discarded
Parachute 		D	-	Put Pilot of destroyed plane back in your hand
Armor			D	-	Negate one point of damage
Stunned			D	-	Pilot Force = 0 for next 2 rounds
Hit Gas Tanks		D	-	Target Plane destroyed
Hit Cockpit		D	-	Target Plane destroyed
Bullet Proof		D	-	Negate one point of damage vs Zeppelin
The Black Swans		V	9	Pirate Gang
Grain Zeppelin		V	3	Zeppelin
Militia Zeppelin	V	6	Zeppelin
Zeppelin Convoy		V	5	Zeppelin
Armored Zeppelin	V	7	Zeppelin
Freighter Zeppelin	V	4	Zeppelin
The Fortune Hunters	V	12	Pirate Gang	
The Medusas		V	8	Pirate Gang
Redmann’s Gang		V	10	Pirate Gang
Red Skull Legion	V	11	Pirate Gang
Broadway Bombers	V	10	Militia (Empire State)
Winged Knights		V	12	Militia (Confederation of Dixie)
The Dusters		V	8	Militia (Peoples Collective)
Metro Marauders		V	9	Militia (Nation of Hollywood)
Starfire Squadron	V	9	Militia (Navajo Nation)
Blake Aviation Security	V	11	Militia (Mercenary)

Name:		Type	Force	Hits	FP	Turn	S/A	Range	Manufacturer
F6II Brigand	H	2	3	G.5	Gt	A/P	P	(Fairchild) 
P2 Warhawk	B	2	3	G.6	A	A/A	G	(Curtiss-Wright) 
E-1C Avenger 	FI	2	2	A.6	P	A/A	G	(Grumman) 
S2B Kestrel 	H	2	3	G.6	P	G/A	G	(McDonnell) 
J2 Fury 	FI	2	2	A.7	G*	G/A	A	(Curtiss-Wright) 
Coyote 		H	2	3	A.7	A	A/A	A	(Ravenscroft) 
M210 Raven 	H	2	3	G.5	G	A/A	A	(Whittly & Douglas) 
Peacemaker 370 	F	2	4	G.6	At	A/A	A	(William and Colt) 
PR-1 Defender 	FI	1	1	A.5	G	P/P	P	(Marquette) 
P21 Devastator 	FB	2	3	G.4	G	P/A	A	(Hughes Aviation) 
FB14 Vampire 	B	2	4	G.7	P	P/P	G	(Sanderson) 
Hoplite 	F	1	1	A.3	G	P/P	P	(Ford) 
Valiant MkII 	F	2	2	A.3	G	A/A	P	(Bell) 
Bloodhawk 	F	2	2	G.4	G*	G/G	A	(Hughes Aviation) 
Firebrand 	H	2	3	G.7	P	P/P	G	(Hughes-Lockheed) 
Balmoral 140 	B	2	3	G.7	Pt	P/P	G	(Bristol) 
Hellhound 	F	2	2	A.4	Gt	G/A	A	(Focke-Wulf) 
H = Heavy Fighter
F = Fighter
FI = Fighter Interceptor
B = Bomber
FP =Firepower (The number is the largest size MG Caliber the plane has)
* = Tendency to Stall
t = Plane has 1 or more Turrets or rear facing guns
Turn = Turning Ability
S/A = Speed (Engine Power)/ Acceleration
G = Good
A = Average
P = Poor
Note: Plane cards are part of the Common Deck

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