Card game for 2-4+ players.
Theme of Exploration during the 15th to 18th Centuries.
The player with the most discovery points at the end of the game is the winner.
The game ends when the Exploration deck has been gone through twice.
There are 2 Decks:
1. The Expedition Deck
2. The Exploration Deck
The Discovery cards themselves when claimed serve as a record of Discovery Points (DP).
Discovery cards you claim are kept in your Victory pile.
Use paper and pencil for end of game bonus scores and totaling.
There are 4 types of cards in the Expedition Deck:
1. Explorer
2. Ship
3. Crew
4. Save
There are 3 types of cards in the Exploration Deck:
1. Ocean
2. Hazard
3. Discovery
An Expedition consists of one Explorer, one Ship, and one Crew card.
A player may have more than one expedition in play at a time.
Each Expedition will have 3 Stats and 3 or 4 Traits.
Every Expedition starts with 2 points in 3 Stats:
1. Hull
2. Morale
3. Men
Stats can be raised or lowered through exploration.
Use tokens or glass beads to keep track of the point level for each stat.
If any stat ever goes to zero points, the expedition fails and all
Three cards in the expedition are discarded.
Every card in an Expedition will have 1 or more Traits.
Traits make an expedition immune to Hazards that test that trait.
Ships will have either the trait of Sails or Stores or additional Hull Points.
Crews will have either the trait of Fight or Seamanship or additional Men Points.
Explorers will have either the trait of Navigation or Leadership or additional Morale Points.
Some Explorers will have an additional second trait.
Shuffle the decks.
The most well-traveled player goes first.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 4 Phases:
1. Outfit Phase
2. Expedition Phase
3. Exploration Phase
4. Ocean Phase
Draw 1 card from the Expedition Deck.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
If you have one Explorer, one Ship, and one Crew card, you may
Play them together to the table as an expedition.
The three cards are placed face-up, partially stacked, in front of the owning player.
For each of your expeditions, flip over the top card of the Exploration deck.
The possibilities are: A. Ocean card, B. Discovery card, C. Hazard card.
A. If it is an Ocean card, stack it with the expedition.
B. If it is a Discovery card, compare the discovery level of the Discovery card with the
Number of Ocean cards stacked with the Expedition:
1. If the number of Ocean cards is less than the level of the Discovery card, then
Discard the Discovery card. The Expedition continues its Journey.
2. If the number of Ocean cards is Equal to or greater than the level of the Discovery
Card, the expedition has successfully arrived: Keep the Discovery card in your
Victory pile for Scoring at the end of the game. Discard one random card from the
Expedition, and place the other 2 Expedition cards into your hand.
C. If the flipped card is a Hazard card, check to see if the expedition has the trait that
Matches the trait posed by the Hazard. If it does, the expedition is unaffected by the
Hazard. If the expedition does not have the trait, it will suffer the loss of 1 point in the
Indicated stat, or it will lose 1 Ocean card stacked with the Expedition as described by
The Hazard card. In either case, discard the Hazard card.
A Save card may be discarded from your hand to negate a Hazard if the Traits match.
If the Exploration deck runs out the first time, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
If the Exploration deck runs out a second time, the game ends and final scoring occurs.
Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards.
Each Discovery card in your Victory pile is worth its indicated level.
Additional scoring Bonuses:
Get 5 Discovery Points for having the most Total Discovery cards.
Get 5 Discovery Points for having the most Western Discovery cards.
Get 5 Discovery Points for having the most Eastern Discovery cards.
Get 5 Discovery Points for having the most Pacific Discovery cards.
E = Explorer
S = Ship
C = Crew
V = Save
# = Number of Copies of that card in the deck
Western Explorer = Counts as +1 Ocean card for Claiming Western Discovery cards
Eastern Explorer = Counts as +1 Ocean card for Claiming Eastern Discovery cards
Pacific Explorer = Counts as +1 Ocean card for Claiming Pacific Discovery cards
Master = Expedition get +1 points to all 3 Stats.
Conqueror = Any Discovery card claimed by this Explorer is worth +1 Discovery Points
Card: # Type Trait:
Galleons 4 S Stores
Carracks 4 S Sails
Caravels 4 S Hull points +2
Sailors 4 C Seamanship
Conquistadors 4 C Fight
Colonists 4 C Men points +2
Christopher Columbus 1 E Navigation, Western Explorer
Magellan 1 E Navigation, Master
Vasco de Gama 1 E Eastern Explorer
Hernan Cortez 1 E Conqueror, Leadership, Fight
Hernando de Soto 1 E Conqueror, Navigation
Verrazano 1 E Western Explorer
John Cabot 1 E Morale points +2
James Cook 1 E Navigation, Pacific Explorer
Willem Jansz 1 E Master
Jacques Cartier 1 E Leadership
Bartolomeu Dias 1 E Navigation
Pedro Alvares Cabral 1 E Navigation, Seamanship
Favorable Winds 1 V Sail
Strong Current 1 V Sail
Resupply 1 V Stores
Island 1 V Stores
Cartography 1 V Navigation
Sextant & Compass 1 V Navigation
Promises 1 V Leadership
God, Gold, & Glory 1 V Leadership
Cannons 1 V Fight
Cold Steel 1 V Fight
Weather the Storm 1 V Seamanship
Repairs 1 V Seamanship
O = Ocean
H = Hazard
D = Discovery
DP = Discovery Points (Level)
Name: # Type Notes:
Ocean 24 O -
Mutiny 1 H Leadership: Morale -1
Homesick 1 H Leadership: Morale -1
Scurvy 1 H Stores: Morale -1
Starvation 1 H Stores: Morale -1
Natives 1 H Fight: Men -1
Cannibals 1 H Fight: Men -1
Disease 1 H Stores: Men -1
Deserters 1 H Leadership: Men -1
Pirates 1 H Fight: Hull -1
Shallows 1 H Seamanship: Hull -1
Storm 1 H Seamanship: Hull -1
Hurricane 1 H Seamanship: Hull -1
Off the Map 1 H Navigation: Ocean -1
Uncharted Waters 1 H Navigation: Ocean -1
Lost 1 H Navigation: Ocean -1
Becalmed 1 H Sails: Ocean -1
Doldrums 1 H Sails: Ocean -1
Sargasso 1 H Sails: Ocean -1
Canada 1 D DP = 3 Western
North America 1 D DP = 3 Western
Central America 1 D DP = 4 Western
South America 1 D DP = 3 Western
Caribbean 1 D DP = 2 Western
East Africa 1 D DP = 2 Eastern
India 1 D DP = 3 Eastern
Indonesia 1 D DP = 3 Eastern
China 1 D DP = 4 Eastern
Japan 1 D DP = 5 Eastern
Australia 1 D DP = 4 Pacific
Philippines 1 D DP = 5 Pacific
Polynesia 1 D DP = 5 Pacific
Age of Discovery
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