Board Game for 2-4+ players.
Each player owns a Comic Book Studio.
Each Studio creates Heroes, publishes , collects Talent, and merchandizes in
Order to outdo their Rivals and create an entertainment empire.
Much of the material in this game refers to licensed, published properties.
This is merely a fan site.
The player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game is the winner.
The game ends when the last Modern Hero has been created.
The Board is a square Track seven spaces to a side like so:
H – A – P – T – M – A – H
H – A – P – T – M – A – H
H = Hero
A = Action
M = Merchandise
T = Talent
P = Publication
Six-sided dice are needed. At least three.
Each player gets a Pawn of a unique color.
Four Sets of colored Tokens are needed:
Red = Victory Tokens
Blue = Talent Tokens
Yellow = Merchandising Tokens
Green = Publication Tokens
There are 7 Common Decks:
1. Golden Age Heroes
2. Silver Age Heroes
3. Bronze Age Heroes
4. Modern Age Heroes
5. Talent
6. Merchandizing
7. Publication
Separate out the components.
Shuffle the Decks.
Roll high to see who goes first.
Play proceeds clockwise.
Each player takes a Pawn.
Pawns are placed in the Hero corner spaces.
Players should spread their pawns out amongst the 4 corners.
Players take turns.
Roll 1 Die and move your Pawn that many spaces. This is the Movement Roll.
Pawns move clockwise around the Board.
If you land on an opponent’s Pawn, steal 1 Token of your choice from him.
If you land on a Hero Space take the top card of the Golden Age Hero Deck
And place it face up on the table in front of you. You own this Hero.
If there are no Golden Age Heroes left take a Silver Age Hero card.
If there are no Silver Age Heroes left take a Bronze Age Hero card.
If there are no Bronze Age Heroes left take a Modern Age Hero card.
If there are no Modern Age Heroes left the game ends.
Note: While drawing cards from a specific Age Hero Deck all the players
Studios are considered to actually be in that Age.
If you land on a Publication Space take the top card from the Publication Deck.
Gain Publication Tokens according to the Card, then Discard the card.
If the Publication Deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
If you land on a Merchandise Space take the top card from the Merchandise Deck.
Gain Merchandise Tokens according to the Card, then Discard the card.
If the Merchandise Deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
If you land on a Talent Space take the top card from the Talent Deck.
Gain Talent Tokens according to the Card, then Discard the card.
If the Talent Deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Important Note: In the Non-Hero Decks some cards have a minimum Age
Requirement. If it is too early in the game the card has no effect.
If you land on an Action Space roll 1D6:
Roll Result: Notes:
1 Retro Move Backwards 1D6 Spaces
2 Visionary Move Forwards 1D6 Spaces
3-4 Stagnation Nothing Happens
5 Sales Slump Lose 1 Token
6 Hard Work Gain 1 Token
Note that Hero cards have point values (according to their popularity).
The player with the Highest total Golden Age Hero Score gets 1 Victory Token.
The player with the Highest total Silver Age Hero Score gets 1 Victory Token.
The player with the Highest total Bronze Age Hero Score gets 1 Victory Token.
The player with the Highest total Modern Age Hero Score gets 1 Victory Token.
The player with the most Publication Tokens gets 1 Victory Token.
The player with the most Merchandise Tokens gets 1 Victory Token.
The player with the most Talent Tokens gets 1 Victory Token.
Player with the most Victory Tokens wins.
In case of a tie the player with the highest Golden Age Hero Raw Score wins.
If that is a tie, go to the Silver Age Raw Score and so on.
