Each player takes the role of a Soviet Sniper during WWII.
The player with the most Kill Stars at the end of the game wins.
The Game ends when all but one player has been killed, or the
Deck has been completely used up.
Each player has 3 stats: Shoot, Hunt, and Evade.
Shoot is needed to kill Targets.
Hunt is needed to find Targets.
Evade is used to survive Danger.
Players start with a score of 5 in each Stat.
No stat can ever go above 9.
Players share a common deck.
The Deck has 4 types of Cards:
Targets, Danger, Aid, and Nothing cards.
Ten sided dice are needed.
Every time you kill a Target, put the card in your Kill pile.
Each such card counts as 1 Kill.
Every time you make a Kill gain 1 Experience token.
Every time you draw a Danger card, gain 1 Experience token.
Discard 3 Experience Tokens to increase any one of your
Stats by 1 in Escape Phase.
Target cards have a Kill Star rating on them.
Keep track of stats with paper and pencil.
Shuffle the deck.
Players roll high on 1D10 to determine who goes first.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 phases:
1. Hunt Phase
2. Shoot Phase
3. Escape Phase
Draw X cards.
X = your Hunt Stat rating.
Do not look at them. Keep them face down.
You may play (discard) 1 Aid card to increase your Evade stat by
The amount indicated on the card.
Flip over (reveal) one card at a time.
Resolve each card as it is revealed.
If it is a Nothing card, nothing happens. Discard it.
If it is an Aid card, put it in your hand.
If it is a Target card see the Target Resolution Rules Section.
If it is a Danger card see the Danger Resolution Rules Section.
Discard down to 3 Aid cards.
If you draw a Target card roll 1D10. This is the Shoot Roll.
You may play (discard) 1 or more Aid cards to increase your Shoot stat by
The amount indicated on the card.
The target card will also modify your Shoot Stat up or down.
If the roll is equal to or less than your Shoot Stat you have killed the
Target. Put it in your Kill pile. It the roll is greater, discard the Target.
If you draw a Danger card roll 1D10. This is the Evasion Roll.
You may play (discard) 1 or more Aid cards to increase your Evade stat by
The amount indicated on the card.
The Danger card will also modify your Evade Stat up or down.
If the roll is equal to or less than your Evade Stat you have Evaded the
Danger. It the roll is greater, roll on the Wound Table.
In either case, discard the Danger card.
1D10 Result: Notes:
1-4 Minor Skip the rest of this turn
5-7 Serious Skip the rest of this turn and next turn
8-9 Major Skip the rest of this turn and next 2 turns
0 Out of Action Your Sniper has been Killed or Captured
When you skip the rest of this turn, discard the remaining face down cards you drew.
T = Target
D = Danger
A = Aid
N = Nothing
S = Shoot
H = Hunt
E = Evade
K = Kill Stars
X = Use as Hunt, Shoot, or Evade
Card Name: Type K Notes:
Clean Shot A - S +2
Engineer Laying Mines T 1 S +1
Radio Operator T 2 -
Lone Sentry T 1 S +1
Tank Leader T 4 S -2
SS Guard T 2 -
Motorcycle Courier T 1 S +1
Enemy Sniper T 5 S -3
Artillery Barrage D - E -1
Stuka Dive Bomber D - E -1
Strafing Fighter D - -
Medium Bomber Run D - E -2
Hand Grenade D - E -1
German Sniper D - E -3
Close Combat D - E -2
Street Fighting D - E -1
Rubble A - E +1
Camouflage A - E +1
Close Range A - S +1
Good Vantage A - S +2
Blind Spot A - E +2
Ruins A - E +1
Crater A - E +1
Kill Zone A - S +1
Truck T 1 S +1
Armored Car Commander T 3 S -1
Machine Gun Post T 2 -
Cross Open Ground D - E -1
Darkness A - E +2
Smoke A - E +1
Rain A - E +1
Snow A - E +1
Elevation A - S +1
Behind Enemy Lines A - H +3
Salient A - H +2
No Mans Land A - H +2
Icy Cold N - -
Rocket Salvo D - E -2
Blizzard N - -
Corpses N - -
Illness N - -
Barbed Wire N - -
Mine Field N - -
Tunnels A - H +2
Good Hunting A - H +3
German Thrust A - H +2
Stalemate N - -
Remain Hidden A - E +2
Escape in Sewers A - E +3
Russian Counter Offensive A - H +2
Spotter A - S +1
Infantry Sergeant T 3 S -1
German Officer T 4 S -2
Senior Officer T 5 S -3
Enemy Patrol D - E -2
Infiltration A - H +3
Bombardments N - -
Careful Aim A - S +2
Damaged Building A - X +1
Factory A - X +2
Heroics A - X +3
Shellfire D - -
Messenger T 3 S -1
Atrocities N - -
Telescopic Sight A - S +3
Fog A - E +2
Track Target A - S +1
Gun Crew T 2 -
Vodka N - -
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