Card game for 2-4+ players.
Simulation of several thousand years of Chinese Imperial Dynasties.
The player with the most Dynasty points when the game ends wins.
The game ends when the 10th Dynasty has ended.
Players share a common deck.
There are 5 main card Types:
Stability Cards
Change Cards
Military Cards
Dynasty Cards
Barbarian Cards
Use Tokens to keep track of Dynasty Points.
Use colored markers to distinguish Emperors and Rebels.
Each player must display a marker to show whether he is
Currently an Emperor or a Rebel.
All Players are considered to be Rebels at the start of the game.
Each turn has 6 Phases:
1. Fate Phase
2. Destiny Phase
3. Challenge Phase
4. Resolution Phase
5. Dynasty Phase
6. End Phase
Players fill their hands to 10 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Each player may discard up to 5 cards and draw replacements.
Players reveal scoring cards from their Hands.
An Emperor Player may score with Stability and Military cards.
Rebel players may score with Change and Military cards.
A Rebel player must also play exactly 1 Dynasty or
1 Barbarian Card or his total score becomes zero.
Each scoring card has a point value.
The player with the highest total Score wins the hand.
If an Emperor has at least 3 different types of Stability cards, he gets Score +3
If a Rebel has at least 3 different types of Change cards, he gets Score +3
If a player has at least 3 different types of Military cards, he gets Score +3
(For example a player with Infantry, Strategy, and Troops gets +3)
Remember, a rebel cannot play more (or less) than 1 Dynasty or Barbarian card.
Whoever wins the hand becomes the new Emperor and all
Other players become Rebels.
If multiple players tie for first place, they all become Emperors!
(This represents divisions into multiple Kingdoms)
If a Rebel player wins (not ties) a hand using a Barbarian card, all
Players lose and become Rebels.
All scored cards are discarded EXCEPT for the
Dynasty (not Barbarian) cards of the winner(s).
Winners keep their Dynasty cards face up in front of them. (But not in
their hand). These are referred to as the "Current Dynasties".
If you won as a Barbarian, draw an extra card next turn in Fate Phase.
The Emperor gets 2 Dynasty Points (DP).
If there are multiple Emperors, each gets only 1 DP.
Some cards allow the Emperor to score extra DP.
Each player must discard down to a max hand of 3 cards.
Despot cards: These are a type of Stability card.
They have high scores, but if used, and you (win the hand) remain Emperor, all
Rebel players may draw an extra Card next turn in Fate Phase.
Current dynasties often give/derive bonuses to/from other cards.
An Emperor player who loses a hand and becomes a Rebel must
Discard his current dynasty card.
Note that Dynasty (& Barbarian) cards have a point value that is
used when played by a Rebel but not when the Dynasty is current.
For Example: A Rebel plays a Sung Dynasty card and gets to add 4 to his score.
He wins the hand and becomes the Emperor of the Sung Dynasty. On later
turns as an Emperor, he does not get the 4 points, but he does get the
Infantry bonus on the Sung Dynasty card.
S = Stability Cards
C = Change Cards
M = Military Cards
D = Dynasty Cards
B = Barbarian Cards
CGS +X = Cards get Score +X
CPO -X = Cards played by Opponents get Score -X
DP +X = If the Emperor Wins the hand, he gets an extra +X Dynasty Points
FP = Fate Phase
YO = Your Opponents
Name: Type Score Notes:
Xia (Hsia or Yu) D 3 Stability CGS +1
Shang (Yin) D 4 Govern CGS +2
Chou (Zou) D 4 Culture CGS +2
Ch'u D 1 Military CGS +1
Ch'in (Qin) D 4 Despot CGS +2
Han D 4 Missile CGS +2
Wei D 2 Change CPO -1
Shu D 2 Strategy CGS +2
Wu D 2 Disorder CPO -2
Tsin (Ch'in) D 3 Troops CGS +2
Liu (Song) D 2 External CPO -2
Qi (Ch'i) D 1 Get 1 DP in FP
Liang D 2 YO draw 1 less card in FP
Ch'en D 2 Dynasty CPO -2
Sui D 2 Internal CPO -2
T'ang D 4 Economics CGS +2
