by C Gerard Luft
The eighth doctor has lost his memory.
He has a whole new band of enemies.
One player plays Sabbath.
The other is the good doctor.
There are three decks:
One for the doctor,
One for Sabbath and
An "elemental" artifact deck.
At the start of each turn each player draws three cards from their deck.
The top card of the artifact deck is revealed.
The players fight this turn for that card.
The winner who gets the most elemental artifacts wins.
The game continues until the last artifact is claimed.
When players run out of cards they do NOT reshuffle.
The doctor begins with the eighth doctor card; Sabbath, with the Sabbath card.
Cards remain on the table (not in the hand) and can never be discarded.
You will need to make the three card decks and have ten sided dice.
So you bought the starters and boosters by the box.
Now your swimming in dwccg cards.
In the card lists below names of dwccg cards that you can use to substitute are given.
You will find that the energy, substance and support values add up to the power value
(except for Miranda). The power level for resource and Flash cards are 3.
You can find good pictures of the eighth doctor to affix to the
doctor card at any decent doctor who site.
Conceptual pictures of fitz and anji can be found at the fan
fiction area of the timelords uk site.
You can use a picture of Orsin Wells with out the beard for Sabbath
(this is lance parkins suggestion at least).
Each player draws 3 cards. The max hand is 9.
You must discard down to this number.
The top card is revealed on the artifact deck.
Each Player role a 1d10 and adds his character power value to the role.
If the doctor rolls a 10 he gets to roll again (and so on).
Then each player may play any cards from his hand to the table adding those cards valve to the role.
The player with the highest power score wins the artifact.
The loosing side must discard all the cards played this turn
(except for the doctor or Sabbath.)
The winning side must discard cards equal to loosing sides power score.
The remaining cards are returned to the hand.
Players making their own cards should ignore the parenthesis;
thats for doctor who ccg conversions only.
(dwccg conversion; if not present then the dwccg card has the same name)
the eighth doctor: any doctor card; the sixth doctor is a good expendable card.
Just paste a good paul mcgann doctor picture over the 6th doctor image)
Name power notes
Fitz kriener 3 (ian)
Anji kapoor 1 (victoria)
Tardis 3
ice warriors 5
space freighter 3
the collectors 6 (rutans)
im foreman 3 (totters yard)
space station 3
Police detective 3 (police man)
Primitives 4
unisyc soldier 3 (unit soldier)
unisyc officer 4 (unit corporal)
asian soldiers 3 (mongols)
star cruiser 3 (spar)
unisyc hq 3 (unit hq)
space ship 3 (vship)
lord ferran 5 (seers)
robots 3 (chumblies)
romans 3
space pod 3
underground bunker 3
the master 5
us president mather 5 (brigadeer)
iris wildthyme 5 (romana)
tardis console room 3 (temp grace)
friendly soldier 4 (capt gilmore)
force field 3
hads 3
cloister bell 3
tardis sickbay 3 (elixier)
bomb 3 (dalek bomb)
time barrier 3
tmat 3
trench 3
Tardis power room 3 (fussion booster)
tardis laboratory 3 (hydromel)
alien ambassadors 3
emperess Miranda 6 (susan)
galactic fed ambassador 4 (alpha centari)
aliens 5 (exilons)
temporal vortex* 3 (kronton crystals)
tardis forcefields 3 (duranium shields)
deadly gas 3 (hexachromite)
time winds 3
tardis dormitories** 3 (sanctum)
venusian aikido 3
hyperspace jump 3 (ftl)
starbase 3
tardis stellarium 3 view next 1d10 cards in Deck
the doctors room 3 same as sickbay and dorms(meta regenerator)
desperate action 6 (meteorites)
scarlet 6 (morgain)
mirandas time agents 3 (special security)
peaceful aliens 2 (dulcians)
tardis workshop*** 3 (k9)
tardis galley**** 3 (eye of orion)
iris' tardis 3 (sidrat)
tardis warddrobe room 3 (cameleon circuit)
please note: cards with a special ability are discarded when ability is used
*take a card from discard and put in hand
**same as sick bay-remove fitz and/or anji from discard and put in hand
***remove any non-creature card from discard and put in hand
****take a creature card from discard and put in hand
name power notes
Sabbath 5 (master)
The jonah 3 (tardis)
Kulan 3 (bannermen)
experimental ttc 3 (kartz and rhiemer ttc)
vortex wraiths 6 (kronos)
silver 8 (cybercontroler)
silverati 5 (cybermen)
silverati leader 6 (cyberleader)
gold dalek 7
black dalek 6
daleks 5
hastur 3 (fenrics flask)
sabbaths time agents 3 (special security)
movellans 3
time corridore 3
far dist future aliens 3 (monoids)
daemons 8
aliens 5 (exilons)
primitives 4
rutans 6
elder ones 4 (vervoids)
alien monster 4 (shrievenales)
onhir 3 (nimon)
drug 3 (spectrox)
laser canon 3
death ray 3
deadly gas 3 (balarium)
Dalek bomb 3
mind battle 3
mind drain 3
teleportation 3
the players 3 (sidrat)
ransome demand 3
ogrons 3
time travem 3
hyperspace 3 (ftl)
deadly poison 3 (neurotropix)
the remote 3 (drahvin)
deadly desease 3 (dn6)
juliette 3 (sisterhood)
babewyns 6 (destroyer)
meteorites 6
imperium troops 5 (seers)
krotons 3
fendahl 4
ferutu 4 (goth)
imperium police robots 6 (raston)
dinosaur 6
the unnaturalists 3 (ghostlight)
shub-niggurath 3 (nestene)
dark young 3 (autons)
yog-sothoth 3 (great intelligence)
minions of yog-sothoth 4 (yeti)
lloigar 3 (animus)
minion of lloigar 3 (zarbie)
Sontarans 7
ice warriors 5
extortion 3
web gun 3
venom gun 3
Name: Notes:
Matrix (andromeda sleepes)
Time controler
Regeneration (meta regenerator)
Celstis space station (space station)
Sacred flame
ttc engineering (chameleon)
Tardis ttc
Dimensional interfaces (trionic lock)
Sidrat ttc
Transduction barrier
The needle (tartarus)
rod (of rasilon)
ceremonials (high council)
games (of rasilon)
records (of rasilon)
sash (of rasilon)
Demat gun
Tomb (of rasilon)
Anciemt law (of gallifrex)
Celstis (cia)
Validium (silver nemesis)
The labrynth (oracle)
The Eye (of harmony)
he who has the most elemental artifacts at the end of the game wins!
