Vietnam War theme.
Card game for 2 players.
One player is a defending US Firebase.
The other player is the attacking VC/NVA.

There are 2 decks, one for each player.
Each deck contains 3 copies of each card in the card list.

Any player who wins 3 hands in a row automatically wins.
The player who wins the most hands out of 9 hands wins.

Each turn has 3 phases:
Draw Phase
Tactics Phase
Resolution Phase

Each player draws 7 cards.
If there are no cards left in the deck, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

Players may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.

Players reveal their hands.
Each player determines their Combat Force Total (CFT) for their hand.
The US player has 4 suites:
(F)ortifications, (D)efenders, (A)irpower, and (S)upply.
Add up the Force Values of all (F)ortification cards and add 1. 
This is the (F)ortification Total (FT).
Add up the Force Values of all (D)efender cards and add 1. 
This is the (D)efender Total (DT).
Add up the Force Values of all (A)irpower cards and add 1. 
This is the (A)irpower Total (AT).
Add up the Force Values of all (S)upply cards and add 1. 
This is the (S)upply Total (ST).
The US CFT = FT x DT x AT x ST.
The VC player has 4 suites:
(I)nfantry, (S)upport, (T)actics, and (M)orale. 
Add up the Force Values of all (I)nfantry cards and add 1. 
This is the (I)nfantry Total (IT).
Add up the Force Values of all (S)upport cards and add 1. 
This is the (S)upport Total (ST).
Add up the Force Values of all (T)actics cards and add 1. 
This is the (T)actics Total (TT).
Add up the Force Values of all (M)orale cards and add 1. 
This is the (M)orale Total (MT).
The VC CFT = IT x ST x TT x MT.
The Player with the highest CFT wins the hand.

Card Name		Type	Force
Sandbags		F	1	
Wired Perimeter		F	2	
Claymore Mines		F	3	
Dug-In			F	4	
Bunkers			F	5
Rifle Company		D	1
Mortars 		D	2
M60 Machineguns		D	3
Bravo Battery		D	4
Beehive Rounds		D	5
Skyhawk Ground Support	A	1
Huey Cobra Gunships	A	2
B52 Cluster Bombs	A	3
Phantom Napalm Strike	A	4
AC-47 Gunship		A	5
Resupply		S	1

Card Name			Type	Force
Diversionary Attack		I	1
Swarm Attack			I	2
Massed VC Attack		I	3
NVA Mainforce Unit		I	4
Revolutionary Army 		I	5
50 Calibre Machineguns		S	1
Rocket Propelled Grenades	S	2
Mortar Fire			S	3
Recoilless Guns			S	4
Soviet 130mm Field Guns		S	5
Perimeter Gaps			T	1
Concealment			T	2
Tunnel Complexes		T	3
Night Attack			T	4
Detailed Plan			T	5
Test US Willpower		M	1

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