Liao D 1 Draw 1 extra card in FP
Sung D 4 Infantry CGS +2
Jin D 2 Barbarian CPO -2
Yuan (Mongol) D 4 Cavalry CGS +2
Ming D 4 Build CGS +2
Manchu (Ch'ing) D 4
Turkic Hordes B 3
Hsiung-nu Hordes B 4
Tibetan Hordes B 3
Mongolian Hordes B 5
Khitan Hordes B 4
Jurchen Hordes B 4
Strong Central Government S 5 Govern
Mandate of Heaven S 5 Culture
Tribute S 4 Economics
Unification S 5 Govern
Confucianism S 5 Culture
The Five Classics S 4 Culture; DP +1
Middle Period S 4 Culture
Administration S 4 Govern
Ancestor Worship S 4 Culture
Bureaucracy S 3 Govern
Unchallenged S 4 Govern
Consolidation S 4 Govern
Great Wall S 5 Build; DP +2
Reforms S 5 Govern; DP +1
Reign Supreme S 5 Govern
Ruling House S 3 Govern
Irrigation & Agriculture S 4 Build
Network of Roads S 3 Build
Canals S 3 Build
Disarm Populace S 3 Govern
Taxation S 3 Economics
Property Rights S 4 Economics
Tyrant S 6 Despot
Legal Codes S 3 Govern
Imperial Decree S 3 Govern
Uniformity S 3 Culture
Customs S 3 Culture
Executions S 6 Despot
Purge S 6 Despot
Organization S 4 Govern
Trade & Commerce S 4 Economics
Urbanization S 3 Economics
Industry & Invention S 4 Economics; DP +1
Silk Route S 5 Economics
Expansionism S 4 Govern
Diplomacy S 3 Govern
Institutions S 4 Govern
Peace & Prosperity S 4 Economics
Quell Rebellion S 5 Govern
Hold onto Power S 4 Govern
Buddhism S 4 Culture
Authoritarianism S 3 Govern
Coinage S 4 Economics
Restoration S 4 Govern
Golden Age S 5 Culture; DP +1
Overthrown C 5 External
Warring States C 4 External
Late Period C 3 Internal
Invasions C 5 External
Weak Emperor C 3 Internal
Assassination C 4 Disorder
Poverty C 4 Internal
Anarchy C 5 Internal
Discontent C 3 Internal
Disruptions C 4 External
Collapse C 5 Internal
Corruption C 4 Internal
Degeneration C 4 Internal
Famine C 5 Natural
Drought C 4 Natural
Pestilence C 5 Natural
Floods C 4 Natural
Ravaged by Barbarians C 5 External
Factional Conflict C 4 Internal
Upheavals C 5 Internal
Turmoil C 4 Internal
Mass Uprisings C 5 Disorder
Widespread Rebellion C 5 Disorder
Peasant Revolts C 4 Disorder
Mutiny C 4 Disorder
Refugees & Migrations C 3 Disorder
Usurpation C 5 Disorder
Disaster C 5 Natural
Many Enemies C 4 External
Civil War C 5 Disorder
Seize Power C 5 External
Piracy C 3 External
Banditry C 3 External
Decline C 3 Internal
Petty Kingdoms C 3 External
Period of Flux C 3 Internal
Breakdown C 3 Internal
Political Chaos C 5 Internal
Rival State C 5 External
Vassal States Rebel C 3 External
Humiliation C 4 External
Overlords C 5 External
Warlords C 4 External
Intrigue C 4 Internal
Art of War M 5 Strategy
Conquest M 5 Strategy
Household Units M 3 Cavalry
Armored Cavalry M 4 Cavalry
Armored Infantry M 3 Infantry
Foot Soldiers M 2 Infantry
Nomad Warriors M 4 Cavalry
Mounted Bowmen M 4 Cavalry
Horse Archers M 4 Cavalry
Mercenaries M 3 Troops
War Chariots M 4 Troops
Light Chariots M 4 Troops
Guards and Bodyguards M 4 Troops
Regiments and Battalions M 4 Troops
Light Cavalry M 4 Cavalry
Bowmen and Archers M 3 Missile
Skirmishers M 3 Infantry
Brigades and Divisions M 4 Troops
Crossbows M 4 Missile
Halberds and Long Spears M 4 Infantry
Swords and Shields M 3 Infantry
Bells & Drums M 3 Strategy
Daring Commander M 5 Strategy
Formations M 4 Strategy
Defeat in Detail M 5 Strategy
Conscripts M 2 Infantry
Local Troops M 2 Infantry
Reserves M 3 Strategy
Shock Troops M 5 Troops
Elite Troops M 5 Troops
Auxiliary Cavalry M 3 Cavalry
Convict Troops M 2 Infantry
Garrisons M 2 Infantry
Stratagems M 4 Strategy
Untrained Troops M 2 Infantry
Campaign M 4 Strategy
Marksmen M 5 Missile
Noble Cavalry M 5 Cavalry
Orphan Troops M 2 Infantry
Standing Army M 4 Troops
Artillerists M 4 Missile
Rockets M 4 Missile
Catapults M 4 Missile
Allies M 3 Troops
Great General M 5 Strategy
Scouts M 4 Strategy
Militia M 2 Infantry
Total Destruction M 5 Strategy
Long March M 4 Strategy
Split Forces M 3 Strategy
Thanks Ron!
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