Card game for 2 players simulating the conflict in Europe in the Second World War.
One player is the Germans, the other is the Allies.
Each player has his own unique deck.
A deck has one of each of the cards described in its list.
DTP Wizard
There are three fronts:
1. The East Front
2. The West Front
3. The Mediterranean Front
Each front is represented by 4 Tokens.
(There are 4 East, 4 West, & 4 Med. Tokens)
If the Allied player controls all 4 tokens in any one front he wins.
To win, the German player must control all 4 tokens in both the East and West Fronts.
If the Germans do not win by the end of 1945, they automatically lose.
Each card has a title.
Each card has a force value.
Each card has a type. There are 4 card types: Leader, Operation, Unit, Special.
Each card lists which Fronts it can be played in. (1, 2, or all 3)
Both players shuffle their decks.
Both players control two tokens from each of the 3 Fronts.
Each turn has 6 phases:
1. History Phase
2. Production Phase
3. Planning Phase
4. Mediterranean Front Phase
5. West Front Phase
6. East Front Phase
Each turn represents one year.
The starting year is 1939.
Keep tract of what year it is.
A player may keep up to 2 extra, unused cards from the previous turn.
Excess cards are discarded.
Each player draws a number of cards as indicated by the Draw table.
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Year Allies Germans Notes:
1939 3 6 West Front Only
1940 8 12
1941 9 11
1942 10 10
1943 11 9
1944 12 8
1945 13 7
If the Germans control all 4 Med Tokens they get +1 cards
(Control of North Africa & the Balkans)
If the Germans control all 4 West Tokens they get +2 (Defeat of Britain)
If the Germans control all 4 East Tokens they get +2 (Conquest of the Soviet Union)
The Germans get -1 if the Allies control 9 total tokens.
A player may discard up to 3 cards and draw an equal number of replacement cards.
Both players play one or more cards from their hands in a stack face down to the table.
Only cards that say they can be used in the Mediterranean Front may be played.
A maximum of 1 Leader card, 1 Operations card, 2 unit cards, and
1 Special card may be played.
Both stacks are simultaneously revealed.
The player with the highest total Force wins.
The winner takes one Mediterranean front token from his opponent.
If the German player controls all 4 West Front tokens, skip this phase.
Both players play one or more cards from their hands in a stack face down to the table.
Only cards that say they can be used in the West Front may be played.
A maximum of 1 Leader card, 1 Operations card, 2 unit cards, and
1 Special card may be played.
Both stacks are simultaneously revealed.
The player with the highest total Force wins.
The winner takes one West front token from his opponent.
If the German player controls all 4 East Front tokens, skip this phase.
Both players play one or more cards from their hands in a stack face down to the table.
Only cards that say they can be used in the East Front may be played.
A maximum of 1 Leader card, 1 Operations card, 2 unit cards, and
1 Special card may be played.
Both stacks are simultaneously revealed.
The player with the highest total Force wins.
The winner takes one East front token from his opponent.
A = All Fronts
E = East Front
W = West Front
M = Mediterranean Front
S = Special
L = Leader
O = Operation
U = Unit
Card Title: Type Force Fronts Notes:
Blitzkrieg S 2 A
Lightning War S 2 A
Hitler L 2 A
Paratroops U 2 A
Air Superiority S 2 A
Nazi Propaganda S 2 A
Professionalism S 2 A
Stuka Dive Bombers U 2 A
Massed Armor U 2 A
Panzer Divisions U 2 A
Luftwaffe U 2 A
Guderian L 2 A
Wolf Packs U 2 A
U-Boats U 2 A
Jet Fighters U 2 A 1944+
Speer - - -
Himmler L 2 A
Dietrich L 2 A
Manstein L 2 A
Model L 2 A
SS Troops U 2 A
Rhundstedt L 2 A
Panzer Lehr U 2 A
Grossdeutschland U 2 A
Non-Aggression Pact S 3 E
Russo-Finnish War O 3 E
Barbarossa O 3 E
Army Group North U 3 E
Army Group Center U 3 E
Army Group South U 3 E
Capture Kiev O 3 E
Occupation of Poland O 3 E
Annex Czechoslovakia O 3 E
Battle of the Atlantic O 3 W
Bismarck U 3 W
Maginot Line S 3 W
The Phony War O 3 W
Fortress Europe S 3 W
V2 Rockets U 3 W
V1 Flying Bombs U 3 W
Operation Sealion O 3 W
Invasion of Norway O 3 W
Capture the Low Countries O 3 W
Atlantic Wall S 3 W
Occupation of France O 3 W
Vichy Regime S 3 W
Traverse the Ardennes S 3 W
Battle of the Bulge O 3 W
Invasion of Yugoslavia O 3 M
Rommel, the Desert Fox L 3 WM
Italian Navy U 3 M
Mussolini L 3 M
Tobruk O 3 M
Africa Korps U 3 M
Gustav Line S 3 M
Anzio O 3 M
Notes: Discard the Speer card in Production Phase to draw 3 cards.
Card Title: Type Force Fronts Notes:
Allied Shipping S 2 A
Advanced Radar S 2 A
Convoy Support Groups U 2 A
American Air Force U 2 A
Partisans U 2 A
Roosevelt L 2 A
Assassination Plot S 2 A
Fuhrers Interference S 2 A
British Intelligence S 2 A
American Industrial Might S 2 A
Economic Strangulation S 2 A
Crack Enigma S 2 A
Allied Manpower S 2 A
Liberation S 2 A
Stalin L 3 E
Arctic Convoys S 3 E
T-34 Tanks U 3 E
Red Army U 3 E
Communism S 3 E
Soviet Air Force U 3 E
Scorched Earth S 3 E
Russian Winter S 3 E
Siege of Leningrad O 3 E
War without Mercy S 3 E
Siberian Troops U 3 E
Rasputitsa S 3 E
Moscow Counteroffensive O 3 E
Zhukov L 3 E
Timoshenko L 3 E
Defense of Stalingrad O 3 E
Operation Citadel O 3 E
Night Bombing Raids S 3 W
Strategic Bombing S 3 W
Royal Air Force U 3 W
Battle of Britain O 3 W
Evacuation at Dunkirk S 3 W
British Expeditionary Force U 3 W
Operation Overlord O 3 W
D-Day O 3 W
Operation Fortitude S 3 W
French Underground S 3 W
Operation Cobra O 3 W
Operation Market Garden O 3 W
Churchill L 2 WM
Royal Navy U 2 WM
Free French U 2 WM
Flying Fortress U 2 WM
Charles de Gaulle L 2 WM
Eisenhower L 2 WM
Montgomery L 2 WM
Patton L 2 WM
Bradley L 2 WM
El Alamein O 3 M
Operation Torch O 3 M
Tunisia O 3 M
Soft Underbelly S 3 M
Operation Husky O 3 M
Monte Cassino O 3 M
Break the Gothic Line O 3 M
Atomic Bomb S 7 A 1945+
World War II in under an hour!
Will do the Pacific Theatre as a separate game.
I hope I didn’t give the Mediterranean theatre too much emphasis.
Here’s a few more examples of cards (titles only) you might want to add:
Japan Attacks Russia (What if)
Japan Defeated (What if)
Destruction of Army Group Center
P51 Mustang
Sherman Tanks
Easy Company
Red Ball Express
Nazi Treasure
Normandy Hedgerows
Mulberry Harbors
Invasion of Crete
Drive to the Rhine
Operation Typhoon
Katyusha Rockets
Lend Lease Program
Tiger Tanks
Operation Anvil
British Electronics
Make it that certain 'American' cards cannot be played until 1942+.
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