INTRODUCTION Card game for 2 players. Based on the comic book character Doctor Strange. One player is the forces of good. The other player is the forces of evil. VICTORY If, for 2 turns in a row, starting on turn 10, a player has no viable Characters in play, his opponent wins. THE DECK Players share a common deck. The deck contains one of each card in the card list. Card Types include: Characters, Companions, Locations, Items, Modifiers, Powers, Attacks, Events DICE A Twelve-sided die is needed. SETUP Decide who is Good and who is Evil. Each player is dealt a hand of 7 cards. Each player starts with 1 Character in play: The Good player starts with Doctor Strange in Play. The Evil Character starts with Baron Mordo in play. The Evil player goes first. VIABLE CHARACTERS A viable Character is one that is not: Killed, Incapacitated, Exiled, or Captured. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Each turn has 4 Phases: Mystic Arts Phase Summon Phase Attack Phase Rest Phase MYSTIC ARTS PHASE Draw 2 cards and put them in your hand. If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. SUMMON PHASE Put permanent cards into play from your hand. Permanent cards include: Characters, Companions, Locations, Items, and Modifiers. Place Character cards face up in front of you. Location, Item, Companion, and Modifier cards are attached to individual characters. A Character may only have one Location card attached. ATTACK PHASE Each of your viable characters may make 1 attack per turn. An Attack targets an opposing viable character. Targeted Characters are also known as marked Characters. First declare all Attacks. To make an attack you must play (discard) an Attack card. The attacker rolls 1D12 and adds the power of the attacking Character and all attached cards. This is the Attack Total. The defender rolls 1D12 and adds the power of the defending Target Character and all attached cards. This is the Defense Total. Players may play (discard) Power cards to temporarily increase their Power. The higher Total wins. Attacker wins ties. If the Defender wins, the Attack fails, and nothing further happens. If the Attacker wins, the Target Character suffers the fate described on The Attack card (Killed, Incapacitated, Controlled, Exiled, or Captured) REST PHASE Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards. Roll 1D12 for each of your Incapacitated Characters: On a Roll of 11 or 12 the Character recovers and is no longer Incapacitated. Characters with an Unmodified Power of 10 and greater usually have better Things to do: Roll 1D12: on a Roll of 11 or 12 discard the Character. KILLED Killed Characters are placed in a special Killed Character card pile. (Their spirits now roam other dimensions) All cards attached to the Character are discarded. EXILED Exiled Characters are placed in a special Exiled Character card pile. (Their physical bodies are trapped on some other dimension) All cards attached to the Character are discarded. INCAPACITATED Mark Incapacitated Characters with a token. You remain in control (possession) of your Incapacitated Character. CONTROLLED If you gain control of an opponents Character, it now becomes your Character, and you may attack with it, etc. Indicate controlled status with a marker. Note that a controlled character is still viable, but only for the Player that now controls it. Important Point: If the original Attacking Character that brought the target character under Control is in turn controlled or made unviable, the control is lost, and The target character returns to its original owner fully viable. (Players will have to remember which character did what to whom) CAPTURED You take possession of a Character you have captured. A Captured Character is not viable and may not attack, etc. Indicate controlled status with a counter. All non-modifier cards attached to the Character are discarded. Important Point: