Each player controls a tribe of Paleolithic Homo sapiens.
Use an Ice Age Map of Europe divided up into 30+ irregular territory spaces.
The first player to advance to the Neolithic age and control 15+
territories is the winner.
10 sided dice are used.
There are 11 different categories of Advances. Consult the Advances Table.
Tribes start out at the Paleolithic level of Culture & Technology.
As they gain advances they develop a (transitional) Mesolithic culture.
A Tribe is considered to have advanced to the Neolithic Age when it
has 2 or more advances in each of the 11 categories.
Make sure to write down every Advance your Tribe gets.
Advance: Notes:
Tools Materials, Function
Hunting Tools, Techniques
Fishing Tools, Techniques
Health Medicine, Fertility
Clothing Materials, Tools, Techniques
Fire Functions, Tools
Gathering Foods & Tools
Religion Rituals, Beliefs
Shelter Dwellings
Prey Hunted Species
Art Symbolism, Expression
Population counters (or tokens) are referred to as bands.
A band is a group of families (usually no more than 100 people).
All bands of a player are referred to as his tribe.
Because Bands are so small there is no stacking limit.
The game begins at 30,000 BC.
Each turn is 500 years.
The game automatically ends at 4,500 BC.
Roll high on 1D10 to see who goes first.
Each player places 6 Bands in any one territory of their choice.
A Player must pick a territory at least 2 spaces away from another player.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 5 Phases:
1. Growth Phase
2. Migration Phase
3. Advance Phase
4. Event Phase
5. Interaction Phase
Roll 4 dice.
Roll an extra die for every 3 territories you control rounding down.
(Max 8 Dice)
You may reroll up to 4 of the dice.
For every 1 or 2 you rolled gain that many Bands.
Place the new Bands as evenly as possible amongst the territories you control.
For every 3 or 4 you rolled, you may move that many Bands 1 space each.
If you rolled at least one 5 and one 6 Gain 1 Random Advance:
Roll on the Advance table.
If you roll an advance you already have, reroll.
Record all your advances on paper.
For each territory you occupy roll once on the Event Table:
-For a Disaster Event roll 1D6 and subtract the level you have
in the indicated skill: If the result is positive lose 1 Band
-For a Progress Event roll 1D6 and subtract the level you have
in the indicated skill: If the result is zero or negative gain 1 Random Advance
-For a Expansion Event roll 1D6 and subtract the level you have
in the indicated skill: If the result is zero or negative gain 1 Band
-For a Migration Event roll 1D6 and subtract the level you have
in the indicated skill: If the result is zero or negative move 1 Band or lose 1 Band
1D100 Event: Notes:
01-05 Famine Disaster: Gathering
06-10 Disease Diaster: Health
11-15 Follow Herds Migration: Hunting
16-20 Refine Technology Progress: Tools
21-25 Ice Age Disaster: Fire
26-30 Ice Age Disaster: Shelter
31-35 Ice Age Disaster: Clothing
36-40 Extinction Disaster: Prey
41-45 New Fishing Grounds Migration: Fishing
46-50 Cooperation Expansion: Religion
51-55 Revolutionary Ideas Progress: Art
56-00 Nothing
If a territory contains bands from two different tribes, they will interact.
Roll on the interaction Table:
If tied, nothing happens.
1D10 Interaction: Notes:
1 Observation You Gain one advance the other tribe knows
2 Occupation Side with fewer Shelter Advances loses 1 Band
3 Warfare Side with fewer Hunting Advances loses 2 Bands
4 Disease Side with fewer Health Advances loses 2 Bands
5 Intermix 2 Bands from opponent join tribe with more Art Advances
6 Raiding Side with fewer Prey Advances loses 1 Band
7 Assimilate 2 Bands from opponent join tribe with more Clothing Advances
8 Intimidate Migrate 2 Bands into adj Territory of player with least Fire Adv.
9 Trade 1 Band from opponent joins tribe with more Tool Advances
0 Conversion 2 Bands from opponent join tribe with more Religion Advances
1D100 Advance:
1 Healing Herbs Health +1
2 Primitive Surgery Health +1
3 Midwives Health +1
4 Wound Dressings Health +1
5 Set Broken Bones Health +1
6 Medicine Man Health +1
7 Domesticate Wolves Hunting +1
8 Bow & Arrows Hunting +1
9 Spear & Arrow Tips Hunting +1
10 Cooperative Hunting Hunting +1
11 Atlatl Throwing Spears Hunting +1
12 Animal Traps Hunting +1
13 Nets Hunting +1
14 Nomadic Lifestyle Hunting +1
15 Horse Hunting Prey +1
16 Mammoth Hunting Prey +1
17 Bison Hunting Prey +1
18 Bear Hunting Prey +1
19 Reindeer Hunting Prey +1
20 Giant Sloth Hunting Prey +1
21 Bird Hunting Prey +1
22 Small Game Hunting Prey +1
23 Wooden Hafts & Handles Tools +1
24 Pitch, Tar & Bitumen Tools +1
25 Chisels & Awls Tools +1
26 Borers & Drills Tools +1
27 Stone Knives & Blades Tools +1
28 Stone Axes & Adzes Tools +1
29 Stone Saws & Microliths Tools +1
30 Mortars & Pestles Tools +1
31 Oil Lamps Fire +1
32 Fire Making Fire +1
33 Smoked Meats Fire +1
34 Warm Hearth Fire +1
35 Flint & Iron Pyrite Fire +1
36 Bowstring Technique Fire +1
37 Sewing & Tailoring Clothing +1
38 Furs & Skins Clothing +1
39 Leather Curing Clothing +1
40 Weaving Plant Fibers Clothing +1
41 Bone Needles & Sinew Thread Clothing +1
42 Footwear Clothing +1
43 Gather Seeds & Nuts Gathering +1
44 Gather Fruits & Vegetables Gathering +1
45 Gather Roots & Tubers Gathering +1
46 Gather Shellfish Gathering +1
47 Basket Weaving Gathering +1
48 Mattocks & Sickles Gathering +1
50 Cave Dwellings Shelter +1
51 Animal Skin Tents Shelter +1
52 Thatch Huts Shelter +1
53 Semi-subterranean Houses Shelter +1
54 Windbreak Shelters Shelter +1
55 Domed Mud-Brick Huts Shelter +1
56 Shamanism Religion +1
57 Hunting Rituals Religion +1
58 Burial Ceremonies Religion +1
59 Fertility Cult Religion +1
60 Sympathetic Magic Religion +1
61 Lunar Calendar Religion +1
62 Masks & Jewelry Art +1
63 Music & Dance Art +1
64 Cave Painting Art +1
65 Pictograms Art +1
66 Carved Figurines Art +1
67 Pottery Art +1
68 Barbed Bone Harpoons Fishing +1
69 Fishing Nets Fishing +1
70 Dugout Canoes Fishing +1
71 Coiled Reed Boats Fishing +1
72 Fish Hooks Fishing +1
73 Fish Traps Fishing +1
74+ Diffusion of Knowledge Pick One
Thank you Terry Graham for this fine set: Download
(Game updated 4/7/6: Cards not needed but can still be
used for randomization or record keeping)

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