Card and Board game for 2-4+ players.
Representation of Economic competition between Modern Nations.
Destabilize your opponent’s economies while protecting your own.
The Game ends when any player has either zero or 20+ Inflation Tokens.
Zero represents a Great Depression.
20+ represents Severe Hyperinflation.
The game also ends when you go completely through the deck once.
When the game ends, the player closest to having exactly 10 Tokens is the winner.
Players share a common set of Inflation Tokens.
Each player starts with 10 Tokens.
The rest are kept aside in the Bank.
Each player at the beginning of the game picks 1 nation as their identity:
Nation: Advantage:
# USA: Global Powerhouse: When rolling the dice at the beginning of your turn, you may
Reroll one of your dice rolls.
# China: Command Economy: When they land on a Policy card they may play it twice.
# Russia: Mafia State: When they land on an opponent’s Pawn they may take or give 2
Tokens instead of just 1.
# Eurozone: Austerity Experts: When they land on an Event card, they may discard 1 Token.
# Japan: Innovative Industrialists: When they land on an Action card they may gain 1 Token.
# India: Rising Star: If they land on a Policy card, they may after applying it, go again.
Each player has a pawn of a unique color to indicate their location on the Board.
The Board is a circular track divided up into 12 spaces.
Each space must be big enough to hold 1 card and several pawns.
Two six sided dice are needed to play.
Players share a common deck.
The deck is divided up into Event, Policy, and Action cards.
Event Cards (almost) affect a random player.
Policy Cards target yourself.
Action Cards target other players.
Cards almost always cause some player to lose or gain Inflation Tokens.
Players pick their Nations and Pawns.
Each player starts with 10 Inflation Tokens.
Shuffle the deck.
Place all the Pawns together in 1 Space.
Place a random card face up in each of the other 11 spaces.
Players roll high on the die to see who goes first.
Players take turns.
Play proceeds clockwise.
On your turn roll the die twice.
Market Forces: With one die result gain that many Tokens -3. If the
Sum is negative, lose that many Tokens.
With the other die result, move your pawn that many spaces in either
direction along the track.
World Event: If you land on an Event, it affects a random player.
(Roll 1D6 and count off starting with the player to your left)
Policy Decision: If you land on a Policy, it affects you.
Aggressive Action: If you land on an Action, it affects an opponent of your choice.
Financial Warfare: If you land on an opponent’s pawn you may either give
Them 1 of your Tokens, or take 1 Token from them.
If a card has no possible target, nothing happens.
Discard any Card you landed on.
Place a new random card from the deck onto any empty space.
Check for end game conditions.
E = Event
P = Policy
A = Action
AL = Action Play only on Target with 9 or less Tokens
AH = Action Play only on Target with 11 or more Tokens
PA = Use as Policy or Action
PE = Use as Policy or Event
X = Special
IT = Inflation Token
Card Name: Type: IT Adjustment:
Capital Controls P +/-1
Quantitative Easing P +1
Currency Devaluation P +1
Falling Exchange Rate PA +1
Make Exports more Competitive P -1
Make Exports more Expensive P +1
Debt Crisis E -2
Business Slump E -1
Private Sector Savings P -1
Paradox of Thrift AL -1
Overseas Tax Havens E -1
Increase Taxes P -1
Spending Cuts P -1
Increase Budget Deficit P +1
Decrease Budget Deficit P -1
Austerity Measures P -1
Currency War X Give 1 Token to target Opponent
Default on Loans P -1
Increase Money Supply P -1
Increase Production P -1
Aggregate Demand E +1
Rising Prices E +1
Rapid Wage Increases E +1
Raw Material Shortages E +1
Increasing Energy Demand E +1
Higher Production Costs E +1
Cost Push Inflation E +1
Demand Pull Inflation E +1
Stock Market Crash E -3
Put Brakes on the Economy P -1
Stimulate the Economy P +1
Economic Heat E +1
Bull Market E +1
Bear Market E -1
Tax Reform P +/-1
Recession AL -2
Depression AL -3
Runaway Inflation AH +2
Market Panic AL -1
Consumer Spending E +1
Disappearing Middle Class E +1
Lost Purchasing Power E +1
Hyperinflation AH +3
War E +2
Bank Lending PE +1
Pay off Loans P -1
Financial Meltdown E -3
Loss of Jobs E -1
Less Investment E -1
Decreased Availability of Credit E -1
Borrow Money P +1
Sell Securities P +1
Central Bank P +/-1
Interest Rates High PE -1
Interest Rates Low PE +1
Deflationary Spiral AL -2
Trade War S Take 1 Token from target Opponent
Currency in Freefall AH +3
Ruined Infrastructure E +2
Production Standstill E +2
Sustained Price Declines E -1
Economic Crisis E -2
Shore Up Balance Sheets P +1
Fractional Reserve Banking P -1
Regain Profitability P +1
Economic Uncertainty E -1
Money Hoarding P -1
Economy Grinds to a Halt AL -3
Financial Institution Fails E -2
Open Market Operations A +/-1
Bad Loans E -1
Toxic Assets E -1
Burst Housing Bubble E -3
Exponential Rise in Prices E +3
Unstable Currency E +1
Economic Stagnation E -1
High Rate of Growth PE -1
Excess Production Capacity PE -1
Severe Economic Contraction E -2
Cyberwarfare A -1
Stockpiling Gold P +1
Foreign Currency Reserves P +1
Global Panic S All Players lose 1 Token
Banks Pull out Money PA -1
IMF Loans P +1
Currency Depreciation E +1
Sanctions A -1
Financial Shock E -1
Hacking and Sabotage A -1
Political and Social Upheaval E -1
Disruption and Retaliation S You and 1 Opponent lose 1 Token
Counterintelligence and Deterrence P +1
Malicious Covert Hedge Fund A -1
Psyop Fake News A -1
Buy Foreign Companies S Take 1 Token from Target Opponent
Deny Access to Networks A +1
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