Card Game for 2 players.
Morocco circa 1925.
Berber Tribesmen attack a company of French Foreign Legionnaires. 

The first player to win 4 hands wins the battle
Each player has a unique deck.

Each player draws 8 cards from his deck.
A player may then discard up to 4 cards & draw replacements.
Each player then reveals a Meld.
A Meld may include:
2 Leaders
2 Men
1 Terrain
1 Weapon
1 Tactics
1 Morale
Each card has a Force Value.
Add up the total Force Value of each meld.
The Meld with the highest Force Value wins.

L = Leader
M = Men 
T = Terrain
W = Weapons
O = Morale
A = Tactics

Card Name		Type	Force
Captain			L	4
Lieutenant		L	1
Sergeant		L	2
Gentleman Soldier	L	5
Model Soldier		L	3
Natural Leader		L	5
Sharpshooter		L	3
Brawler			L	1
Adventurer		L	2
Legionnaires		M	5
Riflemen		M	4
Reserves		M	1
Platoon			M	2
Soldiers		M	3
Troopers		M	4
Infantry		M	3
Cavalry			M	2
Guards			M	1
Veterans		M	5
Sand Dune		T	1
Rocky Outcrop		T	3
Hill Top		T	4
Gully			T	2
Oasis			T	5
Bolt Action Rifles	W	4
Machine Gun		W	5	
Bayonets		W	1
Grenades		W	2
Mortar			W	3
Firing Line		A	1
Extra Ammo		A	3
Fire Power		A	4
Form Square		A	2
Rally			A	5
Brotherly Loyalty	O	4
Discipline		O	3
Patriotic Honor		O	2
Self Sacrifice		O	5
Survival		O	1

Card Name		Type	Force
Clan Chief		L	5
Desert Warrior		L	4
Great Hunter		L	4
Body Guard		L	1
Freedom Fighter		L	3
Big Man			L	2
The Moor		L	3
Cutthroat		L	1
Wise Man		L	5
Assassin		L	2
Nomads			M	5
Horsemen		M	5
Tribesmen		M	3
Fanatics		M	4
Camel Riders		M	2
Raiders			M	3
Irregular Rabble	M	1
Dervishes		M	2
Rebels			M	4
Native Troops		M	1
Open Desert		T	2
Cliff Face		T	3
Ridge			T	4
Slope			T	1
Sand Storm		T	5
Rifles			W	5
Artillery Piece		W	4
Swords & Knives		W	3
Lances			W	1
Thrown Bombs		W	2
Ambush			A	5
Surround Foe		A	4
Charge			A	1
Skirmish		A	2
Hit & Run		A	3
Vengeance		O	5
Honor			O	4
Jihad			O	3
Duty			O	2
Glory			O	1	

France in Morocco Bibliography
Death in the Desert Rules
Beau Geste Movie
Brom Geste Rules
Red Shadow Rules
Sahara Sandstorm Rules

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