Players are rival Imperial powers expanding their influence and
control of the Dark Continent.
Published version of Dark Continent
available from Schutze Games
Beautiful map and counters. Updated Rules.
The player with the most profit at the end of 9 +1D6 turns wins.
Draw the outlines of the Dark Continent.
The Dark Continent should be divided into 15-25 territories.
The territories should be large enough to hold several stacks of counters.
Draw in Rivers.
Determine the terrain type of each territory:
Terrain Type Table
1D6 Terrain Def Pop Res Mod
1-2 Plains +0 +0 +0 +0
3 Jungle +2 -2 -1 +0
4-5 Desert +1 -2 -1 +1
6 Mountains +3 -2 -1 +2
* Coastal +0 +1 +1 +0
Def = Combat modifier for defending Armies.
Pop = Modifier to Population Roll.
Res = Modifier to the Resource Roll.
Mod = Modifier to the Resource Type Table Roll.
After terrain type is determined, roll 1D6 to determine the population level of the territory.
The minimum population level = 1.
After population level is determined, roll 1D3 to determine how many resources
the territory has. This is the Resource roll. The minimum resource level = 0.
All Coastal Territories have 1 additional Fish resource.
All Territories with rivers have 1 additional Good Crops resource.
For each Resource roll once to determine what type it is:
Resource Type Table
1D6 Resource Inc Notes
1 Poor Crops 1 Subsistence
2 Cash Crops 2 Deserts have Poor Crops instead
3 Poor Livestock 3
4 Good Livestock 4 Deserts & Mountains have Poor Livestock instead
5 Exotics/Luxuries 5
6 Oil 6 Jungles & Plains have Cash Crops instead
7 Gold 7 Deserts have Oil instead
8 Diamonds 8
* Fish 2
Inc = Income Level of Resource.
Exotics/Luxuries include Ivory, Perfumes, Wild Animals, Dyes, Handcrafts, etc.
Resources & Population level for each territory can be written directly onto the map.
Each player has a set of control marker chits of a unique color.
Have white sets of counters with the following markings:
F = Farm
M = Mine
Ft = Fort
T = Town
P = Port
L = Leader
N = Native Army
C = Colonial Army
E = European Army
R = Rebel Army
Roll 1D6 high to determine turn order.
In opposite turn order, each player selects one coastal territory to take control of.
That territory will contain 1 Town, 1 Fort, 1 Port, and 1 European Army.
Control is denoted by Control Chits.
A player puts one control chit in every territory he controls.
A player places a control chit on top of every Army he controls.
Players take turns.
Each turn is divided into phases:
1. Epidemic Phase
2. Monsoon Phase
3. Famine Phase
4. Mine Disaster Phase
5. Leader Phase
6. Rebellion Phase
7. Production Phase
8. Investment Phase
9. Infrastructure Phase
10. Movement Phase
11. Diplomacy Phase
12. Battle Phase
13. Upkeep Phase
14. Profit Phase
15. Control Phase
Roll 1D6 for each territory you control.
On a roll of 1 the territory produces no income this turn and all armies in the territory
are destroyed.
Roll 1D6 for each coastal territory you control.
On a roll of 1 the territory produces no income this turn.
Roll 1D6 for each territory you control.
On a roll of 1 the territory produces no income this turn.
On a roll of 1-2 desert territories produce no income this turn.
Roll 1D6 for each mine you control.
On a roll of 1 the mine is destroyed.
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 place a Leader counter on one of your armies.
An army may have only one Leader. Excess leaders are discarded.
Roll 1D6 for each territory you control.
On a roll of 1 the territory rebels.
Place 1D2 Rebel Army counters in the territory.
On a roll of 1-2 on 1D6 one of the Rebel armies has a Leader.
The territory produces no income until the Rebel Armies are destroyed.
Each of your farms and mines produce revenue equal to the income value of the
resource they are exploiting.
Towns generate income equal to the population of the territory.
Ports generate income equal to 1 + the number of adjacent territories.
Gain 2D6 income from European investors.
Build Structures and raise armies.
You can only spend what you have earned this turn.
You cannot spend profit from previous turns.
Structure Table
Type: Cost Notes:
Farm 3 Exploit Crops, Livestock, and Exotics/Luxuries
Mine 10 Exploit Oil, Gold, and Diamonds
Fort 6 Defense +1
Town 10 ---
Port 8 Requires a Town
Army Table
Type: Cost Upkeep Combat Bonus Terrain Bonus
Rebel 6 1 +0 +1 in Jungles
Native 6 1 +0 +1 in Jungles
Colonial 9 2 +2 +1 in Mountains
European 12 3 +4 +1 in Plains
European armies must start in a territory with a port.
Native & Colonial armies can start in any territory you control.
You cannot buy rebel armies.
Your Armies can move to adjacent territories.
More than one army may occupy a space.
An army that is already in a territory with a hostile army cannot move into a space
controlled by an opponent.
Armies with leaders can move 2 spaces.
Rebel armies never move.
If an army moves into a territory controlled by no player roll 1D6.
On a roll of 1-3 the natives resist:
Place 1D2 Rebel Army counters in the territory.
On a roll of 1-2 on 1D6 one of the Rebel armies has a Leader.
The territory produces no income until the Rebel Armies are destroyed.
Enemy armies in the same territory will fight.
Each army rolls 1D6 and adds modifiers to get a Force Total.
This includes terrain and army type modifiers.
An Army with a leader gets +2.
An army destroys 1 opposing army with a Force total equal to or less than its.
Two or more armies may combine their force totals to destroy one enemy army.
Leaders are destroyed with their army.
Pay upkeep for each army.
If upkeep is not paid the army disbands.
All money not spent this turn is profit for your European Investors.
If only your armies occupy a territory, remove any enemy control markers, and put down
one of your own. Take control of all structures in the territory.
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