READY AIM FIRE - Custom Variant

By "Ian Milnes" and "Alexander Herklotz"

Two player Card game depicting Napoleonic era warfare.

There are 3 decks: 
The Battalion decks cards are chosen from an army list. 
Note that both opponents choose the same timeframe. 
Minimum number of cards is 25, maximum 50. 
Note that there is a budget for every card. 
The difference of budgets of the opposing decks may not exceed 10% 
(The player with the higher budget has to drop some cards to be 
in range of the allowed budget).
Multinational armies are allowed, as long as a nation is not in both decks. 
Units of different nationalities may not stack together. 
Generals of other nations may command allied units.
The Tactics deck.
The Commander Decks have also an army list. 
Choose up to 6 commanders. Note that they also have a budget, 
which is added to the overall budget of the battalion decks.
The Tactics deck has 1 of each card in the list, and 2 of each Terrain card

Each player creates his Battalion deck.
Each player forms a line of 5 stacks of cards, starting maximum as noted.
The opposing lines face each other.
These stacks are called:
Stack:		Start Max 	Card Limit
Left Flank	2		5	
Left Centre	3		6	
Centre 		3		6	
Right Centre	3		6	
Right Flank	2		5	
Place Battalion cards up to the starting maximum card limit face down in each stack.
Line Infantry and Artillery may be placed in Centre stacks.
Cavalry, Light Infantry and Horse Artillery may be placed in any stacks.
Heavy cavalry may not be placed in any stack at the start of the game.
Shuffle the appropriate Commander Deck, deal yourself 6 cards, and add 
them to your Reserve deck.
Shuffle your Reserve Deck, and deal yourself a hand of 5 cards.
Once both players have completed above, turn cards in your stacks face up.
They will remain face up for the first turn only.
After the first turn, all cards are played face down, representing the “Fog of War”.

The first player to be routed from 3 of his 5 forward positions loses.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 6 phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Terrain Phase
3. Reinforce Phase
4. Attack Phase
5. Morale Phase
6. Discard and Redraw Phase

Draw 2 cards from your Reserve Deck.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
The maximum hand size is 7. Cards in your hand over the maximum do not have 
to be discarded until the Discard/Redraw Phase.

You may play a Terrain card onto an appropriate stack.
Terrain cards remain in effect for the entire game

You may move any or all battalions from your hand to any of your stacks.
All reinforcements from your hand go to the bottom of the stack they reinforce.
Prior to the above, you may reorganise one stack, and move one card from 
a stack to an adjacent stack.
You may move any card in a stack (You are not limited to the top one)

You may make up to as many attacks per turn, as the command rating of your army commander.
You may chose to fire attack or melee attack. The respective values are used.
Your battalions are the attackers. 
Your opponent's battalions are the defenders.
To attack, flip the top card of one of your stacks face up.
Your opponent flips the card in his line opposite to it over.
Both players roll two ten-sided dice. These are called the Attack rolls.
Add combat modifier (fire or melee) to die roll and compare the 
difference between the 2 rolls. 
Apply the result as follows:
(Attacker to Defender)
Difference: 	Result:	
+11 or greater	Defender eliminated, morale check for other battalions in stack	
+6		Defender Routs	
+3 		Defender Shaken	
0		Both Battalion cards take immediate morale check. 
		Battalion Shaken if test failed	
-3		Attacker Shaken	
-6		Attacker Routs	
-11 or worse	Attacker eliminated, morale check for other battalions in stack	

In fire attacks, attacker takes no negative effects, if defenders fire value = 0.

Card eliminated - remove card from play
Card Routs - place card in discard pile
Card Shaken - turn card through 900 Card now fights with -3 modifier.

One battalion in the same stack as the attacker/defender can provide support to 
the battling card. Add +3 to the respective die roll. If the supported card 
is eliminated, the supporter routs. If the supported card is routed, the supporter 
is shaken. A Shaken card cannot offer support and fights with -3.

Infantry cannot melee-attack cavalry. Both cards are placed at the bottom of their stacks, 
and the attack counts against the number of attacks that turn.
When infantry fire-attacks cavalry, the cavalry can avoid the attack by rolling equal or 
less then their training value. If they pass, they ride away (move to an adjacent stack), 
If they fail, they are blown.
Alternatively Cavalry can try to melee-attack the infantry by rolling equal or 
less than their moral value. If they pass, its a melee with the cavalry as attacker. 
If they fail, they are shaken and fire-fight with the negative modifier.