Card Name: Point Value
Crime Stories 5
Westerns 5
Supernatural Stories 6
War Stories 6
Dick Tracy 10
The Shadow 8
Tarzan 10
John Carter of Mars 8
Zorro 9
Buck Rodgers 10
Lone Ranger 10
Nemor the Submariner 4
Green Hornet 9
Superman 10
Batman 10
Wonder Woman 8
Flash Gordon 10
Aquaman 8
Green Lantern 6
Captain America 7
Conan the Barbarian 7
Doc Savage 4
The Phantom 4
Flash 10
Dare Devil 4
Green Arrow 8
Plastic Man 4
Astro Boy 10
Card Name: Point Value
Ant Man 6
Iron Man 10
Spider Man 10
X-Men 10
Avengers 9
Hulk 8
Fantastic Four 10
Justice League 9
Thor 7
Martian Manhunter 6
Super Girl 8
Doctor Strange 8
Inhumans 3
Silver Surfer 8
Black Panther 6
Guardians of the Galaxy 4
Star Trek Comics 10
The Defenders 5
Teen Titans 4
Black Widow 3
Judge Dredd 10
Card Name: Point Value
Wolverine 7
Punisher 5
New Gods 4
Rogue 4
Swamp Thing 8
Alpha Flight 6
New Mutants 6
Groo 4
Star Wars Comics 10
Godzilla Comics 8
Ghost Rider 8
The Eternals 4
Elektra 4
Vampirella 7
American Flagg 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10
Card Name: Point Value
Watchmen 10
Spawn 8
Hellboy 7
Transformers 10
Power Rangers 10
The Incredibles 9
Ben 10 9
X-Statix 5
Thundercats 6
Cable 5
Gambit 4
Tank Girl 5
Deadpool 6
Nova 6
Mrs. Marvel 5
Card Name: Tokens Notes:
Good Writing 4
Good Artist 4
Good Editing 4
Good Inker 4
Good Colorist 4
Good Illustrator 4
Marvel Method 5
Stan Lee 5
Alan Moore 5
Jack Kirby 5
Al Feldstein 5
Jim Shooter 5 Silver
Gardner Fox 5 Gold & Silver Only
John Byrne 5 Bronze
Joe Gill 5 Gold – Bronze Only
Edmond Hamilton 5 Gold & Silver Only
Otto Binder 5 Gold & Silver Only
Roy Thomas 5 Silver
Edgar Rice Burroughs 5 Golden Only
Frank Miller 5 Bronze
Steve Ditko 5
Jim Steranko 5
Osamu Tezuka 5
Will Eisner 5
John Romita 5 Modern
Brian Bolland 5 Bronze
Dave Gibbons 5 Silver
Detective Comics 5
Marvel Comics 5
Valiant Comics 3 Modern
Dark Horse Comics 3 Modern
Image Comics 3 Modern
Card Name: Tokens Notes:
Movie Adaptation 3
Blockbuster 5 Bronze
Good Movie 4
Bad Movie 2
Movie Series 5
TV Show 5 Silver
Radio Show 5 Golden Only
Live Action TV 4 Silver
TV Cartoon 5
Toy Line 5
Action Figures 5 Silver
Comic Book Convention 4 Silver
Videos 4 Modern
Omnibus 3 Bronze
Chronicles 3 Bronze
Collected Volume 3 Bronze
Pulp Magazine 3 Golden Only
Graphic Novel 4 Silver
Board Game 2
Card Game 2 Modern
Video Game 5 Modern
Online Gaming 5 Modern
Cereal Box Prizes 2
Fast Food Prizes 2
Statues 2 Modern
Clothing 3
Posters & Prints 3
Décor 2
T-Shirts & Hats 3
Watches & Wallets 2
Costumes 3
Stickers, Pins and Buttons 2
Accessories 3
Gimmicks 1
Free Comic Book Day 5
Collectibles 4
Play Sets 4
Comic Book Stores 5
Card Name: Tokens Notes:
Multiverse 5 Modern
Mainstay 5
Situational Character 1D6
Hay Day 5
Reboot 4 Bronze
Retcon 4 Silver
Saga 5 Silver
Event 4
Story Arc 3
Rebranding 4
Series Wide Event 5
Canceled 1
Comics Code 1
New Incarnation 4
Critical Acclaim 5 Modern
Superhero Debut 6
Newspaper 4 Not Modern
Resurgence in Popularity 5 Silver
Landmark Superhero 5
Minor Superheroes 3
Superhero Team 4
Sidekick 2
Extended Storyline 3
Title Character 4
Long Run 4
Second Series 3
Crossover Event 3
Limited Series 2
Mini-Series 2
Ongoing Series 3
Shared Universe 5
Relaunch 4
New Continuity 4
New Villain 5