Solo Dice & Record Keeping Game.
Simulation of the Charge of the Light Brigade, 
the final phase of battle of Balaclava in 1854.

Six sided Dice, Paper, Pencil.

by Totola
Click Here

The player controls a British cavalry group of 12 men known as a ‘Troop’.
All men are mounted on horses.
All men are armed with a sword.
One of the men is the Captain, the leader of the troop.
Another man is the Trumpeter.
The other 10 men are referred to as riders.
There are 3 types of Troops: Dragoons, Hussars, and Lancers.
Pick which type you want your troop to be.

Write the name of each of your men.
Each man has 1 skill. Roll on the skill table and record it.
The Captain has 3 skills: Riding, Horsemanship, and Fighting.
The Captain is never killed. Treat all kill results as wounds.
Other info that will be recorded as the game proceeds include:
Wounds sustained by each man.
The space (Location) each man occupies.
The morale of each man.
Spur points on each mans horse.

1D6	Skill Type:	Notes:
1-	Riding		+1 to Evade Rolls
2	Horsemanship	+1 to Spur Rolls
3	Steadfast	+1 to Morale Rolls	
4	Steadfast	+1 to Morale Rolls
5	Fighting	+1 to Fight Rolls
6+	Tough		+1 to Kill Rolls
Dragoons get a –1 modifier to the roll.
Hussars get a +1 modifier to the roll.
Roll modifiers only apply to that man.

Your Troop will have to traverse 20 ‘spaces’ before mixing in with the 
Russian Gun Battery.
Once any of your men reach the battery, there will be 5 turns of Melee.
After this, your troop must turn around and return 20 spaces the way it came.
Draw a row of boxes 20 spaces long. Use this to record the location of your troop.

1. Movement or Melee Phase
2. Morale Phase
3. Rally Phase

All of your men attempt to move forward one space every turn not in Melee:
Roll on the Encounter Table for each man.
If the encounter indicates Flat, the man automatically moves forward one space.
If there is an obstacle, roll on the appropriate table to see what type it is.
Roll 1D6. (The Evade Roll)
If this is equal to or greater than the obstacle value move the man forward one space.
If it is less, the rider does not move forward and suffers a 
wound on a roll of 1-2 on 1D6.
If it is a Fire Encounter, roll 1D6.
If this is equal to or less than the Hit value the man is hit.
If the man is hit roll 1D6. (The Kill Roll)
If this is equal to or less than the Kill value the man is killed.
(Killed also including seriously wounded or having a horse shot out from under you)
If hit but not killed, the man is wounded.
If not killed by the fire the man automatically moves forward one space

You may have a man spur his horse.
A Horse can only be spurred once per turn.
The rider gains 1 Spur point.
(The horse goes from a trot to a gallop.)
This allows a man to:
1. Move a second time this turn. (Repeat the Movement Phase)
2. Get +2 to an Evade or Fight roll
Roll 2D6 (The Spur Roll)
If this is less than the riders Spur point total the horse is blown.
A Blown horse cannot be Spurred and gets –1 to all evade rolls.
If a man on a blown horse ever encounters a riderless horse, he may switch horses.
The ‘new’ horse will have 1D6 Spur points.

If any of your men were killed this turn roll 1D6 individually for all your other men.
(These are Morale rolls)
On a roll of 1-2 on 1D6 the man fails the morale test and must roll on the Break Table
If the roll is 3+ the man maintains Good Morale.

1D6	Result:		Notes:
1-3	Hurried		The man will spur next turn to move an extra space forward
4-5	Hesitates	The man will not move forward next turn unless he spurs
6	Retreats	The man turns tail and flees the field

The Captain may attempt to rally either all Hurried or all Hesitant or 
all Retreating men in the troop.
Roll 1D6 (The Rally Roll):
On a roll of 4-6 the target men are rallied and 
do not suffer the Results of the Break Table.
Add one to the roll if the Trumpeter is still alive and in the same space as the Captain.

If a man is in the Battery (Space 20) he rolls on the 
Melee Table instead of the Encounter Table.
Roll 1D6. (The Fight Roll):
If this is equal to or greater than the Fight value of 
the opponent, the Russian is killed.
If it is less, the rider rolls 1D6 (Kill Roll):
The Rider suffers a wound on a roll of 1-3. On 4-6 the rider is killed.

1D6	Encounter
1-	Flat & Level
2	Flat & Even
3	Ground Obstacle
4	Man Obstacle
5	Cannon Fire
6+	Musketry Fire

1D6	Obstacle:		Evade
1	Corpse			2
2-3	Wounded Man		3
4	Dead Horse		4
5-6	Riderless Horse		5

1D6	Obstacle:		Evade
1-3	Uneven Ground		2
4	Bushes			3
5	Rocks			4
6	Ditch			5

1D6	Type:			Hit	Kill
1-	Double Canister		5	4
2	Canister		4	3
3	Round Shot		2	5
4	Cannon Ball		2	5
5	Exploding Shell		4	2
6+	Shrapnel		3	1
If the man is in spaces 1-12 (Just starting out) add 2 to the roll
If the man is in spaces 17-19 (Closest to the battery) subtract 2 from the roll

1D6	Type:		Hit	Kill		
1-2	Musket Fire	2	3
3-4	Musket Volley	3	3
5-6	Rifle Shot	4	3	

2D6	Opponent:			Fight
2	Officer with Saber		5
3	Cossack with Sword		4
4	Russian Lancer			4
5	Greatcoat with Bayonet		3
6	Artilleryman			2
7	No Opponent this Turn		X
8	Artilleryman			2
9	Cossack with Sword		4
10	Russian Lancer			4
11	Greatcoat with Bayonet		3
12	Officer with Saber		5

A man with one or more wounds gets –1 to Rally rolls.
A man with two or more wounds gets –1 to Morale & Evade rolls.
A man with three or more wounds gets –1 to Fight rolls.