The Doctor and Sabbath are both looking for the scattered remnants of the Elementals,
the Lords of Time who never existed (see Doctor Who-Adventuress of Henrietta Street).
Chief among these artifacts is a black sun, the EYE.
He who controls the EYE controls the new dynasty of Time Lords for the universe.
But while the Eighth Doctor has looked without for the Eye, he has not tried to first
look WITHINâ
The TARDIS was once infinite, but now only a small part of its interior is accessible. And Fitz is hearing strange sounds behind the
unusual walls that have partitioned the TARDIS' interior (see Doctor Who- Trading Futures). And now a door to the mysterious
cloister room has opened. Could the EYE have been in their all the while? But one challenge stands in the Doctor's way of
exploring the cloister room and unveiling its secrets: SABBATH!
This is a board game version of DOCTOR WHO: THE SABBATH DAYS. You will need to be familiar with that game and make a set
of cards from SABBATH DAYS in order to play DW: EYE SPY.
One Player plays the Doctor. His goal is to move from the CONSOLE ROOM to the CLOISTER ROOM. The other plays Sabbath.
His goal is to prevent the Doctor from reaching the cloister room.
You will need to make a 10 by 10 board (or print the one provided), each of its hundred squares representing the interior rooms of the
TARDIS. The middle two squares of the bottom row mark as the MASTER CONSOLE ROOM (where the Doctor Begins). Near the
console room, select a square for each of the following rooms: Doctor's Room, Dormitories, Workshop, Stellarium, Sick bay, and
Power room (the Laboratory and Galley share space in the Console Room; you will not need to mark separate rooms for these). The
mark the middle two squares at the top row of the board as the CLOISTER ROOM (where Sabbath begins.
The Doctor uses a set of the DOCTOR DECK from DOCTOR WHO: THE SABBATH DAYS. This will include all the cards, except:
all space ships, space stations and TARDIS cards. Sabbath uses a set of the SABBATH DECK from DOCTOR WHO THE
SABBATH DAYS. This deck will include all the cards except for: the Jonah and all space ship AND weapon cards. You will also
need a ten sided die (1d10) and a token to represent the DOCTOR and SABBATH (I am certain, the Other would prefer the use of
Chess pawns).
Each player draws three cards from their decks.
Each player rolls a 1d10. If the roll is 1-9, the character may move 1 space, across, up, down, or diagonally. If the roll is a 10, then
that character moves two spaces. The Doctor moves first, and then Sabbath moves.
If the Doctor and Sabbath end up in the same room as each other, a conflict occurs. The rules are the same as combat resolution
in DOCTOR WHO THE SABBATH DAYS, including the opened ended 1d10 rule for the Doctor. All cards in the player's hands
should be played down to modify their power score. If the Doctor wins this conflict, Sabbath must roll a 1d10, and move back
towards the CLOISTER that many squares. If the Doctor losses the conflict, the Doctor must do the same, moving instead towards
the CONSOLE ROOM though. However, if the Doctor played a room card (e.g., TARDIS LABORATORY) during the conflict
resolution, then he retreats to that room instead. If either of the characters end up retreating outside the confines of the TARDIS (the
game board), then that character looses the game.
If their was no conflict that turn, then each player discards his hand.
For the Doctor to win: Sabbath must be driven off the game board through a conflict, or the Doctor must successfully reach the
For Sabbath to win: the Doctor must be driven off the game board through a conflict.
If you wish, room cards may be played outside of a CONFLICT to move the Doctor to that particular room. Also, Desperate Action
Card may be played to jettison 25 rooms, randomly chosen by rolling the ten sided die twice as a 1d%.