When cavalry attack infantry, before the combat is resolved, the infantry must attempt 
to form square. This is accomplished by the infantry rolling equal or 
less than their training 
value with 2D6 (e.g. for a French line infantry card to form 
square, it must roll a 7 or less.). 
If the infantry form square, they fight the combat at +6. If they fail to form 
square, the cavalry fight the combat at +6.
The cavalry have a chance to abort the attack if the infantry form square by rolling 
less than their training value with 2D6 (e.g. for a French Hussar Regiment to 
abort an attack on a square, it must roll a 7 or less). 
If this roll is achieved, they can “ride around” 
the square and not attack it. This counts against the number of attacks that can be 
made that turn. If the cavalry fail this roll, they must attack the square.

Cavalry are considered Blown following an attack, or after defense against 
opposing Cavalry. Place a Blown marker on the card. The Blown status 
remains until removed by a successful Training Check. The first opportunity for a 
Training Check to remove Blown status is the Morale Phase in your next turn, i.e. 
not your current turn. Blown cavalry may not move, attack or support, when 
attacked they fight with -5.

When Artillery attacks, the opposing fire value =0.
Artillery cannot be eliminated, routed, or shaken when Fire-ATTACKING Infantry and 
Cavalry, ie, ignore all -ve combat results.
Arty can not melee-attack.
Arty can not attack, when just moved.

As artillery EXCEPT they can attack the turn they moved.

Destroyed battalions are removed from play.
Surviving battalions are placed face down on the bottom of their stack.
Tactics cards that modify the Attack roll are played before the roll is made.
Tactics cards are discarded immediately when played (to the discard pile).

If you destroy all the cards in one of your opponents stacks, the battalions in 
your stack facing the empty stack get to flank attack the enemy stacks adjacent 
to the empty stack. 
Battalions making Flank attacks are +4 to their Attack roll, but may not attack 
the enemy reserve stack.
Cavalry regiments making Flank attacks are +7 to their 
Attack roll (melee-attacks only) and may attack any enemy stack.
Artillery cards do not gain the bonus, although they may Flank Attack.

Every time you destroy an opposing battalion all other units in the 
stack must take a morale check by rolling 1D10.
To pass a moral check, the player must roll the units moral value or less. 
Any card that routs is placed in 
the Discard Pile. Any card that routs as a consequence of a failed moral check results 
in a further +1 to the moral check of any remaining cards in the stack who have yet 
to test. This modifier is cumulative.
Morale checks are done in stack order, ie top card first, then next down, etc, etc.
If a Guard unit (GI, GLI, GC or GLC) is eliminated, any adjacent stack 
(in addition to the normal moral check for the elimination of a unit), must take a 
morale check. If the Guard are routed, the stack from which they routed must 
take a morale check.
Shaken cards can be “revived” by a successful morale check 
(turn them back through 900). All shaken cards can test in this phase.
If a Shaken card is to be “revived” in the presence of a Commander card, 
the commander adds his command rating to the moral value of the unit. 
A General can add this rating only once per turn.

One card in the players hand can be discarded.
The Players hand is then either made back up to 7 cards by drawing from the 
deck, or reduced to 7 by discarding cards.

Each general has a command rating for moral tests. 
The general may add this bonus only once per turn.
If the general is the only card in a stack, he is eliminated automatically if attacked.

The Army Commander is placed behind the front stacks. His rating determines 
the number of attacks per turn.
The Army Commander can take over a stack if a Divisional General is killed. 
He is then subject to all the rules pertaining to Divisional Generals. 
The Army Commander moves onto a stack in the reinforcement phase. 
This move does not count against the number of reinforcements the player may make.
If the Army Commander is killed, the entire army takes a morale check against 
their moral -1. Any cards in the front line that fail, are eliminated 
(they quit the battlefield) rather than go to the reserve stack. 
Any further morale checks for the remainder of the battle are checked against 
the card morale -1.