At the beginning of the game you may choose to have your troop be in the 
front rank of the Charge.
If so, during the approach treat all Man Obstacle Encounters as Flat.
In spaces 15-19, treat Flat & Level rolls as Cannon Fire.

On the way back any encounters with wounded men add 1 wounded rider to your troop.

Get 2 points for every man that makes it back alive.
Get 1 point for every Russian killed during the Melee.


Of the 673 men who went into action 113 were killed and 247 badly wounded.


Questions by Volkhard...

> 1) May I pick a mixed British cavalry group of 12 men (3 Hussars, 4 
Dragoons, 5 Lancers) or may I only choose 12 men of the same troop 
type (either Dragoons or Hussars or Lancers) ? 
A) My original intent was that they all be of the same type. 
That seems more historically accurate to me, all the men in 
the same unit would be of the same type. 
> Turn Sequence
> 2) Is there a morale phase and a rally phase on the way back after 
 the fifth turn of melee with the Russian gun battery ?
A) I forgot my original intention, but looking closely, I'll say
yes, confusion, smoke, and all that. 

> Since all surviving men of my troop retreat from battlefield after 
the fifth turn of melee with the Russian gun battery morale is 
irrelevant, unless the surviving men of my troop are attacked by 
other Russian troops on the way back. The rules did not mention that 
there is another battle with Russians on the way back.
A) I haven't read up on the subject lately, but I'm sure the 
Russians must have got a few shots in at the retreating 
English on their way back. Smoke might have been an issue and 
some of the Russian units might have been disorganized, but the 
Cossacks are famous for attacking retreating forces. For now 
presume that have to fight their way back 
> Stragglers
> Any encounters with wounded men add 1 wounded rider to my troop on 
the way back.
> 3) Do the wounded riders encountered on the way back count as a part of my 
troop that I picked at the beginning of the game or do they join my troop as 
a part of another British cavalry troop not controlled by the player ?
A) They could be anybody, but you get credit for bringing them back. 
If needs be, roll a random skill for them, and give them 1D6-3 wounds.
Roll 1D6: On a roll of 1-3 they have their own horse with 1D6-1 
Spur points; on 4-6 they share a Horse with one of your other 
riders randomly selected, or if within 4 spaces of home, they 
simply walk back. 
> 4) Do I score 2 points for each of these riders(stragglers), if they 
survive until the end of the game ?
A) Yes

> Captain and Trumpeter
> 5) Do the captain and the trumpeter attempt to rally themselves at 
the rally phase, if they failed at the morale phase ?
Do the captain and the trumpeter retreat from battle, if they roll a 
"Retreats" result at the morale phase and fail at the rally phase?
Do all men of my troop retreat from the battle automatically, if 
the captain or the trumpeter retreats at the rally phase ?
A) The Captain never fails morale, however the Trumpeter can. 

8) Must I nevertheless add one to the rally rolls for the trumpeter 
and the captain and the rally rolls for the other riders who failed 
at the morale phase, if the trumpeter is in the same space as the 
captain and rolled a "Retreats" result at the morale phase ? 
Must I nevertheless add one to the rally rolls for the trumpeter 
and the captain and the rally rolls for the other riders who failed 
at the morale phase, if the trumpeter is in the same space as the 
captain and rolled a "Hurried" result or a "Hesitates" result at the 
morale phase ?
A)No, you don't get the bonus if the Trumpeter is retreating,
hurried, or hesitating.  

> Wounds
> 10) What is the maximum (number) of wounds which each rider can take, to 
survive the battle ?
A) 4 Wounds kills a Normal man.
5 Wounds kills a Steadfast man.
6 Wounds kills a Tough man. 


by Ron Pehr 
Started playing this last night.  Realizing that continual dice 
rolling is what happens in a solo game, I have to say it got a 
bit laborious to do exactly the same rolls twelve times each 
turn (until, of course, you start losing troopers).  Rather than 
marking position on the card for each man, I laid them out next 
to numbered pieces of paper (could use chits or dice) indicating 
what space they were on, as the troop is seldom broken far 
apart. Thus, if most of the troop is at, say, "4" there'll be 
stragglers at "3" maybe "2" and the hard-chargers at "5" so you 
don't actually have to lay out all 20.  Alternately, could do 
that, have a sort of board marked out in 20 spaces and put the 
cards for each trooper in whatever space he's reached.  Here are 
the cards I made for the captain and the troopers.  You put 
check marks on the lines for the status, in pencil so it can be 
erased and re-used.
Skills: Riding (+1 evade)
           Horsemanship (+1 spur)
            Fighting (+1 fight)
Wounds: one (-1 rally)___
                two (-1 morale, -1 evade)___
                three+(-1 fight)____
Morale: Hurried (must spur next turn)___
              Hesitate (spur or don’t move next turn)___
              Retreat ___
Spur Points:___
Skills: Riding (+1 evade)__
            Horsemanship (+1 spur)__
            Steadfast (+1 morale)__
            Fighting (+1 fight)__
            Tough (+1 kill)___
Wounds: one (-1 rally)___
                two (-1 morale, -1 evade)___
                three+(-1 fight)____
Morale: Hurried (must spur next turn)___
              Hesitate (spur or don’t move next turn)___
              Retreat ___
Spur Points:___
The Trumpeter is same as a "Trooper" just label it as such.  
Have presumed that if Trumpeter demoralized he nevertheless adds 
the +1 when rallying roll made if in same space as Captain, and 
that the Captain similarly can rally himself.

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