Card game simulating 3000 years of rule by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
# Name Point Value
7 Hieroglyph 0
7 Slaves 1
7 The Nile 2
7 Temples 3
7 Chariots 4
7 Pharaohs 5
7 Pyramid 6
7 The Gods 7
7 Ankhs Wild
# = number of cards in the deck of that type.
Players take turns
Draw Phase
Control Phase
Dynasty Phase
End Phase
All players draw enough cards to fill their hands to 7 cards.
Simultaneously, each player reveals one meld, if they have one.
A meld is 2 or more cards of the same type.
Ankh cards are wild.
Only one meld is revealed (of the players choice), even if the player has more melds.
A player may decide not to reveal a meld, even if they have one or more melds.
The meld with the most cards wins control of Egypt.
If two or more melds have the same number of cards, then the cards with
the highest point value wins. If point values are tied, then no one wins.
If no one reveals a meld or no one wins then the last player to control
Egypt wins. If the game is just beginning and no one has controlled
Egypt yet, then the turn ends.
First example: John plays 2 Hieroglyph cards (value = 0) and Randy
plays 2 God cards (value = 7). Randy wins.
Second example: John plays 3 Hieroglyph cards and Randy plays 2
God cards. John wins.
The controller of Egypt draws one random card from any players hand.
The current controller of Egypt may play one or more melds this phase.
Each meld played earns that player tribute points equal to the point value of all cards played.
For example: The controller plays 4 chariot cards (value 4) and 3 pharaoh cards (value 5).
He gets 16 (4 X 4) tribute points for the chariots and 15 (3 X 5) points for the pharaohs.
There are 2 special melds that can be played in Dynasty phase:
Pyramid Builders combo: 1 card each: Pharaoh, Slaves, Pyramid (12 points)
Priests combo: 1 card each: Temple, Hieroglyph, God (10 points)
All melds played this turn go to the discard.
Players may discard up to 3 cards.
Players must discard down to 5 cards.
The game ends after 10 turns. Each turn represents 300 years.
If the deck runs out before the 10th turn, shuffle the cards and keep playing.
The player with the most accumulated tribute points at the end of the game is the winner.
There are 63 cards in the deck. Seven of each of nine types.
All cards have the same backs.
Each card must have on its front, its name and numerical value.
Each card can have unique illustrations and writings.
For example: Research hieroglyphs and use a different one for each hieroglyph card.
Some gods from Egyptian mythology:
Ra the sun god
Anubis, guardian of the dead
Bast the cat goddess
Horus the avenger
Isis the goddess of fertility
Osiris the god of nature
Thoth the god of knowledge
Ptah the creator of the universe
Set the god of evil
Some Pharaohs from the history book:
King Menes (United upper and lower Egypt)
Zoser (King of the third Egyptian dynasty)
Cheops (King of the fourth Egyptian dynasty)
Amosis (Liberated Egypt from the Hyksos)
Amenhotep, Thutmose (& Hatshepsut), Ikhnaton
Tutankhamen, Seti, Ramses, Ptolemy, Cleopatra
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