If the original Attacking Character that captured the target character is in turn controlled or made unviable, the captive is freed, and The target character returns to its original owner fully viable. CALL DEFENDER Some Event cards allow for a Call Defender ability. These cards are played by the Defender in Attack Phase. This lets an unmarked friendly viable character add its modified Power to The power of the Defender. COUNTER & NEGATE A Counter card causes a target card to be discarded only as it is being played. A Negate card causes a target card in play to be discarded or target effect to end. CARD LIST NOTATION Pow = Power Level P = Power Card E = Event play in Mystic Arts Phase B = Event play in Attack Phase R = Event play in Rest Phase X = Event play any time C = Character L = Location I = Item M = Modifier A = Attack N = Companion GPO = Good Player Only may use this card EPO = Evil Player Only may use this card TC = Target Character D = Call Defender Card DO = Defender Only AO = Attacker Only CARD LIST Name: Type Pow Notes: Doctor Strange C 8 GPO Baron Mordo C 6 EPO Sorcerer Supreme M +1 - Bind A - Capture Magic Amulet I +1 - Master of the Mystic Arts M +1 - Insanity A - Incapacitate Bound in Chains A - Capture Enter Dream P +1 - Incense P +1 - Hidden Temple L +1 - Trance P +1 - Nightmare C 5 EPO Hostile Dimension L +1 - Hypnotic Ray A - Control Interruption B - Counter Attack Dream Dimension L +1 - Metaphysical Spirit P +1 - I Command You A - Control Black Magic P +1 - Desperate Cry D - GPO Hidden Castle L +1 - Mental Commands A - Control Powerful Potion A - Incapacitate Poison A - Kill Learn Secrets E - Draw 3 cards Experiment E - Discard hand & Draw 5 cards Speed of Thought P +1 - Spirit Image P +1 - Not Responding D - GPO Occult Powers P +1 - Transfer Energy P +1 - Catch Unawares P +1 - Omnipotent M +1 - Deadly Trap A - Kill Magic Disguise P +1 - Detect Danger P +2 DO Paralyzation Vapor A - Capture Sorcery P +1 - Opponent Weakened P +1 - Project Thought D - GPO Mental Message D - GPO Spell Bound Girl P +1 - Mind Control Servant P +1 - Dormant Talent M +1 - Impostor P +2 AO Real Self P +1 - Teleportation P +1 - Levitation P +1 - Pass Through Walls P +1 - Ethereal Self P +1 - Mystic Dimension L +1 - Disciple C 2 - Tibetan Retreat L +1 - Surprise P +2 AO Mental Battle P +2 DO Preparations P +1 - The Ancient One C 7 GPO Vapors of Valtorr A - EPO Kill Powers of Vishanti P +2 DO Bolts of Pure Force P +1 - Banish A - Exile Unsuspecting P +2 AO Mystic Potion A - Incapacitate Supernatural Force P +1 - Counter Spell B - Counter Attack Book of Vishanti I +1 - Incantation P +1 - Mist of Hoggoth R - Negate Exile Shadow World L +1 - Nightmare World L +1 EPO Enchanted Path P +1 - Spiny Beast A - EPO Kill Sorcerer C 4 - Mystic Beam P +1 - Healing Powers R - Negate Incapacitate Simple Spell P +1 - Vanish A - Exile Ethereal Cylinder A - Capture Escape R - Negate Capture Enchanted Ring I +1 - Go Back in Time E - Search Deck for card & keep it Vanquish A - Exile Read Minds X - Look at Opponents Hand Bait A - Capture Force Shield P +1 - Possession A - Control Force Retreat A - Exile Underlings N +1 EPO Wong C 1 GPO (Servant) Transfixed A - Capture Investigate E - Look at next 7 cards in Deck Petty Thieves E - Negate Item Purple Dimension L +1 EPO Aggamon The All-Powerful C 4 EPO Sinister Gem I +1 - Bring Back R - Negate Kill Guards N +1 EPO Demolisher Beam P +1 - Battle of Wills A - Kill Surrender Terms A - Incapacitate All Seeing Eye X - Look at Opponents Hand Remove Powers A - Incapacitate The Powers that Be P +1 - Potent Words P +1 - Rintrah C 5 GPO (Minotaur) Topaz C 3 GPO (Empath) Taboo C 6 GPO (Sorcerer) The Dread Dormammu C 10 EPO Illusions P +1 - Zota C 4 EPO Loki C 12 EPO (Norse God) LINKS Sorcerer Supreme Very Cool!!! GAME DESIGNERS NOTES I’m sure I’ll be adding more cards soon.

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