Simple Wargame for two players.
One player is the Attackers (Besiegers)
The other player is the Defenders (Besieged)
The Attackers wins if any attacking unit moves into any one
of the 4 center squares of the Castle. The Defender wins if
the attackers are reduced to 10 or less units.
Use a Chessboard
The middle 16 spaces are the Castle Spaces.
Six sided dice are needed.
Use chits (counters) to represent units.
Each player has a set of chits of a different color.
The Defenders have 16 units:
4 Cannons
4 Knights
4 Archers
4 Boiling Oil Cauldrons
The Attackers have 28 units:
4 Cannons
8 Knights
4 Archers
4 Sappers
4 Battering Rams
4 Siege Towers
The Defender places his chits facedown in his castle, one unit per space.
The Attacker places his units facedown on the spaces that border the edge
of the map, one unit per space.
Flip all units face-up.
Defenders go first (Attackers are moving into position)
Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 phases:
1. Move Phase
2. Breach Phase
3. Attack Phase
Roll 1D6. This is the number of units you may move this turn.
A unit may move to an adjacent space.
The stacking limit for friendly units on castle spaces is 2.
The stacking limit for friendly units on open spaces is 3.
Units of both players may occupy the same space at the same time.
Defenders may not leave the castle.
Attacking Cannons, Battering Rams, and Siege Towers may not enter Castle spaces.
Attackers may only enter a castle space under 3 conditions:
1. The Castle space is breached (It has a Breach marker on it) and they roll 3+ on 1D6.
2. The Attackers are moving off of a Siege Tower and they roll 4+ on 1D6.
3. The Attackers scale the walls on a roll of 6 on 1D6.
Certain attackers may attack the Castle walls.
A Battering Ram may attack an adjacent Castle Space.
The Space is Breached on a roll of 5+ on 1D6.
Sappers may attack an adjacent Castle Space.
The Space is Breached on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
A Cannon may attack a Castle Space up to 2 spaces away.
The Space is Breached on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
Place a “Breach” counter on a Breached space.
A Unit that attempts to make a Breach in this Phase
cannot attack in Attack Phase.
All your units may attack once this phase.
Killed units are removed from play.
Knights kill opposing units in the same space on a roll of 4+ on 1D6.
Knights kill enemy knights in the same space on a roll of 5+ on 1D6.
Defending knights may attack adjacent units in the spaces adjacent to the
castle by throwing rocks. This type of attack kills on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
Attacking Cannons have a range of 2 spaces. They kill on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
Defending Cannons have a range of 3 spaces (Height Advantage).
They kill on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
Cannons cannot attack units in the same space.
Cauldrons may attack units in the same space, or adjacent units in the spaces
adjacent to the castle, by pouring Boiling Oil.
This type of attack kills on a roll of 5+ on 1D6.
Attacking Archers have a range of 1 space. They kill on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
Defending Archers have a range of 2 spaces (Height Advantage).
They kill on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
Archers kill opposing units in the same space on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
Sappers kill opposing units in the same space on a roll of 6+ on 1D6.
Rams and Siege Towers cannot attack.
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