Card Name		Effect:
Square Formation  	Line Infantry automatically form square
Second Volley		Defending Infantry battalion rolls 3 dice and picks the 2 best
Fire at Will		Get 1 extra attack
Sabers & Pistols	        Attacking Cavalry battalion gets 1 extra attack
Rapid Deployment	        Draw 1 extra card.
Forced March		Draw 1 extra card, OR retrieve 1 Infantry card from Discard pile.
Infantry Charge		Attacking Infantry +3 to their melee-attack roll (not for lights).
Socket Bayonets		Line Infantry get +3 to their melee-attack roll.
Counter Attack		Defending Cavalry get +5 to their melee-attack roll.
Broken Square		Infantry defending against Cav automatically fail to form square.
Limber			Draw 1 extra card, OR retrieve 1 Artillery card from Discard pile.
Grape Shot		Defending Art get +5 to attack roll (Cannot be used against Art).
Canister Shot		Art get +3 to their attack roll (Cannot be used against Art).
Cannon Ball		Attacking Artillery get +4 to their fire-attack roll.
Fusillade		Infantry battalion gets 1 extra fire attack
Sniper			Cause a stack to make a morale check in its Morale phase.
Column			Get +1 Reinforcement move.
Overrun			Morale check at +1.
Take Prisoners		Routing battalion is eliminated.
Fighting Withdrawal	Defender gets +3 to attack roll.
Difficult Terrain	Opponent gets one less attack this turn.
Enfilade fire		Get +3 to fire-attack roll.
Indirect fire		Attcking art get 1 extra attck vs nextcarddown in opposition stack
Confusion		Opponent draws no cards this turn.
Advance			Get +1 attack this turn.
Scouts			Look at opponent's hand 
Rifles			Light Infantry get +3 to their fire-combat roll.
Probe 			Get 1 extra attack with any Light Infantry in any of your stacks.
Rearguard Action  	Draw 2 extra cards.
Cavalry Reform		Draw 1 extra card, OR retrieve 1 Cav card from the discard pile
Woods (x2)		+3 to defending light infantry 
			Cavalry cannot melee-attack units in woods
			Reduce Stack limit by 1, only infantry may be placed in woods
			Remains in play
Hills (x2)		+3 to defending card
			+3 to attacking artillery
			Remains in play
Buildings (x2)		+3 to defending Infantry only
			Cavalry cannot melee-attack buildings
			Can be played on a hill (modifiers can be combined)
			Stack limit reduced by 1
			Remains in play
River (x2)		+3 to all melee-attacked defenders 
			River affects either flank and next stack in (eg River is played
			against right flank and right centre)
			Remains in play
Bridge (x2)		Negates effect of river for 1 attacking Infantry or Cavalry card.
			Remains in play

If an empty stack is attacked, the attacker has the option to either flank attack 
the adjacent stack, or to force his opponent to eliminate a Battalion card in his 
discard pile (opponents choice).

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Players can agree a specific budget for their troops before customizing their decks.

It is possible to recreate historical scenarios. 
The number of positions and number of routed positions to win may have to be modified. 
Take the terrain cards out of the tactics deck and place them before starting the game at 
the specified postions.

Here are some sample scenarios for EAGLES OF GLORY.


MAIDA, 04.07.1806

6 Line Battalions		(6x18=108)
3 Light Battalions		(3x20=60)
1 Mounted Chasseurs		(19)
General Reynier			(4)
Budget: 191 pts.

2 Light Battalions		(2x15=30)
9 Line Battalions		(9x12=108)
3 Foot Battery			(3x10=30)
Generals Stewart, Kempt, Cole,	(16)
Budget: 184 pts.


Buildings	Free	Free

Free		Hill	Free


BUSSACO, 27.09.1810

46 Line Battalions		(46x13=598)
16 Light Battalions		(16x14=224)
2 Hussars			(2x19=38)
3 Mounted Chasseurs		(3x19=57)
1 Dragoons			(1x21=21)
3 Foot Batteries		        (3x15=45)
2 Horse Batteries		(2x11=22)
Generals: Ney, Reynier, Merle,
Heudelet, Soult, Marchand, 
Mermet, Loison, Lamotte		(44)
Budget: 1049

31 Line Battalions		(31x12=372)
3 Riflemen			(3x17=51)
1 Light Dragoons  		(1x10=10)
23 Foot Batteries		(23x10=230)
1 Horse Battery			(1x11=11)
2 Foot Guards			(2x26=52)
5 KGL Battalions  		(5x12=60)
12 Line Battalions		(12x10=120)
5 Cacadores			(5x14=70)
Generals: Picton, Spencer,
Leith, Craufurd, Campbell,
Champalimaud, Spry, von Löwe,
Blantyre, Stopford, Barnes	(52)
Budget: 1038

Hill-Free | Hill-Woods-Hill-Free-Free-Buildings | Free-Woods

Free-Hill | Buildings-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free | Free-Free


QUATRE BRAS, 16.06.1815

12 Line Battalions		(12x13=156)
4 Light Battalions		(4x14=56)
2 Mounted Chasseurs		(2x19=38)
2 Lancers			(2x25=50)
1 Mounted Chasseurs Guard	(26)
1 Lancers Guard			(29)
2 Cuirassiers			(2x21=42)
3 Foot Batteries	         	(3x15=45)
1 Horse Battery			(11)
1 Guard Horse Battery		(14)
Generals: Ney, Bachelu, Foy, 	(28)
Pire, Lefebvre-Desnouette,
Budget: 495

1 Light Battalion		(9)
1 Line Battalion	          	(8)
3 Militia			(3x4=12)
1 Light Dragoons  		(9)
1 Hussars			(9)
20 Line Battalions		(20x12=240)
1 Riflemen			(17)
11 Foot Battery			(11x10=110)
1 Horse Battery			(11)
2 Light Battalions		(2x4=8)
2 Line Battalions		(2x3=6)
1 Hussars			(10)
Generals: Wellington, Bylant,
Picton, van Merlen, Brunswick,
Vincke				(34)
Budget: 483



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